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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Another pet peeve is some people being racist or poking fun of those of another race in world.
  2. Sing is still around, mostly in Alpha and Beta. I still like --- can't get used to FS although my man uses that one.
  3. As per Oz Linden --- all new avi's will still start as "Resident" and will have the option to become a premium member which after you can apply for the last name.
  4. Got a PM from the person I turned my old club over to and she can't edit the events she posted a month ago. The performers are out of town and she need to clear the listing. They're not showing up for her although she logged in and all that.
  5. See above --- I edited my post. Joys of getting old.
  6. Although the last day or so the Singularity site has been down.
  7. I don't care for subscription type things either. I was shocked when I went into a Best Buy while back and they were selling a printer with a subscription ink plan. I'll pass.
  8. If the sky was falling --- the Lindens would figure a charge for it.
  9. Be nice if LL had an official discord channel like some other MMOs.
  10. Some avi's probably have more brains then RL people! 🤣
  11. Got this error from the poll --- "Not authorised You are forbidden from accessing this page."
  12. In our area it's like $19 CDN. And it's only via purchase on a phone app, which leaves a few out.
  13. At our RL bar sometimes a vendor will pitch a new thing or maybe a new type of drink we could serve and never hear about it again. I remember inquiring one vendor and he said the proposed product was dropped. There's one vendor that does keep bugging us and we always tell them to leave is one to make the washrooms accessible by phone app only. Ridiculous idea for a business like a bar.
  14. Other day I was chatting with a performer in world and we were talking is how LL seems to be more nickle and dime for things. It is time they take Sansar and file 13 it.
  15. I would rather use a very large cast iron frying pan instead! 🤣
  16. Same here. Even had one shop owner PM me "Since you violated my no-fly zone rule --- you have been ARed." I about fell out of the seat laughing.
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