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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Oh Forum, how I missed ye! Let me hold you close. <3
  2. Does the earlier post mean the applications were "open" for 4 days? Or were one of the two posts just not true?
  3. Just set the "Next owner permissions" to "No Copy". This way, it won't give the only copy, but whoever you give it to can't make copies. Don't make it a "True" no copy item, or it will give itself away and there will be no more copies in the inventory! The smart ones can call me out on this answer ;-)
  4. I'm concerned about the newborn kitty - how will you feed it if you don't keep it on your shoulder? And thank goodness you're no longer a ghost, I can't possible see Casper feeding a kitty (forget the cartoon) because he can't touch anything!
  5. "We" are not Linden Lab. This forum is only monitored by the community. So, to say that "you" did nothing about DDOS, etc. is plain ignorant. Also, I see this is your first post. So, you have not even asked about your problem in the public forum before (at least under this account).
  6. There are at least 1 "text only" apps. You can't SEE anything, but you can type to people and see whatever messages are in the room. (I assume to the others, you are "logged in and rezzed" there.) The app I tried before is "Pocket MV" (metaverse). It is basically useless unless you want to stand around and chat publicly.
  7. I think y'all have misunterpreted by statement that changing the camera default would create "chaos". I will attempt to explain. Since more than one person questioned my statement I'll just post this separately instead of responding to each. Assume: 1) 99.999% of SL users are "used" to their current unchanged, original SL camera defaults. 2) SL users may or may not have learned how to "tweak" their defaults on an "as needed" basis, but they are "used to it now". 3) SL users may have not liked the camera defaults at first, but "got used to it". Now, if you examine those above assumptions here is what I am proposing: 1) If you change the camera detaults (which was proposed in the JIRA I referenced) for ALL SL users, then all of a sudden ALL SL users will have new camera defaults. 2) Not all users will "like" the new defaults. 3) Communications will not necessarily be sent to or read by all users, so they will not understand why their camera defauts changed. (Confusion, if not chaos, for a large number of users.) ...are you beginning to see what I am getting at? Change the camera defaults for ALL USERS an many people will be confused and probably not like the change.
  8. Read the JIRA..WOW! If they take Penny's suggestion of changing the carmera defaults, don't you think that would create a lot of chaos?
  9. Someone could charge them a lot fo that script! ;-)
  10. Iknowrite? Not sure if sarcasm or extreme ignorance.
  11. Thanks! My system appears fine (I do not use Wi-fi) so no reason to tweak it.
  12. Just read an article on a new specialized "gaming router" being shown at CES this year (Linksys WRT32X). Is there any chance that such a device would help with SL performance?
  13. I'm interested also, since the Solarian was the first mesh I purchased!
  14. You're welcome, please post here when you get your "A-ha" moment! Sorry my example was sloppy.
  15. Ok, here's an example (this is pseudo-code not real code). key NotecardQueryID=""; // Will be used if reading from Notecard via llGetNotecardLine handlenotecardresponse(string message) { llWhisper(0,question +"\n\n\n"); listenhandle=llListen(0,"",id,""); // Note that you will need to add code for the listen() event for handling any responses to this llSetTimerEvent(gap); // Note that you will need to add code for the timer() event } default { touch_start(integer total_number) { NotecardQueryID=llGetNotecardLine("NotecardName", 1); // Get first notecard line, save query id!! // Don't bother doing else in this function, we need to wait for the notecard } // end touch_start dataserver(key queryid, string data) { if (querid==NotecardQuerID) { // Yes! We got a notecard line back! handlenotecardresponse(data); } } // end dataserver }
  16. Notecard operations are "asynchronous"; the code will not wait, as the "read response" occurs in an event. The reader function would have to call llGetNotecardLine(), which will trigger a dataserver() event response. You would have to have your dataserver() event call another function after it gets the notecard line to continue processing.
  17. Beware the trolley at Luna, it goes off the tracks at the terminal stop for years now. I think it works OK in the other direction though.
  18. Putting it in one call, the actions occur faster - especially if you use lLSetLinkPrimitiveParmsFast()! (Except for any specific calls that have built-in delays). This is the main reason to use certain "multiple-call" formats. The code is clear if you structure it so that you can see each individual call llSetlinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link_number, [CONSTANT1, parm1, parm2, parm3, CONSTANT2, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4]); etc.
  19. "If your stool is blue for more than 1 week, contact your doctor."
  20. And Using Random Capital Letters Makes The Review Seem More Legit!
  21. Step 1 in "How To NOT Get Muted": Don't be a dick.
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