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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. BS. You use such words to inflate your argument. In this case, the “argument” is the entire statement in the post I quoted.
  2. I only want to create a “moving sky”, moving at the rate I want, with multiple texture layers.
  3. My white husky died of seizures a few years ago. That’s why there’s only pictures of the red these day. Seizures are scary!
  4. When you called Callum a liar. I refuse to answer all your questions. You don’t deserve answers. Main reason: you’re a bully who poses as a teddy bear.
  5. I’m sure you’ll do everything possible to get the last word. And not admit you lost all arguments, once again, when you overreacted and used insults.
  6. “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.” - Wm.Shakespeare
  7. Is there any value in checking the “Contents” tab of the listing to see if it shows anything specific? If it was just a landmark (no box), could be a listing error.
  8. Not what I meant. Will mainland residents who own entire regions get this feature, or just private “non-mainland” regions?
  9. Will this work for Mainland regions, or just Private regions?
  10. I guess “works for Harvey”, “in prison”, means either his “stooge” or his “girlfriend”/cellmate.
  11. I see Halos around lights after swimming, somehow the chlorine does that to my eyes. Will check the color order next time.
  12. Maybe..if the non-reported avatars were mostly set to imposters, jelly dolls, or muted, users had SL minimized, etc. server doesn’t choose the “real” value and returns -1?
  13. Interesting: The main description says “This is a flag used with llGetObjectDetails to get the Avatar_Rendering_Cost of an avatar, based on values reported by nearby viewers. If no data is available, -1 is returned. The maximum render weight stored by the simulator is 500000. When called against an object, 0 is returned.” The implication is, the server only knows if a viewer has recently reported the rendering cost to the server. That (top of page) description seems more specific than the one you copied from the chart. Helpful?
  14. Will you be able to “animate” any of the textures (so that they move)?
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