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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I took care of that on my monitors. Went to the local auto store and picked up some stuff to put wipers on them! Problem solved!
  2. I'm not deaf but I do use sign language mainly with family due to having great difficulties talking. Many times in my bar when my man DJs, someone will request a song and I'll sign it to him across the room. Handy when Led Zeppelin is cranked loud!
  3. The other day I told my guy we need to rez a storage building behind our bar and he rolled his eyes and said "This is not SL honey." 🤣
  4. I feel the same. After some BS and LL starting to nickle and dime more I gave up my club to someone else and letting my premie expire when the time runs out on it.
  5. Or in my case --- unable to talk except for a couple of words here and there due to a long time condition.
  6. Collector Collector. I posted it for Maryanne.
  7. What's next? The installation of our hair and shoes in the bum making a return --- for our convenience!?!
  8. My sister was a waitress for some time and she would tell us stories - especially of the no-tippers or constantly sending stuff back to the kitchen. We were in a restaurant in the next town recently and saw a customer harassing the server about how slow she was and stuff. She tried to explain the place was short on staff that day, but the customer still yelled. The manager finally 86ed the person and when we cashed out, gave an extra tip. The server was appreciative and we told her that she don't need to put up with that crap.
  9. I worked in a c-store long ago back in my college days --- but I later got a part time position driving a city bus I dumped the c-store, especially when a major cigarette company were paying the store's owner for us to wear buttons promoting their new brand of smokes. I refused and got wrote up. Some customers were nice, but we would get some idiots. Now we own a small bar but most of the patrons are nice since we're in a small town that hasn't grown for decades.
  10. There's a club owner in world that's a support of the that dude and sometimes she mute his stream if an-Trump artist is played. She doesn't believe in politics in the club --- but sometimes brings them up in her MM group.
  11. I wonder about natural selection when someone looking on their stupid phone steps into the crosswalk against the light and get hit by a city bus.
  12. It happens with any skin color as I ran into to something like that while back but was with a group of avis speaking Hindi and harassing ones in the shop that spoke English. And sometimes one has it done due to a life threatening condition, like on of my relatives. It hurt her so bad and needed therapy --- but a year later she adopted a set of twins.
  13. I used to live in the SF Bay Area and glad to be away from there. Just got too crowded and when came to retire --- we returned back east. Then retirement got boreing and ended up taking over a old bar in a small town.
  14. Ditto here. And I have run into racism in world. Including some that donned black avis and Afros and said I was too sensitive when I made a comment to them in a PM. Growing up I have dealt with a lot of racism --- especially since being in an interracial marriage forever.
  15. I was relating to non-mesh clothing. But probably get more complicated adding those....
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