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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Or what happened in my bar other day when some patrons was putting mustard on their hot dogs. We put out a full bottle and somehow when someone squeezed it to hard, it shot over to the DJ booth.
  2. Be in a rock or blues band. When I had my club my avi would play the axe on stage for one of the performers, who always invited those with instruments onto the stage.
  3. Lodged Ticket: Hello staff --- you might want to check the website/mboard's security cert and the world is going to end. Some Linden: Thank you for making us alert. Since the world is ending, contact the CEO for transferring the company to you so we all can run and run!
  4. My avi is still a system one, although I wear mesh outfits on her. Earthquakes! We need good strong earthquakes in world to wipe out stuff and bury avis! 🤣
  5. My man used to play a game that went to mobile. And they discontinued the computer version.
  6. I'm a mboard addict. Used to run one and sometimes help on the forum my man's a mod at.
  7. When someone comes to the mboard to ask for help and accuses the posters of trolling instead and blocks them.
  8. A mobile version might be fine for chat or maybe checking messages, but a computer is still the way to go and nowadays you can get a computer cheap.
  9. Since SL is based in California --- we all know that state has bad roads!
  10. What if people could jump 100 feet high? Could jump across rivers and such when going fishing or hunting. What if you could travel through time?
  11. And many cases a computer is cheaper then a phone. Although the last time I was in a big box store --- they only had 2 models for comps and expanded the phones into their former space. I'd love to see the cell networks have an issue and crash and burn and see most everyone have withdrawals.
  12. It means she's "Voice Verified" by the parcel! 🤣 At least it works. Sometimes the voice option on the land may not work even if it's enabled --- until the next restart.
  13. Bad patrons in our bar. And some that say it's not "instaramable." Dominos Pizza --- we call them the Cardboard Factory Pizza. Back then it tasted like that, although I heard they improved it. Mother Earth throwing a fit.
  14. Must be in California. When we used to live there we had a few "region restarts" aka Earthquakes.
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