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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I really hope that my husband and I are able to visit Germany and other European countries. I have a feeling that there is so much we'll want to see, that we might need to make it a 2 or 3 month trip.
  2. Today's art museum tours brought to you by the letter "V" at the Viktoria Luise Museum of Art in Kudrow (and not quite dressed for 1901 as the about land describes the town...)
  3. Beautiful collection of medieval to baroque period Nativity paintings and manuscripts - at The Vordun Museum and Gallery.
  4. Shopping for Christmas rugs. Luckily the shop delivers them automatically, so I don't have to rent a truck to get them home...
  5. Setting out some eggnog and candy canes for neighbors and friends.
  6. I switch back and forth between Maitreya Lara and Slink Physique. I have some existing clothes that fit one better than the other.
  7. Try http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tableau/128/128/23
  8. I think that changing the tier rates in the way you suggested would penalize a lot more residents than just the real estate brokers. I've had parcels on different continents sometimes, just because I liked having a variety in terrain or locations (and enjoy setting up homes) and if I'm paying tier for a certain amount of sq. meters, than I like to get as close as I can to that number, rather than having a lot of unused but paid for sq. meters. Even when I've purchased multiple parcels in the same sim for my own use, they haven't always been contiguous to each other. I'm not sure that this would stop the land-flippers, anyway, if the glut of lands already for sale hasn't deterred them. I also wouldn't necessarily say that the real estate brokers have any advantage, when the existing mainland tier structure applies to all who own mainland parcels. I don't get out to Zindra very often, but I will try to make a point to go out and visit your cafe - it sounds interesting. When I do go out exploring, I usually do walk around and stop at shops/businesses that I pass.
  9. One can cover their body with an alpha and look invisible, though I think they would still show up as a green dot on the mini-map, and their nametag should still be visible (unless you've turned off displaying nametags in preferences). If they were alpha'd out, perhaps they can be seen by turning on 'highlight transparent' though I've never tried this so I'm not sure. If these are different people than the ones you de-rendered previously, and they are also laughing at you and pushing you, what is it about this location that draws you there (or keeps you there)? There are many, many more places to visit in SL which do not have these types of behavior happening.
  10. It could be interesting for the neighbors if the animations placed you outside the wall of your house.
  11. I think the advert may be false misleading, though the advert itself does lend itself to some type of tube look, so I can see where you got that idea. When I have a chance to switch over to my classic body, I am going to try it out to see what it turns out to be, because like I said, I was curious...
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