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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I prefer mainland. I have rented from estates before - as recently as this past summer - and I've always ended up back on mainland. I did sell off about half of my parcels last month, lowering my tier by over half, and still had 1 parcel up for sale, but I just cancelled the sale on that one this morning. I'd been renting a smaller parcel on mainland while I had mine up for sale, but I missed not being adjacent to a road, so I'm moving back to the parcel I just cancelled the sale on . I don't mind the terraforming restrictions because I've found that I'm really bad at terraforming, so I try to keep what I do to a minimum of what's necessary for putting out a house and simple landscaping. So far (knock on wood) I've been fairly lucky with what's been built around me, and I generally do not have a huge draw distance anyway, and have been lucky with being in areas where I do not have lag issues, and have felt that there is good performance. For some reason, I feel isolated on estates - and the estates that have just water channels between parcels, or roads, didn't appeal me, either. I like the feeling I get, especially along a road, of being a part of a larger community. For the most part, in many areas of mainland that I've visited, I've enjoyed the variety of builds and landscaping that I've seen, and have found the majority of them to be pleasant to look at. When I am out exploring, I do stop in at stores I find along the way, so I do appreciate that some people still have their stores on mainland.
  2. I didn't know about this group before. There are a lot of beautiful pictures in it. I like taking pictures of the places I go to, and am trying to improve my photo-taking abilities (and if I don't have to worry about trying to get the avatar in the photo as well, that's a plus for me) so I've just joined the group. Thanks for posting about it here.
  3. Depending on the rental system being used, if you can find the message from it it the chat logs, that message may indicate a web page where you can go to verify/see the transaction, which may also show the rental transaction history. Again, this does depend on the particular rental box system the landlord is using, so may not be applicable to the system your landlord is using.
  4. Oh, my gosh - that was so long ago I don't remember for sure. Luggables is a good description though
  5. In my opinion, that is a pretty flippant response, and one that makes me wonder if you've read and comprehended the responses posted here about the best ways to set up groups to protect yourself as the founder of the group - and that's fine, if that is how you want to be. However, the next time you create a group, you might want to, just possibly, quietly come back here and re-read some of the suggestions given and apply them to your new group.
  6. I hadn't realized how chunky it looked, until you mentioned it. I do have an upgraded, thinner one at my desk in the other room ------------------ I remember the first computer I used at work, way back when. It was called a "portable" because it came in two parts you could attach together and carry someplace, but it was the size of a small suitcase (and probably heavier than a packed suitcase would be).
  7. I hadn't realized how chunky it looked, until you mentioned it. I do have an upgraded, thinner one at my desk in the other room ------------------ I remember the first computer I used at work, way back when. It was called a "portable" because it came in two parts you could attach together and carry someplace, but it was the size of a small suitcase (and probably heavier than a packed suitcase would be).
  8. You can contact "Live Chat" (through the support portal). They should be available from 5 a.m. - 3 p.m. PST every day. https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
  9. Is this a full mainland sim? or is this a private island? If it's mainland, that should have the 'abandon land' button (and I would contact support or Live Chat if it's not showing). If it's a private island, you might want to see if you can sell it - there is a forum section for listing private islands for sell. If It's a private island and you don't want to sell it (or don't have time to sell before tier is due) according to the Knowledge Base article about Private Regions, it looks like you would file a support case of type "Land & Region -> Region Cancellation Request"
  10. LittleMe, glad you daughter made the flight out. Hippie, glad you are safe at your son's. Knowing people here on the forums that are in that area has made me feel more personal about this storm, having the people behind your avatars to worry about. (I think Talligurl is in Florida also?) I've been watching the news about Irma and it's progress much closer than I normally would. Sending thoughts and prayers to all who were impacted by Harvey, and have been, or may be, impacted by Irma. Stay as safe as you can, everyone!
  11. I don't think I would choose to call spider eyes "lovely"... but it is a striking photo.
  12. /me shivers. It's the eyes... then I saw the headpiece and it looks like more eyes... or are they stones, and then are the eyes stones too... I agree, it's creepy all the way around.
  13. It doesn't freak me out, but if it looks like they're getting close to the area where I am, I will generally check out their profile, and then decide if I want to stay around or not.
  14. Having some morning coffee, while I think over the possibilities for the rest of the day.
  15. Regarding GoT, I wish I could say I hadn't seen any episodes, but I did see most of 1 episode way back near the beginning when one of my daughters was over at our house. Then she lent me the books, and I thought maybe reading them would be easier, until I started reading them. Turned out to not be a style of writing I enjoyed - I managed to read/skim through the first book, and part of the second, before I abandoned the whole thing...
  16. There is Wanted under the Commerce section of the forum, which is like a classified section for things that people want or want to hire someone to do. It's probably not obvious to look under Commerce for this, so that's probably why you didn't see it.
  17. Haven't given up on bicycles yet! Missed all the street lights, put did hit a fence and a gate, so I decided it'd be safer to just pose next to it, and say that I could ride it
  18. I was disappointed to read about you losing your store. I look forward to seeing you new one once it's open
  19. I wouldn't consider this forum 'cliquey' - there are people who post more often than others, but they don't discourage others from posting, as I have seen in other forums online. There are people who were new, but jumped in and started posting in the popular threads and now are among the people who post often. Sometimes initial posts are a bit rocky, but I think that has to do with not being familiar with the history of, or the ongoing controversies among members of, a particular topic. After time, and reading a lot of posts, I've learned to look at some comments differently, because I've learned over time that a particular person comes off as gruff but means well and is very helpful, for example, or I recognize that the focus of a post has shifted from the OP's original issue to more of an issue between several individuals commenting on the post (and that they aren't addressing the OP at that point). I also tend to try to interpret things in the best perspective, unless I've seen a history of particular posts by someone that leads me to believe otherwise about that person.
  20. While looking for a hunt prize, I came across a giant camera... I didn't have anyone with me to stand up on top and press the button to take a picture, so I couldn't get a picture to show I was a real girl. Oh well.
  21. quiet time at home reading poetry (while the typist sorts through some RP NC's)
  22. I spent the evening wandering around through the Renaissance Hunt and Faire. Had a tarot card reading done over in the gypsy encampment area (not sure why the only sit option was for a meditation pose, but perhaps it helps with the right mindset for the reading). Wandered off the normal path into a strange garden:
  23. What I have understood as best practices when creating a group (after reading many tales of woe here about groups, and seeing the advice given by long-time members) is that when you create a group, assign your alt (or create and alt and than assign the alt) to the group as an owner. This allows your alt to add you back as an owner if you accidently leave the group. My understanding is that a member with abilities to add new members cannot assign the new member to a role with more abilities than the role the person doing the adding has. So only someone in an owner role can add someone else as an owner, and if the only other owner is your alt, then no one else can take ownership from you. As Alwin noted above, you have to consciously take action to leave a group owner role. For everyone else, including business or domestic partners, add them as an officer role and assign the officer role all abilities. You could even create a new role called "co-owner" or "partner" that has all abilities available in the group. The only thing they won't be able to do is add someone else to the owner role, and that is for your protection as owner, and I cannot see any reason why they would need that ability. If you leave a group as the owner, due to selling the group associated with a business that you are selling to someone else, that is a business decision you are making, it should not be done lightly, and once done should be considered final (as it currently is). In this type of business transaction, it is correct that you shouldn't be able to take the group back.
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