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Everything posted by HeathcliffMontague

  1. I hardly ever think about my friends list, although I really appreciate some of the people that are there. I've never regretted accepting any friend requests, either they've just evaporated, or we've had some nice times and/or still have nice conversations. Guess I've been lucky, probably easier for guys too. Having said that, the list of folks I count as friends is a lot longer than my friends list. I have absolutely zero interest in seeing if anyone's logged in or not until I actually meet them, or getting a pop-up when they log in.
  2. As has been shown on this forum before, ban lines can actually encroach on Linden roads on the mainland. Not often, but it happens. Someone inexperienced with security setups may cause them to go wider than intended and cause a similar effect. I consider myself a pretty experienced SL driver, and when mainland driving my scripts are kept low, I use vehicles suited for SIM crossings (not racetrack vehicles) and I keep an eye on the FS mini map all the way. I cruise. Still, if I cross a SIM crossing straight into a ban line or wayward security orb with 0 seconds I usually have little chance of recovering. If I had land bordering on mainland roads or sailable waters I'd at least bother checking how my orb/security setup might affect those traveling past it. But that's just me. Although, if you at least take the time to check that, I'd think most in the driving or boating community wouldn't really give a toss what your eject time is.
  3. I may have passed you on one of my motorcycles when driving on the mainland, as I've encountered folks horseback riding on the mainland roads on occasion. As in RL I'd slow down and make a wide pass Share the roads 🙂
  4. Yes, TPs are definetly acting up. If TP hangs and I just let it try, I eventually get logged out. If I press Cancel I get the error message posted up-thread, TP blocked. Has been this way for me for a while, both in FS and the LL viewer, I've noticed no difference between the two regarding this, really. With sky rendering disabled FS hasn't crashed so far, though. TP-ed to most mainland rez areas I have landmarked (quite a few) and several biker sims.
  5. If they gave me a badge for being premium I'd think about downgrading to basic, tbh
  6. People I speak with/hang out with on a regular basis are from Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, and of course the U.S... And that's just off the top of my head. Feels pretty international to me too. I'm fortunate enough to have a good grasp of English, even though it's my second language. I totally get that it can be frustrating to feel a bit left out there. The translation tools available for SL are semi-decent. I'd recommend at least trying some of them out. They are at least better than nothing. As always with such tools, they are better when the source and target languages are "larger" languages (i.e. more speakers worldwide) as opposed to "smaller" languages (fewer speakers). It's simply a case of the databases being more developed, thus generating chances of better "hits", as linguists would say.
  7. I went there to have a look with the Camera Control HUD by Penny Patton on. It really makes a huge difference. Was very nice to walk around there with those cam settings. Most houses (not the smallest ones) felt pretty OK. But how many newcomers will know about camera settings? I wonder what cam settings the moles use. I'm 249 cm (8' 2") with boots on, yet I am usually only slightly taller than most males I meet, sometimes even shorter. Sometimes I've had to resize vehicles *down* to fit me. The door handles folks talk about up-thread were from about hip height to - ahem - "gentleman's area" height for me. So yes, size discrepancies really is an issue. Seems like LL have been trying to go for a middle ground as best one can here. BTW, I had to TP home, put the Cam HUD on and then TP back to make it work if anyone else has issues.
  8. I don't think we'll get a real impression until they're actually rolled out. Based on this preview everything seems pretty cramped to me. But it does look nice, no argument there. I suspect the houseboat parcels will be in some demand. A big plus is the ability to have a skybox. Although a skybox above one of those houseboat shaped parcels? Connectedness would be a big selling point for me (road/water). Not ready to give up my mainland parcel for this based on what I've seen. Which is good news for those of you who seem more than ready to move in I suppose.
  9. I've dried driving in OpenSim... ouch. Still no comparison to SL there, long way to go. SL still has lots of active communities. Sailing, aviation, fashion... I guess that drives at least some of it.
