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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Trying to set up a new TV and found out it requires a smart phone to set up. Back it went. Wanted a dumb TV but can't find those nowadays except for commercial units, which we ordered.
  2. That where we got our Genie Bottle tip jars from. I wasn't sure when I posted if posting the shop name was allowed.....
  3. And sometimes the performer will contact the club owner. I remember a while back when I had my club --- my daughter (who only stayed in SL a short time) was filling in for me hosting and had a performer ask her how could he get a gig in the "joint!" The performer has been in SL for a long long time and was looking for a gig to replace one he did at a club that closed up. The one time I had a manager type tell me about a "performer" it went bad. He was using an iPhone to help performer and when it crapped out, his show did too. When I saw him at another club I noticed the set was exactly the same, so he was using a recording.
  4. When I had my in world club --- one of the performers does poetry and hosts a reading on Saturdays.
  5. One I made is an one person jar. You're right, split script jars have some issues. I did try to make a split one, but got more errors then Carter has pills. Another jar we use that I had since forever that is a shape of a Genie Bottle and comes in single or split mode.
  6. I think there's another thread on how we found SL. I found out via a LL employee who used to come to our former night club. He said that he was working at this great new virtual world and to check it out. And the rest is history.
  7. Me and my man were also left out in school. I know it was mostly because we are an interracial couple. But we did get married on that day 40 years ago. Long time and I refrained from whacking him with a large cast iron skillet! Now though the marketers has way over done it with the V-day stuff. The party we're having at our bar will celebrate our 40 years instead and maybe a tiny v-day sign somewhere!
  8. Another one --- favoritism. One club my man DJs at has been seeing it a lot there and he's about to can them.
  9. It is I believe, since it mentioned those nutty Gatcha things. Gives me an idea though..... 🤣
  10. Same with my man. Since we play from a RL bar a lot of stuff that's rarely played in SL gets aired. We have DJs 5 nights a week in our bar and we have several servers that hold nearly a million songs. Normally our DJ shows on Wednesday gets played in world. Thursday night although we have a couple who dig deep for hidden gems that are never played. No Dancing Queen for the millionth time.
  11. When I see that "Linden Lovin" in the chat --- I keep expecting a Linden to pop in and hug everyone!
  12. "Thank you Sleepy Linden for the lovely tip of $L 1." I made a jar for my man, but it just says thanks.
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