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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I wonder how LL plans to increase signup / retention besides new 1024 homes, new signup page, and all the recent tweaks (greater LI, etc.)? Recent tweaks seem mostly geared to retention, not recruitment. Don't forget, every year a new crop of young adults turns old enough to use Second Life..
  2. Politics sneaks into the Forums in interesting ways; people’s many and varied opinions on all manner of things related to Second Life are advised by their “politics” (liberal, conservative, etc.).
  3. Years ago, I bought both a “normal” church, and a “satanic” version from an awesome creator. The “satanic” version has wonderful goth elements.
  4. Friends won’t hang out if your place is boring compared to some other place.
  5. See name of this website! Starts with “Community”.
  6. I think there’s a “measuring tape function” for iPhone now. My problem isn’t measuring, it’s remembering to use a level. Thus, a few things in RL home are hung at wacky angles.
  7. We should form a “People who Admit When They’re Wrong” Club.
  8. Kind of sad that they are not “spooning”, eternally turned away from one another like two lovers who went to bed after a fight.
  9. I had a toy “musical spoons” when I was young, I think it was branded after the Lawrence Welk Show.
  10. If you someday want to make a post that you can “control” completely, here’s an idea. Write in the post for those interested to contact you inworld. Report your own post and request it to be locked. Then, no one can reply on your post.
  11. I almost believed that “spooning code” was a thing. But as everyone knows, spooning leads to forking.
  12. I was reading the thread from the bottom up and Callum’s comment was first logical one I found. As a developer myself, it’s interesting to try and analyze posts that are by others who either “may be” or “fancy themselves to be” developers. Comments by other true developers are usually spot on, even if snarky.
  13. For the chair to be a follower, you’d have to be in a region that allows rezzing of objects. Another option is to have your friend wear the chair (not you), have them lock into “sit animation” to make it look as if they are sitting on the chair, and have them wear a follow script.
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