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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I remember my man playing at a club one night had a request for some jazz. He put in a set and the person who requested it TPed in a few others. Had a nice turn out. Sad thing the club's owner said no more the following week and stick with the rock. A few months later the club closed down.
  2. Like the one my man plays at. It's been in world for over 12 years.
  3. I changed locations and got my shoes and hair in a "special" place!
  4. My man, who's a DJ in world, did play hip hop songs in a club for a few weeks and had a good turnout, but the club imploded and that was it. He just play the hip hop songs and didn't do live turntablism or anything like that.
  5. Gawd I hate that! My man DJs in world and was canned from one club for not talking over the music saying that stuff and telling the people to tip the club every 45 seconds. That place even got on my man's rear for letting the song titles display. He told them due to the PRO license he could not turn those of and would not turn those off. On another not, he does have a regular shift at another club (which been around for over a dozen years) and the owners there prefer listening to the tunes and having a good time and limiting the chatter to every few songs to back-announce the song names. All the DJs at that club are long time ones and all have deep music libraries.
  6. XCite --- The Movie? 🤣 I think of SL being more like a drama movie with some musical tossed in for good measure!
  7. Please Understand Facebook Fizzled Yesterday! 🤣 F U R B Y
  8. I hate short timed orbs too. Some I have seen ranged from Now to 60 seconds. Although I inherited an orb from someone who left SL, I just use it for a visitor counter for the club I run with a friend since it had that feature. I do remember a SL live music performer landing in someone's bedroom where a club used to be. I was told it was one he played at every 2 weeks and between that time the club closed up and someone put their house there!
  9. Don't blame you. We own a RL tavern and many ask where's the bar's FB page --- there is none! As for a phone, we have an old school flip phone that sits in glove box in case help is needed. Just have to remember to charge the thing up! We may set up a MeWe.com page for it though. They're a smaller social net, but have a lot better privacy policy then the big marketing machine called FB!
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