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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Speaking of calling it a "game." I mentioned this in other posts, but over 12 years ago when we had our night club south of San Francisco we had a regular who worked for LL and I clearly remember him telling me "You should check out this "game" I'm working for. It's available and free and you can make a toon, no leveling is required and can customize it to your hearts desire." Wonder if I should've reported him for calling it a game!
  2. One thing is when you TP your hair and shoes are no longer placed in the avi's bum for easy transport and convenience! Also have more group room, currently 42 for non premies and more choices to dress up your avi.
  3. Seems they made it more simple for signing up then sitting there for 45 years deciding what avi you want --- only to change it once you get in world.
  4. DJing in a club and the club owner isn't listening and others AFK. My man tested that out one night when he dropped the stream to swap computers and no one commented. Although the club in question doesn't get many visitors accept for one dudes family that drops in, probably from the same house or 2.
  5. Now I have the urge to have our DJ at my bar play Chuck Berry's My Ding-a-Ling tonight!
  6. <--- Wonders how long before a mod moves this thread to the "adult" area for discussing "members."
  7. One pet peeve my Linden friend (the one that told me about SL back in 1943) told me was is going to a club to enjoy music and getting bombarded with PMs asking him to fix that or do this. He ended up bailing after a few moments. I still remember more recently one coming to my club to check out a performer and PMed me saying he'd like to enjoy the show but some were doing the same thing --- PMing for support. I ended up typing in local chat to please let the Linden staff person enjoy the music and lodge any issues with SL at the help desk on the website, and I posted the link too. He stayed a bit longer and was able to enjoy part of the show before going back to work and only had one more PM come after my comment in local chat.
  8. I remember in the early days when SL would conveniently install your shoes and hair in the avi's rear --- for your convenience!
  9. That reminds me to call the exterminator! Just saw a centipede near the shower as well as a wasp that flew in, although he ended up eating a gnat.
  10. Only have 1 alt and it's used for posting notices to the event pages.
  11. I found that script at one of the shops that sell scrips. I tested on an ordinary prim and it imploded when rezzing on the floor. I'd avoid those shops too that use that method.
  12. It's bad when the host/hostess spams the chat over and over with gestures and sends constant group invites. I hate that. Another thing I hate when the DJs talk all over the songs. When I encounter that --- NEXT!
  13. The last name should've never been dropped in the first place.
  14. I had my own mboard at one time back in the mid 2000s --- but took it down due to all the drama and stuff. I was a lot more flexible there and more leeway then a corporate owned one. As for PC, it's gone too far. I own a bar in RL and we have DJs there (sometimes simulcasting into SL) and have a few "snowflakes" say the music is not appropriate or not PC. Many things are so different from when I grew up back in 1896.
  15. I agree with you, but as a mod on another forum (Amateur Radio) I've been accused of doing similar as that board also has an adult area. It's the top brass or the higher ups that dictate policies and mods are just following protocol. And the times I moved threads on that mboard was also due to reports --- some people are touchy and scared to see the "sex" word.
  16. I see that once in a while --- but always blamed it on SL! Someone in our amateur radio group plays a MMO that has pets and if they have 2 viewers up, sometimes their pet will be sitting in different directions between the screens.
  17. I had some guy ask a hostess in my club to "voice" but she said "sorry, voice not enabled here" and the dude got pissy.
  18. Never did FB and never will. As for the hidden thing, Singularity shows who's hiding from you and I simple nuke 'em off my list.
  19. I remember some old BBSs (Remember those?) verifying new sign-ups via voice. That was done due to harassment by new members.
  20. Another peeve --- Finding out when working for a club that the owner would prefer to her favorite DJ in your spot. My man got a PM from a club owner recently about that and although he let it roll off, I told him he should confront her and if she cans him, take it as no loss as there are other places in world he could play at.
  21. On this one sim the owner likes to use ugly rock walls to divide the parcels. Many of us has de-rendered those things. Before I moved my club off that island, the owner actually plopped a wall between my club and a neighbor's parcel. I ended up returning the ugly thing to her and said me and the neighbor traveled back and forth a lot between the parcels.
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