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Everything posted by iamyourneighbour

  1. @Phil Deakins Just curious if you have a marketplace shop or in world shop you can link? The amount of time you spent defending no-copy is really not something I see every day.
  2. Mainland pros - lower cost - flexible size. (You don't need to get a full sim and rush to fill it) - public accessible - tiers can be subsidized by your subbed alts Cons - neighbours may be good or bad, of which you may have little control of. - no backups - if you delete your town then you have to rebuild - rating is locked and conversion from moderate to adult is super rare - terrain has max height and max low limit - hosts less people than private estate. Private island Pros - terrain is yours to control - you can apply special conditions to land owners in your region - protected and will not have annoying neighbours - you may request for reversal if the sim -gets obliterated by accident - any ratings you want from G to Adult - custom wind light (made almost redundant by firestorm) - hosts more people Cons - higher monthly cost - has a few hundred to pay for setup - cannot subsidize tier with premium alts - not public accessible by walk ins unless you apply for community scheme which requires minimum of 8 Sims. - literally anything cost you money from moving it to converting its type I own 100000sqm in mainland, you can pay by credit card or USD balance just the same way you do for private islands. IMO private island should be for experienced land owners only. If you jump right in without knowing land management you will likely be on the backburner bleeding cash with a 80% empty sim. With land ownership come resident disputes, occasional unwelcomed guests, people that hate your sim for its theme and so on, if you are not familiar with land control you will obliterate your own sim at least a few times over, and if you have tenants, they definitely won't be a fan of seeing their shops vanish because of administrative oversights. The extra people it can host, let's just say unless you are one of those shopping hot spots, you will never reach even 50% of the mainland capacity
  3. But but a week's fuel money is like $40 which is 10000L and land rates IRL a year I pay $3000 which is like 750,000L And I never buy to begin with, the MP sustains me ?
  4. As a merchant I always make copy items. It is easier on the customer if they lose something they can simply replace it. There will be factors outside of their control causing items to be lost (IE landlord gets foreclosed and land scrapped with no notice) Plus when someone use your item, they are a walking advertisement for you. So the more copy they can make the better, makes me happy when I walk around exploring and find sims using my items ? Also that factor is too easy to out match, if someone makes a similar item all they need to do to beat you is ticking a box, which is what I do. I make better quality version of something existing, list it for cheaper and lower prims. One unhappy merchant many happy customers !
  5. I know a few groups but I don't think the names are forum friendly. Also never take anything for granted foe a fact I know a few of them are white IRL.
  6. For 1127 prims I only charge 550 a week, but my city is more urban like not sure if it suits your preference. I have Skybox at same price too!
  7. Dragongate Square (Shops/residential combination buildings - promotional price) $50L / week for 200 LI/prims http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Black Drake/223/156/53 (Please inquire if you need over 200LI) Alchemy Court 100L$ / week for 200 LI/prim (Please inquire if you need over 200LI) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Applewood/157/58/56 Gallipoli Residential Apartments $50L / week for 100 LI/prims http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Black Drake/238/88/40 (Please inquire if you need over 100LI) Skybox 100L$ for every 200LI/prims please enquire.
  8. Just wondering how is linden dollar always so perfectly backed by USD at 250:1 ratio? It is pretty interesting to have a virtual community that has an economy more stable than real countries. I actually feel pretty confident keeping my sales proceeds as L$ especially with the current strength of USD/AUD With the MP sales sink tax at 10% I do not see how there would not be an deflation without manual intervention to inject more lindens to keep the capitalization at a certain level. Is there interview or official release on how the value of linden dollar is maintained ? The economy within second life is a pretty underrated for what it has archived, never seen anything like it in other virtual communities or MMOs.
  9. My take is that your lindens are gone and you got conned. Next time ask for a PayPal invoice instead. Imo lindens are more stable than quite a few of the currencies around the world always floating at 250:1 with US dollars. If you are paying over 2500 for custom job I say request for an invoice and pay in real dollars. Plus you get the other party's detail and if you need to take them to small claims court it is easier than putting subpoena on Linden Lab.
  10. Copy for both. Furnishing I will not accept transfer no copy. When I want to clean the lot I want to just go parcel setting and wipe the place. No copy is acceptable with cloth items but I would prefer copy no transfer any day. Reselling old cloth is a nice appeal and feature but I would prefer the convenience of copy items instead, if you set one copy on fire whether by resizing it wrong or something else, all you need is copy from the original. Having said that I think most consumers are fine with no copy / transfer, otherwise gacha wouldn't be a thing.
  11. Not a priority but it would be great if we can see conversion rate (ie amount of purchase as subsequent click) into a product from a promotion campaign?
  12. I think mainland owners should have options to nominate land for linden home generation. And the premium user can choose whether they want to be allocated in linden residential estates or private community lands. The core issue I noticed is that people who uses linden homes usually are not familiar with land purchase.
  13. Official name for new continent
  14. That price isn't too bad for the water front adult land. But I think land area wise you are pretty limited, you would have to build over the water areas.
  15. It is almost always 0.5L per prim now. Above that you will have short term tenant before they eventually bail to 0.5L/prim options. Always have an option open for people to have vacant land for their own builds. Also you can poach existing tenants from similar properties which are more expensive. But as others have said, no prim is a hard sell because people will want to add their personal touch to a place.
  16. Likely hood of that happening is low. I have a city over three Sims, tried it, much regrets since people may just quit one day and the land gets sold to some random guy that will rez a cube and never log on again. There is also a giant 64m tall tree wall thanks to my community imitative. Now I keep everything under control of one group I own, no co-owners. Thing with SL is that there is nothing to govern what can be built on mainland if it does not breach ToS. Unfortunately, having ugly buildings doesn't breach ToS. It is only governable when you can exercise degree of control via returns and so on. I don't actively maintain any RP there however.
  17. Roadside houses for rent 100L for 200 LI. Existing houses do not count towards LI/prims. Or build your own! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Applewood/143/64/56
  18. Just want to see what intriguing unexplainable characters people have came across on SL ? I had this guy showing up on my land one day and he started out just by talking about my store items and the lot. Half way through he asked me to go voice and at that point he turned full noid and start saying he is being spied by drones in the air, I thought it was some kind of act someone would upload to YouTube but no, he became dead serious after I made jokes about it and started saying the FBI is spying on his chat and "drones flying over the crops". I thought he must be talking about drugs or cannabis cultivation, because that would totally bring sense to the whole situation. So I asked the guy "Are you talking about growing weed?" Then he became very evasive and totally noided again, start telling me to be careful because he is being spied on and followed. After nearly 30 minutes of questioning and reassuring I am not a federal agent, he sends me an image in SL, saying "I am after this." Curious, plus with no harm in opening an image (wasn't a link, it was saved as image in SL) I opened it, and ... It was a picture of an X-wing fighter from Star Wars... he was talking about copyright issues all this time. He just wanted me to show him how to upload the model ?
  19. Unfortunately there are more than enough gullible people to go around. Otherwise there would be no flippers. I have watched someone pay 11L per sqm on Jeogeot just because a parcel is next to the road despite plenty of abandoned roadside land being available for auction. I guess right click to buy in world is the only way some people know how to buy land.
  20. Large mainland island with protected waters exit, skybox/land both are permitted! For rental please add iamyourneighbour, get 2 weeks free on initial rental! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Khisanth/187/74/51
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