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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. One I got recently was "Why still using system avi?" Mine is fine thank you.
  2. Just had an evil thought --- plop an Embassy down somewhere and put a bot there, have it named like "AskMeAnything Linden" and when it responds, it shoots back the link to the help desk!
  3. Had one a while back at my older club and listened to a few songs from a performer I had booked. Since it was a slow night no one bothered him and PMed me "I"m catching a few songs while I wait for a co-worker to bring back lunch and not mess it up this time." I giggled on that.
  4. Why am I'm thinking of the Pillow Talk song?
  5. And when a Linden goes to a club or something, sometimes they bombarded in PMs about "can you help me, my blah blah" left and right. The Linden guy that told me about SL mentioned the same thing too. One night there was on in my club listening to a live performer and he PMed me that he wanted to stay, but was getting PMed like mad. I finally went to open chat and said let the dude enjoy the show and lodge any issues via the help desk on the SL website. When he left he said he only got one PM after my announcement. I think the weekly meetings work better.....
  6. There are some tribute bands that do that in world and those are entertaining. As for the "DJ" being posted as live music --- they should create a separate category for those. And also there are some "live performers" that use a recording for their shows. Been to one that used his phone and when it's battery ran out, end of show. The guy pretty much left SL.
  7. Considering I drive a city bus part time and I try not to go under 50 (80 km/h).
  8. I use to log in daily --- but now only now and then when I need to. I have a live music club in world, but in the process of having someone take it over and buy the land it's on. They will be hosting the gigs in the mean time. I become more of an addict to this mboard though.
  9. Nope. Reminds on how you saw Taree ( the town in New South Wales down under).
  10. Mine is my daughters middle name so I thought it be a good and picked the Zehetbauer name at the suggestion of my man --- he thought the name was cool!
  11. Might be less if you're in California with their power safety shut-off things during hot or windy days.
  12. Hashtags not needed here --- this is not FB. As for the names, LL should've never PKed the last name thing.
  13. I still use CDs and local external drives too. I trust the cloud as far I can throw the 40 footer city bus I drive. Sometimes I have people ask "why all that when your phone does it all" except I'm one of 11 people minus a smart phone. I'm also an amateur radio operator and recently we provided communications when the local cell phone networks went down due to some kind of glitch. The ham radio will always work.
  14. I avoid Gachas like the plague. Don't they fall under the gambling rule like slots or loot boxes in MMOs? If I want the outfit --- I want the whole thing here and now!
  15. I normally log my avi off when done for the night. Sometimes if I'm away for a short time like going down the street to A&W to get a root beer I'll TP her to a skybox. I do remember long ago when I had my first SL club and the Linden (Who used to come to our RL night club and told me about SL) visited to check it out and left his office forgetting to log off his avi. Later that night I was at the night club and was showing one of my workers SL and noticed the Linden left his avi logged in still parked at my SL club. A few minutes later he came to the night club and I flagged him over to the booth and showed him. He went "aw snap" and used another comp that was in the booth, which also had SL on it, to knock his avi offline. He told me few days later his avi had boatloads of PMs about this and that and replied back to them to use the website's helpdesk to have their stuff looked at.
  16. I would get sick of hearing the same stuff over and over too. When my man plays in world at a club, he usually does it from our RL bar and the music library has about a million tunes, so he'll dig out some lost gems. Long ago went to a club that had in their notice they were playing classic disco and having a theme. Got there and they play 2 disco songs per hour and rest all house music, etc. Bailed quickly. As for the constant begging nonstop --- it is annoying. I own a live music club (although a friend is taking it over for me) and play host ourselves. Maybe once during the hour for the live performer might mentioned to "support live music" and that's it. I also find it annoying if a performers/DJ's tipjar spews that chat every so often.
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