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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. If the entire vid was the guys, I’d agree cuz they so kyoot.
  2. The listen() event parameters are only relevant as a “filter” if you used values for those same parameters when you setup the listener with llListen(). If you used no values for llListen() (except channel perhaps), then the listen() event will catch everything said on the channel you used in llListen() to setup the listener. This is why llSay, llShout etc. only have two parameter: the channel and what to say. So, “no” - you can’t setup the listen event to know you shouted a certain name (of Who touched an object). You can do other things, such as shouting just the toucher’s “name”. Assuming no one else is using the channel, your object with the listener can assume that the “msg” it received is the name of who touched the other object. The other listen() parameters: id, key tell WHO or WHAT Avatar/object the llSay/llShout message came from. I usually code my stuff to send a prefix in my message like “LOVE,” so I know the message came from my object. Or, even a prefix and a command so I know the message context such as “LOVE,TOUCHED,”. But then you have to parse/remove the message and/or command. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListen
  3. The word is “algorithm”. I didn’t say LL is “willing”, I wrote about what is “possible”. I did address the full perm issue, I’m sorry you did not understand it. I am not going to explain it again, as I realize you will not understand no matter how detailed I get. Peace!
  4. There used to be a guy in SL who would create catchy, personalized songs about your avatar for small donations. He worked in SL as a wandering minstrel, with a DJ turntable attached by straps. He would give you your “song” to use as a gesture.
  5. No, they could check any portion for matches. For example of how this works, the Spotify app (or is it another?) can identify songs from a 5 second sample anywhere in the song. You underestimate what is possible!
  6. I thought it was a hook to hang your restrained subs from! Oops, I’m projecting again.
  7. When we move to the cloud, hope I get to meet the spirit in the sky!
  8. Then LL could also check the original asset’s perms. Or invent new perms to check for this case. If full perms, no problem. Literally nothing is impossible.
  9. Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! If anyone tries to upload an asset that is exactly like an existing asset created by another user, prevent that upload! It’s a simple database compare. Use hashing algorithms then if there is a match, do a more direct compare. I leave the rest of this as an exercise for the reader. Helooo..programmers duh?
  10. 1) No roosters? 2) Any egg laying? 3) Any bawk-bawk sound effects?
  11. If scripts work, someone could use the “group hypnosis” toy wherever you travel.
  12. It almost sounds like a way to..*gasp*..dare I say it? Make friends!
  13. I don’t know, can’t remember when it was short!
  14. Tbh it bothers me because I have long hair (wind). Guess I need to wear a hat.
  15. Yay!! I added the video after you replied, check it out if you don’t know it already!
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