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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Ugh! I am a male in my 50's and I got female in my early 20's! Worst. Test. Ever.
  2. I was verified by a female once, once was enough so far. But who knows, it's been almost 30 years.
  3. Remember "The Far-Out Space Nuts" starring same actors as Gilligan and the Skipper? "I said LUNCH, not LAUNCH!" (In the beginning of every show, explaining how they ended up in space.)
  4. Weirdest LINDEN place I found was near my “birth spot” Luna Oaks- I have no idea when this was put there, but it is an abandoned hospital/asylum. Bigger than the similar kind of build you can buy.
  5. 'Cause RL people would be jealous of your beauty and assume you are too good for them!
  6. I gave my avatar my RL tattoos, paid someone L$10k to make them in SL.
  7. “He buried himself in her to the root.”?
  8. LOL! Good one. There was a store in Mexico I used to go to, called "MAS MAS MAS!".
  9. If such a button existed, we would all be clicking "Disagree" instead of responding playfully and insightfully.
  10. Welcome, and good luck! Let us all know how your jobs go, please. It is wonderful to hear about new people's experiences.
  11. Interesting that I guessed the same thing. Could be that I guessed from "experience" lol!
  12. Don't think anyone would ban it unless it looks very young. Sounds kinda hot. Great, now I'm a perv.
  13. I think these two would go RATHER nicely together!
  14. There used to be a service in SL to do the opposite..submit a RL photo of your (or anyone's) face and they send you a texture to use for your head. But, it sounds like you want to get help with something like a Photoshop task unless I misunderstand.
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