  10. Don't the first two make #3 kinda more valid? Albeit making #3 a bit superfluous for the time being, I suppose.
  11. You can't join the group at the store anymore, but an in-world search for "Niramyth" should do it. 2nd result for me, click more More Info and Join in the pop-up. Free to join. You probably got an invite when you unpacked the body as well.
  12. Are you in the Niramyth group? I'm not the right person to answer your question, but there's been quite a bit of discussion about Niramyth with Catwa there recently. Some helpful and knowledgeable folks there.
  13. Might I humbly suggest that folks read the threads/posts they are responding to, check the dates, see if what has been discussed back then is this still relevant and in still in context, and if so a reply with an ancient quote might be applicable, if not make a new post... Or just make make an easy flowchart for it
  14. I now understand much better why many builders do this: Made driving physics much better for me. But I'm not a fan of it. In-world objects should be, for lack of a better word, at least somewhat "tangible".
  15. Oh I've done those two so many times. It's why I usually fly/hover while I build these days
  16. I can imagine some people wondering "where can I download the QI viewer?" But yeah I would have said 16 too. Nice brain fodder.
  17. My groups are still lighting up over this. Some people are fine, but many are not, so you are not alone. Seems pretty random. LL are probably getting swamped with support tickets.
  18. I tried to do some of that with Blender before I even tried it with the SL building tools, actually. Maybe because I joined at a time when mesh was really starting to take over, and while legacy builds were still considered sort of OK for the most part, they were really on the way out and starting to be frowned upon. SL building is now sort a "vacation" from Blender. Just so easy in many ways
  19. Hope I'm not necroposting but rather reanimating here... The above obviously presupposes that you enjoy mainland driving at least to some extent, if you don't, it's probably best not to ;). But last time I looked, not that long ago actually, it wasn't the worst way to look. I ended up further inland, but found my current place while out on my bike on the Mainland.
  20. All mesh I've ever imported have been relatively simple meshes made in Blender. The first thing one was of course a cube. The second was a subdivided cube etc. Is this original mesh? I hardly invented the cube as a concept If Turbosquid models aren't allowed, btw, someone needs to take a closer look at the MP. I unfortunately bought a couple items that are so clearly from TS (won't mention any). Not optimized for SL at all.
  21. The 1,024 sqm land size increase and prim increase was one of the main reasons I went back to being Premium. Having anything beyond that size (I've been there) is just not worth it for me, prices being what they are. Now I just pay a one-time fee (well, once a year if you renew) and you can run a business just fine from a place you can get with that, depending on what you sell. I've made a few thousand L$ in bike races (in total, over time), but that usually takes some L$ investment and always a lot of practice. I drive because I like it and have met some very interesting people doing so, not to earn. I *once* made some half-decent L$ on a land deal, but that was almost just pure luck (and a bit of daring to wait for the right time to sell). To earn real L$ on land you have to be much more invested in it than I'm willing to be. If you can learn to make good and usable textures (for builds etc, maybe smaller things too) there always seems to be a need for that. This is sometimes frowned upon (and sometimes for valid reasons) when suggested as a way to earn L$, but I did a lot of fishing when I was new. Was slow and not very rewarding L$ wise then, but I just tried it again the other day. Those XPs from back then add up. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but enough to rent a fairly decent place if I *really* had to do it that way. Not that I would want to, but it's doable. Probably not as great for those who have to "feed" the L$ to the bouys, though Just my L$ 0.2 thoughts as a quick comment
  22. Animats, I don't build bikes, but I have lots of them. DM, IK, JFC, BGC, Moto Bazzi, The Legend bikes, TC... Too many to mention them all. The vehicles aren't really an issue here, as they all work perfectly on other roads. I think what I really need to look into here is the physics shape, as others have suggested with helpful tips. Another learning curve, but I'll get there eventually.
  23. Orb, never ban lines. I turn it on and off depending. But I always make sure that the range of the orb is set well within my parcel as not to hassle anyone, and always with ample time. As someone who enjoys the occasional flight in SL, I treat others as I'd like to be treated.
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