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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. Your old system head is still visible, it "bleeds" trough the mesh head. Look in library for something callled "invisible avatar" it is a full body alpha that will hide all your old self. if you vcannot copy stuff from library to inventory here'S a trick taht always worked for me: wear the library avatar folder..., that will copy all tof the vatar to your inventory and you can grab the "invisble avtar" form there... Or look in catwa folder for a head alpha and add that to your outfit (add not wear, as wear would replace the body alpha your meshbody needs - with add you can wear both alphas at the same time)
  2. I think it was stated before but here once again as it cannot be said often enough: Most lands in SL are held by private persons with no obligation to offer you access whatsoever. You can get banned for the most stupid reasons. I myself am banned in two places because I a) did not wear a weapon and b) I was afk answering an RL phone call during shopping... Silly? For sure. Can I do something about it? Nope! Do I care? Of course I do, stupid landowner tyrants are the best annectdote material ever =^.^=
  3. While I personally benefit form the L$ I earn in those games I really would not mind LL forbidding traffic aggregating games on mainland alltogether. Imagine riding down one of the mainland routes on your fabourite vehicle only to crash against an invisible wall because someone thinks it is time to attract a bunch of people with a fishing event there...
  4. yeah totally useless thingie, ask the angels and demons of SL how they feel about their wings pulled down to the ground with horsie stepping on them every move they make... I want an appendix-friendly animesh bentohorse vehicle.
  5. most likely you would want this post move to the "wanted" section of the commerce board
  6. only read the face part, must have accidentally skipped the fingers oh my I get old But even then: you might get a hands free one and seperate bento gloves
  7. errr.... Orwar, ever heared about that strange feature called fingers? Those humies have them I was told
  8. Unfortuantelly this is true, I am 1.99 according to my apearance tab, and I am a dwarf compared to most
  9. OK, must be something else then. I'd file a support ticket, they either can fix it or tell you how they arrive at 20K.
  10. Sure you have? Sou sell limited quantity items... maybe those 20 copies of one item do not count as 1 item, but as 20 PS: Not sure about that, but an educated guess
  11. Which in colloquial English can be intensifying or negating each other... very diabolical language, the devil is in the details, I tell you (to stay on topic)
  12. Justin Bieber got successful when I dumped broccoli on his breakfast
  13. Justin Bieber moaned loudly when I dumped compost on his grave
  14. because we all know the true reason for your overheating is the lion hair clogging up the fans =^.^=
  15. I would never dare using such ancient technology with windows but apparently it worked.
  16. Fantasy Faire will be coming soon, as will Scifi fair soon after. You might want to wait for those two events (yes despite the name FF has SciFi stuff too)
  17. turning off particles is a great way to "ignore" many sim crashers
  18. LOD is Level of Detail. SL has 4 of those if you go away from a mesh object it will get replaced with a lower LOD model. Some creators do good low LOD models and some don't. As including the low LOD model adds to LI calculation some designers often do a single triangle (minimum that is allowed) for some faces of the mesh at far distances (some even going so far as to tringleing out both LOD 4 and LOD 3 .... which might be OK if the object is only for indoor use). Now comes in LOD-factor, that is the multiplier your viewer puts on the original LOD distance cuts. Some builders advice you to increase your LOD-factor to astronomical heights to keep your objects stable, but many users won't do so and willl end up seeing triangles. If you do a LOD/LOD-factor search on the forums you shoudld see a lot of heated discussions about governance , the benefits of good LOD modelling and so on.
  19. Somtimes people ask me "(Why) are you a neko?" ... I am not. I came to the conclusion that most so called nekos in SL have a submissive doglike personality (most likeley the pointy ears are from some terrier ancestors) ... I prefer to be considered independent as a cat though. I want nothing to do with those uncatty "neko" cats. If I wanted to run around leashed to a collar I would have gotten myself doggy ears instead, wouldn't I?
  20. a simple "lock/unlock wallet" button would be just enough =^.^=
  21. Actually that might have been a fishing event, did you zoom up?
  22. Or even link it into the car, you can get a lot of cheap nonfunctional car models in pose sets, ...
  23. I doubt it is intentional, I really consider going premium and buiyng one or two horizons parcels.... but I cannot find those rules =^.^= So if they exist, how should someone who does not even know about them ever learn them when I who actively seek them already cannot find them?
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