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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Gotta love vendors. I deal with them all the time in my RL business.
  2. Doing Good, Eating In Fentons! S H A K E Fenton's is an ice cream shop in Oakland we used to go to when we lived in California. It's been open forever and was featured in a movie --- UP!
  3. Glad they didn't make those for RL! 🤣 But never know with them making all those "smart" devices.
  4. I hated those things. I used to PM those in the early days when I had my first club to silence them since it was annoying seeing their spew in the chat.
  5. LINDO boards. Wish those go away. Some live performers won't play at clubs with those since the HUDs that pairs with those things lag out the land.
  6. Hungry Oversized Vampires Eat Lindens! T R U C K
  7. Same here! Where we used to live had a clock up high on wall that was wrong half the year!
  8. Could be like Arizona or Saskatchewan where they don't have to worry about time changes.....
  9. And some in world get mad if you call them by the system name. I did that when the display name was a bunch of characters I couldn't make out, especially with my ancient eyeballs!
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