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Everything posted by Rathgrith027

  1. As someone who has reached out to a LL employee in private about all this, I have to say that I do hold hope that the Lab is trying to do right after all this. The last thing they need is for this to escalate further, and the only way to sort this out, is to investigate with third parties, announce their findings transparently and take action to make changes to prevent this from happening again. I've expressed concern to said Linden about protecting adult content and parties that have historically been vulnerable to the already aggressive Governance stance towards *****, especially regarding those who are gender non-conforming or use stylized avatars that aren't realistic. They told me they will be forwarding my grievances to Brad, and will hopefully influence the decisions made in the days to come. One step that I feel needs to be done in the direction of transparency is to compartmentalize the administrative features that LL employees have access to. No one but LL Governance should have access to my IMs and agent activity logs. No one but Billing and Concierge should be able to access my account funding status. I don't care if you're Grumpity Linden and you promise to stuff my account to the brim with L$, this is basic stuff that is done in the military and intelligence communities, and also done in other companies, to mitigate abuse and ensure security. This should have been done long ago and is a vestige of back when Linden Lab was still a tech startup. It was understandable back then. Not anymore. Furthermore, we should reintroduce the Governance User Group. As residents, we pay a mighty chunk of the bills around here, so if anything, we deserve to know and have a understanding and discussion with those who act as judge, jury and executioner - both to help shape SL TOS/CG, and to get answers on such matters. This is the only thing I'm going to say on the forums about the matter. To the Lindens, who are definitely watching me, because on social media, I've probably been one of the most vocal voices about all this - I have only this to say directly, and I said it before in a letter that I passed to another person in contact with a LL HRO, and I will say it here. Ebbe Altberg, for all his flaws, was probably the best CEO we ever had. He made his fair share of mistakes, but overall he at least gave just as much of a damn about us as residents as Philip Rosedale did. I remember an interview he did a while back, before he died. One quote. One sentence that has stuck with me, and will stick with me until the day I either leave SL, it goes down with me, or I am shown the door: "Do what is right for the Residents."
  2. I've often alluded to SL as Agni, sort of as a loving term for the place I've called home for 10 years. I implore all our residents to take a closer look at the inner workings of the place and its' history. It's why I love it so much - such a fine tapestry of beauty forged from chaos. Worst I've done is fly from Sansara to Second Norway out in the Blake.. I couldn't fathom the planning and navigation a 9 hour flight would take. Dude's got balls like Duke Nukem.
  3. Personally, I don't give a damn what a store looks like as long as it - A. looks like the owner at least made an attempt to make it look like a storefront and B. isn't attempting to either flashbang me like I'm playing Ready or Not, or having me trip over ***** in the dark.
  4. I unfortunately cannot really contribute, but I cannot stress how genius this is. As an aviator in Second Life, the biggest issue I've faced has been draw distances. Faking large DD by making the SL world outside of either the current region or nearby regions, would seriously pave the way for helping improve SL aesthetically and in circumstances like aviation and elsewhere, functionally. Computationally and otherwise, I don't see it being too difficult to implement, and I'd say make sim mesh updates a nightly thing. Oi - Lindens, if you're looking for a nice thing to do after Puppetry, you got one right here.
  5. Reyetta hun, I know you're being sarcastic, but please don't give the Lindens more bad ideas. That being said, Senra was never meant to be a top-of-the-line body. It was meant to be a sufficient body for new users that doesn't look dated, and is open for people to develop for. That being said, it doesn't excuse the very terrible inefficiencies that are present in the model. As much as I'd love to bring my boyfriend into SL and have him use Senra with something like M4 Mars / Venus or something, right now I'd rather test my luck with the old TMP bodies.
  6. Land has been abandoned. Please contact Linden Lab Land Concierge to request sale of the parcel.
  7. UPDATE - I'm very intent on selling this land ASAP, so I'm lowering the price to 6000L$.
  8. Nestled in the winterlands, my home for quite some time now is now for sale as I have decided to take up residence elsewhere. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cortina/225/125/131 FOR SALE - 2240 Square Meter Parcel w/ in bountiful winterlands Located along the border between the Winterlands and Central Sansara, this parcel faces both outward towards Sansara's bountiful wintery territories, and up at the Davos Mountains that partition the winterlands from the rest of Sansara. Home to Nodoka Hanamura, up and coming Second Life Youtuber who refuses to call herself an 'Influencer', this parcel is perfect for a large home or small business, as it has direct roadside connection to protected Linden Lab maintained roads, and is set up for maximum utilization of one's tier if at 2048 (and donated to a land group for the group tier bonus) or if they are a Second Life Premium Plus subscriber - offering a whopping 769 Land Impact. This parcel is the perfect spot for a new home, just in time for the Holiday season. For questions, please contact Nodoka Hanamura in world. Price may be negotiable and will subdivide to 2048 if requested, house not included, second image shown for perspective of southern area outlook.
  9. I'm not currently in Education, but I feel this would be an actually pretty cool idea for someone to implement. I know the NCI Kuula campus has a very pretty cove out and away from the main area that doesn't see a whole lot of foot traffic and is actually pretty nice scenic wise - perfect for a study group gettogether.
  10. You are technically allowed to engage in sexual activity in moderate regions as long as both the parcel is restricted to the public, that adult content cannot be seen at a glance from the outside of the parcel, and no one can see avatars inside or out of the parcel. If you want to do that unbounded, unfortunately your only option is to move to Zindra or to a private estate like the Eden and Fruit Islands.
