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Everything posted by Jameson2001

  1. So one of my rude people metrics is how many people I have "blocked" in the past 4 years coming back to SL. Right now my block list is 6 people. These are people who basically were so rude that I had to block them from SL existence. Now, considering I have interacted literally with hundreds and hundreds of people in the past 4 years I think 6 is a relatively small number. To depict this small number of rude people I am attaching a Where's Waldo picture to illustrate......Waldo is the rude person in the picture, look for the striped shirt, stocking hat, and glasses.
  2. Yay! Thanks for sharing this experience. Usually you can tell within the first two sentences if the person you are chatting with is a good conversationalist. What amazes me is the diversity of people I have met this way and the enjoyable conversations that can be had.
  3. I think this is the sad part of SL that when a guy IM's a girl it is only for sex. What ever happened to just chatting with someone about where they are from, complimenting them on their avatar, or asking them what is their favorite part of SL? Conversations are fun between all different types of avatars:) It seems to me that was not as much a problem back in the early days.
  4. Speaking from a guy's perspective, most guys would be happy to receive a random IM. I have gone many months without a random IM and when I do get one I usually will ask the person if they are actually speaking to me? Hehe. I think the last random IM I received was in early 2017 from a horse avatar asking me where good grazing land might be in SL
  5. I just recently made the switch from classic body, to mesh, and it was a bit of a process. So far I am into about 4500 lindens for the transformation, and I am finding clothing is running about 1/2 that amount. I went with Altamura Bento "Dante" mesh body and am using my classic avatar face with this mesh body. If you have a friend who is good with mesh have him/her help with the process as it takes time to get the look you want. I have to admit the whole combination of mesh clothes with the new mesh body is quite a bit more realistic and appealing to the eye. Good luck with your transformation
  6. Hmmm I have seen this too lately. One possibility could be newer members who are AFK and keep SL open. I have a friend from Japan who does this while she is sleeping in RL. She told me once that she likes to go to sleep with certain music from that sim but does not want to have anyone bother her so she will go hide on that particular sim while sleeping in RL.
  7. Thanks Maddy, I checked with Santa Claus and you are on the "Nice" list (barely)! But, he said that the 65 Mustang that you want for Christmas is out of the question. He does have and 87 Yugo in stock that you can have, however. r
  8. Rover the Red Nosed Rein dog had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows. P.S.
  9. Love hearing wandering stories, and believe me when I tell you, there are a lot of us out wandering. One of my favorite things to do is to pick a word of the day in Search, for example: Waterfalls, Winter, Animals, or Music; and just see what pops up for sim locations with that word. You can randomly select sim locations and just go explore. I really like empty or abandoned sims and the things you find on these is amazing. When you see someone else on the sim say hello and see if they want to chat. More times than not I have found other wanderers this way and the conversations you can have is enlightening. It's a big world out there!
  10. And BilliJo pointed out that Quebec is more French than Canadian with a way sexier language
  11. Darci, Canadians love three things, no wait four things: 1. Second Life (I meet so many Canadians here) 2. Saying "Eh" at the end of their sentences when they speak (might be only the people from Winnipeg, not sure?) 3. Hockey (we Americans can learn a thing or two about hockey from you guys) 4. Canadian Bacon (ok you know i had to say it but it is delicious!) I am super confident that you will meet tons of good friends all over the world, but seriously some of my favorite people in SL are from Canada.
  12. I love how your brain works Rhonda Ok you may have something there with "No Mas" in Spanish, I was thinking....... A Rolling Stone gathers No Moss?
  13. It took me about 15 minutes but I got it
  14. Neldreauna this is by far the most detailed and enjoyable introspective profile I have ever read. You definitely know who you are and want you want in SL based on the extensive description about you and your Likes, Dislikes, Quirks, Motivations, and Fears (spiders yes eeek!). It sounds like you need to shop around different role play sims to find the right fit for you to find friends and possible love relationship. Don't be afraid to explore all of the role play sims that you may enjoy establishing roots. When you least expect it you will find what you are looking for.
  15. Thank you Alwin and Chic for this information! I am still learning the wonderful world of mesh. Now on to shopping for mesh clothes
  16. Ok purchased a Altamura Bento "Dante" mesh skin. Trying to use the skin with my classic Zeus skin avatar head. Is this possible? I seem to keep the zeus skin look when I wear the Bento skin. So, my question is it even possible to have the new skin with the classic avatar head? Thanks for any help!
  17. I think Charles Dickens best summarized the spirited discussion related to this issue of Second Life virtues and depravity in a Tale of Two Cities (1859): "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
  18. Yes, for example a nice wedding picture with people in it would be appropriate in the Lifestyles and Relationships section
  19. The business side of SL has been a contributing factor to the spirit of community changing. Marketplace and Mesh have created a more business focused profit emphasis in residents. The other part of change in community has been the people who were exploring new worlds ten to fifteen years ago, got bored, and left. The virtual world is temporary and this can be very difficult for people looking for a stable environment (friends, family, partners). What i have learned in my 10th year is to appreciate the friends that you have every day in RL and SL, and if you are lucky enough to have a significant other in either SL or RL, give them a hug and appreciate them even more.
  20. Gracie, type a memo please: To: Forum Readers Re: Your Biggest SL Disappointment Bcc: Linden Labs My real life job cutting into fun SL time Not knowing how to properly create a mesh avatar after having a classic avatar all these years (got a Bento body but stopped accessorizing it after seeing how hot i look) Mean people you encounter once-in-awhile (My block list is now up to 7!) Being able to communicate with people from other nationalities. Mostly people from UK and Australia More Free Lindens! The lag at Frank's Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace! Sincerely, Jameson
  21. What a delicious sandwich you are Madelaine, I had to google Anne Francis but any sandwich with Pfeiffer as the top sounds yummy.
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