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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Agree on this, the forum is much more social than in-world.
  2. Ugh, I just realized this will be used for "breedables" and pets to make them more "lifelike". Not sure why that annoys me.
  3. Y'all are sounding like a Dilbert strip with your "Use Cases".
  4. Makes you wonder why LL named "Bento" that. Perhaps because they like Japanese food and terms?
  5. This cool! I imagine scripting an object to display the user's own picture when they touch it or whatever.
  6. Not to be confused with "Primula", a maker of fine coffee and tea products..or "Hester Prynne" from A Scarlet Letter, or Prim (Primrose) Aberdeen from The Hunger Games. And we sure ain't "prim and proper" around here.
  7. Thank god! Yes, I saw the passing of the creator.
  8. You are sofaking! *badum-tish*
  9. I thought Ivory Tower was closed. Is it still around? Aww, that would suck! I swear I saw something about it being open. Oh, well.
  10. Love seeing a Linden say what residents always say!
  11. Imagine if landowners start discriminating against prim owners/wears. "MESH ONLY"..
  12. For a great in-world tutorial on building with prims, search for "Ivory Tower of Prim".
  13. It would be cool if you could edit all the links in your old posts and fix the links to the new place pages you will create! But maybe that is a "forum feedback" question.
  14. If you search for "Help" in the Knowledge Base, the 17th answer is "Contact Support".
  15. We need to ask those forum users if they received a warning about their "trash folder overflowing"!
  16. I had to remove 6 layers of linoleum from my floors to get down to the wood.
  17. Dadburn you kids and your new-fangled "tech-knowledgey". Well, I tell you, it AIN'T! "Knowledgey", that is! Now get off my lawn!
  18. Does that explain why n00bs wearing system avatars are often to be seen naked?
  19. Take the original questions and replace "copybot" with "griefer", "hacker", "harasser", etc. Then you might see how silly the questions appear to most of us.
  20. Popular furry clubs: Gay Yiffy Club ("GYC"), the Yiff Spot. These places often have malls as part of their regions with vendors that sell furry avatars. You can also find any type of furry avatar on the marketplace.
  21. This is a very interesting thread. I wonder in these cases why LL can't return the item to the seller that was "purchased with scam/illegal funds"? No good "rollback mechanism"?
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