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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I still remember when I returned after a break for a few years and noticed the many changes like the mesh thing and all....
  2. It would be nice to log into SL Classic with hair and shoes rezzed to your bum, for your convenience!
  3. Let's keep Zuck's hands off of SL. If he had his way everything you do on the web would go through him.
  4. That network should be Unfair & Unbalance.
  5. I might have a extra large cast iron frying pan that Grumpity can use to speed up the last name thing!
  6. Here's an idea, maybe allow to add up to 3 or 5 years during the "June Special" to push keeping the old rate longer. That would also give LL some extra revenue infusion from those taking advantage of it.
  7. They do listen! Thanks to Grumpity and staff for listening to the customers. Still plan to go in and clean up old avatars that hadn't logged in since 1845 from a couple of groups.
  8. Thanks for clearing that up! Ahh --- the REAL reason for the hikes! LL needs to purchase boatloads of rollators (4 wheel walkers) for their staff. Those things aren't cheap as I had to get one of those for an aunt. I can picture Grumpity rolling one of those into the office! :D
  9. Guess I missed that since this thread is running 2001 meters long.
  10. They stay up night. I remember when we had a RL night club south of San Francisco, there was a Linden staff who told me about SL (I blame him to this day for getting me into this mess) and was a regular at the club. He said "you should check the virtual world I'm working for on the back-end. and he left his office about midnight!
  11. But will they still get charge on their normal anniversary date they started the premium level? Maybe take KarmaKoin.
  12. I own a RL bar and we just had our fees go up to accept credit cards and we are looking on maybe dropping taking cards after we research how much our sales comes through that route. Probably why LL raised the rates while back to buy Lindens as the CC vendors have their hands out too for their share. Bet LL wish they had the FB budget. :) Maybe someone here will win the super big lotto and invest into the Labs.
  13. One thing I was curious, for those to take advantage to prepay for the additional year in June, will you still get dinged on your anniversary day. For example if I started premium in September, would customers still get hit with a renew automatically on that day or will some mechanism be in place to filter those accounts that pre-payed?
  14. Some localities are already getting on some games that has those nasty things. One of our nephews played a train game that heavily uses them and he quit a few months. Some of the loot boxes were offered as "High Risk" where you could lose your game currency on it. And many MMOs use them too, sometimes disguised as "Lucky Boxes" such as one game that allows the toons to have pets help fight things.
  15. I tried Sansar and it didn't float my boat. It looked nice and stuff. I think they were gearing towards the VR thing, but I think we're too early for that to get more popular.
  16. Maybe have a sub-premie level for those who want like 50 groups or so, but no mainland ownership privileges except maybe a Linden home for like $20 month. Regarding abandoned avis clogging up the groups you can clear avatars that hadn't logged in since 1894 and clean up the group. I did that recently. If they return they can always return.
  17. Thanks for posting stuff from FB for the 9 of us who won't touch FB with a 10 foot pole.
  18. And his comment about credit fees, it is going UP. At our RL bar the credit/debit machine vendor just upped the fees for swiping cards. The suggestion of a mid level tear might be an idea, more group spaces, but limited land ownership.
  19. I can see about some of the clubs. Some are ridiculous on the spam and constant invites. I hit the door running. There are some exceptions to a few clubs in world. My husband DJs at a club (Classic Rock & Blooooze) that just celebrated 12 years in SL and mostly it's the DJ and one or both of the owners on duty when the music is playing and none spam the chat for tips or joining the group. I actually run a live music club in world and I dislike the begging/spamming in the chat. If someone wants to tip they are free to do so. We don't spam the chat "Tip this club blah blah" 6900 times per hour and I also don't allow the performers or their managers to mass group invite either --- I have gotten on their rear about for one former performer I had.
  20. With the changes we're already losing a lot of members. I used to see clubs full all the time and MM prize boards getting smacked a lot. Now it's slowed way down. I've been on the fence if I wanted to continue as a premium. This might push me to close up my venue or rent a parcel on an estate again. I'm in the process of setting up in another virtual world and 2 of the performers I host are in the other place. I need to do some serious thinking.
  21. Same with MMOs too. "When are we getting that?" "Soon."
  22. Think some sitting around the console were Linden staff! 🤣
  23. Get some good sleep! Think the cleaning lady moved on to the next office building --- HQ for a major doughnut company!
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