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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Or started some argument..I propose that the original question is both valid and of interest. I hope we get an answer!
  2. Life hack, always buy “Forever” stamps - still good if price goes up!
  3. I vaguely remembered this, thanks. I always get stuck on the palindrome, “Able was I, ere I saw Elba.”
  4. Kind of like, I’ll stick with a random and capricious God, I don’t want him to tell me my sins!
  5. Not sure, but maybe there’s a Rome module with the Paradise Blanket..will check in a day or so.
  6. Since you apparently will never post about Second Life, can you please at least restrict your new topic posts to “General Discussion”? That’s the place for posts that are not about Second Life.
  7. I have several books about her. And mantras. And Guru was a disciple of hers. It’s complicated, but not.
  8. But but butt..the Children of the Corn will find you!
  9. I’m fortunate to be a RL programmer. Except for some of the obscure quirks, I did ok (so far since 2007).
  10. But if they’re only reacting to AR’s, and not all posts / threads, that’s not blind. Meow! <= for emphasis
  11. This is hi-larious! PD’s original post complaining about Luna and I being “off topic” seems to be gone. But it’s quoted! #SealedInAmber Thanks, Blush!
  12. Simple idea for evaluating AR for a post: - Does poster have a small number of posts? Perhaps a warning.., unless they have several warnings..in which case a punishment. - Does poster have a large number of Posts, and more “Likes” than posts? Perhaps an overreaction by AR poster or warning..the ratio of likes to posts indicates that they are mostly respected / harmless. - Does poster have a large number of Posts, and less “Likes” than posts? Perhaps this indicates they need some guidance, warning/punishment..
  13. In some (different, earlier) post, I had read that differebt SL continents were named after Indian gods. You’d think that invites discussion about the why’s and whazzatmean’s!
  14. Original post quote: Yet the thread in question was called out due to being a Politics discussion. Common sense, or..need Politics and Religion added as “sensitive topics” in Forum Guidelines?
  15. I doubt it was the post where you put the Kali pic. So, I’ve forgotten which one and am ready to move on! Not as memorable as a “PD” argument.
  16. Ah, that kind of thread. Yes, non-regulars don’t like it when you go off-topic or post “when they don’t want posts on their thread”.
  17. Yep. We were “sharing” (my words). Not sure who complained about it.
  18. Our one “issue” not long ago was a misunderstanding, I think we both agree on a lot. I do tend to overreact. Perhaps was drunk-posting Lion.
  19. Drunk elephant is..in the room. Hmm. I support educational discussions. Many people have little knowledge of world religions besides the dominant one in their country.
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