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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I found uses for (modified) ZHAO-II style scripts which cannot be achieved via llSetAnimationIverride. Specifically, single/couple/group “vehicle” that maintain relative position of avatars while running anims - but the avatars are actually sitting to achieve this. Basically a couples walk/fly/“bed anywhere”. llSAO would only run “sit” anim for this use-case.
  2. Just noticed that thread was finally locked..LAST!!1!
  3. I’ve been to a couple or 3 Bowie concerts, had all albums before Tin Machine, and got an SL DJ to play Bowie sets for my 50th Birthday!
  4. Finally roasted large fava beans, turned out great! After and Before.
  5. “We got spanked by an orb, TP’d to a bunch of n00bz, and our HUD’s are permanently borked. Let’s not go back there!” “Are you kidding? At least we got spanked, totes worth it 5 stars.”
  6. Good call, I missed where she said that she was logged out.
  7. Let me guess..”you better make your home location a SaveHub so you can save your game there!” Or, “I died in combat, I’m at the SaveHub.”
  8. Plus, how would you convince all existing users to update their AO if no update mechanism was built into the free AO’s? It’s inpossibru.
  9. I think they are too lazy to release new AO’s.
  10. Google Translated: “Someone else recently mentioned this problem (ie, all HUDs stopped working after the forced TP from the security sphere), and they were sent back to "home", not to InfoHub. The only thing they came up with was to separate HUD to TPing to a location that could lead to an "ejection". I have never encountered this problem, although some time has passed since someone protected me. I wonder if this is a new undocumented function.” Yes, it sounded familiar to me also.
  11. Rollig, your turn to translate! my bad, that’s LittleMe speaking Russian!
  12. If you set a home location WHERE YOUR HUDS WORK, then orbs will not cause you scripts to stop.
  13. See Rolig’s answer - you need to set a “home” location. You are being sent to “info hub” because you have no “default” home location set.
  14. My only guesss is “SaveHub” means “InfoHub” - a place where people go by default in some situations. I suggest you log out and back into SL selecting a specific destination when you login.
  15. Google translated: Every time I open a search within the "Second Life" client and start looking for interesting locations, I come across the following problem: I find myself on private plots of land, from which my avatar is thrown to a location from Linden Laba, called SaveHub. After that, I do not have scripts responsible for avatar movements (animation of hands, face, body). And as work of other scenarios which have been attached to my avatar disappears.
  16. So..you get “booted” then your huds don’t work. Sound familiar to anyone?
  17. ‘Cause of my name, when I’m doing it I’m “Loving”! ??(verbing)
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