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Everything posted by iamyourneighbour

  1. I think you will get lots of fun on infidelity cases, I am going to be the devil's advocate and say that actually sounds like a fun idea. Let me know if you need an additional office, send me a message in world.
  2. The irony of Gawker actually ended before SL. Basically, they crossed path of many people before, including the big gay Peter Thiel by outing him as gay while he is in Saudi Arabia. So when Hulk Hogan got involved with the lawsuit with Gawker, Peter stepped in to fund the lawsuit and spelled the end for Gawker after the court ruled in favor of Hulk Hogan.
  3. Are you sure it is not bloodline going out of fashion? I mean vampire all that was more popular in 2004-2008 era, after that it was zombies and survival, then followed by crafting/battle royale. Trends come and go.
  4. It's a necro but basically running around claiming victim points will annoy people. If you are a furry then be a furry stop telling people 24/7. On top of that, they don't have to like you neither. Tell me one person that gets no haters on earth. I know personally for a fact there's a French guy stalking my catalog because he doesn't like the fact that I outsource (despite openly declaring so) People will not like you for many different reasons; let it be being a furry, being anti or pro Trump, wearing a non-mesh body, having avatar too tall, having avatar too short, stating you don't mind what you saw in Stepford, list goes on, deal with it.
  5. Ok this is going to be spicy but the modern feminist you have in the west are just female incels. (Technically speaking they are mostly voluntarily celibate not involuntary) Discuss !
  6. “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” - Abraham Lincoln (Damn Lincoln is more edgy than I thought)
  7. The ones without national pride gets swallowed up and face assimilation or elimination. In East Asia we have tribes with named in history books and no population left, they got wiped clean when they gave up their heritage. Remember WW2 was not won by treehuggers protesting but soldiers storming the beach.
  8. So what do you do when a Muslim bakery refuses to make gay wedding cakes then 👀 In Sydney, Mascot they didn't but it only hit local news paper for one day.
  9. I am sure adult products needs to be labelled adult you don't put a slab of pork up for sale and call that vegetable just saying
  10. 1. You right click buy them yes you buy it but you still pay land tax to Linden Lab. I would suggest putting your alts into a group and donate all of their tiers to the group since you can own 10% more. 2. If you own the land only people you pay is Linden Lab. Only time you have to pay rent after buying is on private estates. 3. Right click on the grass, click edit, you can subdivide it yourself.
  11. Those one square parcels might have been used for advertisement, or land groups will keep one next to key areas that they want to re-buy so they can use it as grounds for a land claim should the area near it become abandoned again.
  12. If their idea is good they wouldn't need money. It takes about $100L to upload a very complex mesh and $0 to publish. If what they do worth a dime they wouldn't need anyone to 'invest'. Say you advertise on marketplace that's $3k a month ish, so put it this way if someone can't fork out $3000L (approx $12), you probably shouldn't give them money. That's like a hobo coming to you offering you to teach you 'how to get rich in 2 hrs' I only brought L$ twice, to start my own shop, then I have not had the need to buy L$ ever again. The consumer spending here is to put it this way, very generous. In my honest opinion, someone was trying to pull a scam on you.
  13. Entry level gamer heads explode if there's giant mission indicators asking them to blow up the dam, quest asking them to find lost dad or slay the dragon. Sandbox and freedom to roam? Never heard of it get it out of mah face!
  14. Get 2 free weeks on any rental! Home / Shop dual use = ok Once you have paid the boxes wait for invite, the two weeks are manually added and is not automatic😀 Please allow up to 24 hours for invite if you don't get it from the rental box. Any prims thereon are $100L per every 200 prims BLACK DRAKE ALLEYWAY 100$L/200 prims http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Black Drake/184/108/44 APPLEWOOD ALLEYWAYS- Right next to main road +parking space 100$L/200 prims http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Applewood/127/31/56
  15. Just checked and it's not mine 😂
  16. Don't want to be too critical but the fact is, the places outside are not sailable waters. You are actually landlocked (I know it's on water but you get the gist) unless you manage to buy your way into Harkey. If your neighbours setup ban lines and just decide to not log on, that parcel is about as good as other 4096m2 and you will have no chance to expand. IMO $15k tops. But that's just me.I mean double protected is nice but if they want less render they would just make a skybox of which you can get for 0.5~1L per sqm on other areas.
  17. I outsource now it's quicker To be honest, bulk of the consumer base do not care as long as it works, looks good and delivery what you see in the product image. I would say about 10% of the people actually care about where the meshes come from, there are a few products with 5-6 one star reviews, meaning the bulk of people aren't even looking at the stars as long as the product image looks legible. Publishers probably knows but couldn't care less if they can crank out another moneymaker.
  18. Put out all the scripts you can and be ready for attrition warfare
  19. Land ownership is not a given right in SL, it is a choice. They are not obligated to give you free land. P.s. this got necro'ed
  20. They don't stay home. They come home either to bang in private or to rez boxes they brought. I have a 80% rented sim you would be lucky to see four people on at the same time, they are usually out doing something and you also have to account for timezone difference. If you want active communities look into Tiki Town or Vila Mimosa but daily activities and town events aren't exactly PG
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