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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I'm rarely active in world nowadays. Too much drama and hurt and the changes LL making doesn't help. I do remember being active in 2007/08 and stepped back due to RL and only came back a few years ago. Now time for another long vacation.
  2. The Pony will not happen unless LL can heavily monetize off of it. Like 100L per ride --- 100L per sim crossing while riding said pony, etc.
  3. The reoccurring event should have more options like every 2 weeks. Only has once and weekly options atm. And that should be expanded to non-premies too.
  4. Rather see them fix the bugs in the main part of SL before worrying about the phone stuff.
  5. Started little before that, but wasn't open to the masses. SL will end when a meteor slams into the planet or at least into the server farms!
  6. I've seen that in some profiles too. I ignore it. Saw that in someone who was at my former club asking for the voice mode to be turned on. I replied "I don't think so --- since atm we got a live performer on stage." The avi left a moment after that.
  7. Show how much I pay attention to other games or virtual worlds....
  8. But will Fortnite have live performers like here in SL?
  9. Although I still roam this mboard --- I took a step back from SL. Got a little too much drama and some changes being made by LL didn't help.
  10. Time to attach cement boots --- good swimming aid! 🤣
  11. I hadn't ate at a KFC for ages --- Couple years ago a friend had a club in world for awhile that she modeled after the Big Chicken in Marietta, Georgia. She used to live in that town and actually worked at the restaurant for a time before moving up north. Although she closed the club due to RL and a weird island owner, she recently reopened it and it features live music now and then.
  12. And some club owners makes alts to plant at their venue to make it look busy.
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