  11. First time I've heard of MrAnonyMoose. Not gonna lie, it brings a tear to my eye to see members of the community do this out of the goodness of their hearts. I might bring this up on Good Morning Agni for the next episode in January
  12. That's not how this works. Linden Lab servers do in fact have your password, it's just that it's stored as a salted, encrypted hash using something like AES-256 or some other encryption technique. I don't know about local storage, such as with viewers, but I believe that is also a salted hash and is decrypted using a unique system ID that belongs to *your* computer in its' current state. If it's modified (say for instance, you replace the CPU or one of the hard drives), the key is no longer valid and you have to reinput your credentials. Soft Linden or someone in either InfoSec or Engineering could probably elaborate better than me on this. Edit: Or Wulfie can, because I deadass don't read through a thread. Guess the Gacha thread kinda caused that for me - Good write up, by the way
  13. The reason why Zindra was abandoned is because of the fact that demand for land was outpaced by supply. People who wanted adult land would rent from land barons on private estates and regions. Mainland at the time was seen and somewhat still is, seen as laggy and gaudy. Whilst Zindra has improved, along with the rest of the mainland in regards to aesthetics, the problem is that the overwhelming majority of land on Zindra is owned by Life Properties and other land holdings companies. Hell, even my old home on the Southeast Bypass that connects the North and South road networks (which is now replaced by a proper linden road, thanks for doing that well after I moved out and filed that support ticket, Linden Lab), was bought up by those accursed barons. Linden Lab has no reason to expand Zindra because not only is it isolated from the rest of Agni (Literally on the other side of the grid from the rest of the continents and the majority of standalone regions and estates), if I want a place to ***** people to call home, I'll take advantage of both cheaper land and privacy by using the adult content in moderate land loophole that Linden Lab has in place. As much as I love Zindra, having spent some of my first years on SL calling it home after I left the now defunct Gulfport in Hotei, Sansara - It honestly is an obsolete concept that was created because of public outrage from the CSI episode and other bull***** media coverage that tried to place SL in a bad light with little evidence to prove their accusations, which on top of that, was made in one of Linden Lab's many kneejerk reactions which equated to shooting one's self in the foot in slow motion, repeatedly. The only way it'll expand is if public interest in the continent demands it. And as long as Zindra is not just barren, but held mostly by land barons who still think it is 2008 and charging for land like it is, I doubt that'll ever happen.
  14. That's some good news at least. Here's hoping others buy and contribute to East River in one way or another.
  15. This really was a bad idea. NFTs and what not have a negative connotation towards them for various reasons, including: The exorbitant commodification of art The heavy energy consumption of generating NFTs The inherent pointlessness of NFTs due to their disconnection from the art or work they're supposed to digitally represent, as well as the lack of protection of the work The theft of existing art for the purpose of making and selling them as an NFT The fact that the market for NFTs have since popped and are unlikely to recover as they're nothing more than overglorified digital beanie babies / beenz (if you remember either of those). Linden Lab and Zenescope, who for the record, I had never heard of since their collaboration with SL, and that's saying something as someone who knows people who are devout comics fans and occasionally discusses them with said friends, have made a big mistake by doing this, and not just for the reasons above. If I were Brett (or one of the Lindens in Upper Management), I would be withdrawing Linden Lab and SL thereby from this sweepstakes effective immediately. ..And to think, LL was doing so well lately..
  16. I'd love to participate in this class as I've only recently begun my Japanese learning, only knowing Hiragana and Katakana (mostly the former). Is there an accompanying in world group?
  17. It's not that hard for NVIDIA at least, though it does require you to know some console-fu, namely knowing how to enable executing a program and executing it, as well as how to shut down X (The software responsible for linux having a graphical interface). There's also the option to use the PPA on Ubuntu to just automatically update. Seriously, I think we'd be in a better place if Linux was more predominant. Microsoft wouldn't be as stalwart in making stupid-ass UI/UX, software and firmware decisions. I don't bother with mainstream Ubuntu. Whilst I've got a modded out derivative of KDE Neon, I don't really feel comfortable using something like Manjaro or Arch, at least not yet. What TPV is that? I've never seen one like that before. Aura, was it? If you're new to Linux, I recommend personally using either KDE Neon or Linux Mint. Both are very newbie-friendly distributions of LInux.
  18. Linden Lab does not make any rules on what you can make a profit from in Second Life as long as what you are doing complies with the terms of service. You are restricted however, to how *much* you can cash out in a certain period if I'm not mistaken. However, as with all business activities, depending on state/prefecture/region and National laws, you may be required to report your earnings to your appropriate tax authorities. Second Life has long been a bastion of capitalist ventures in the metaverse - the internet's collective of virtual worlds, in layman's terms - there are various companies and businesses, both big and small, for pleasure and for profit, that exist in Second Life.
  19. We already have enough poltical talk elsewhere. No.
  20. m^2 is meters squared, I believe. though i'm fairly certain that unless that's the maximum high level LOD range, that I have no idea why it's referencing area.
  21. A solution to the problem would probably to integrate the creation of Alpha layers into the viewer - wouldn't be that hard to make a program integrated into the viewer that could work like substance painter, but instead of texturing it could be used to precisely make layers for alpha on the base LL body (and third party ones thereby, as they're all designed to follow similar UV maps, at least those that are BOM compatible.) There's not much benefit to Rigged Hair other than convenience on initial setup, but that's only if said hair was made with your head in mind (LL body and the more non-furry/anime heads such as those sold by the big ones like Lelutka, Catwa, and Utilizator's Normie head.). Once you've fitted it using scale and positioning in edit mode the first time, the benefits of rigged hair become moot, since unrigged and rigged hair (and objects in general) are fixed to a offset on a bone on the avatar's armature (skeleton). The difference is that when it's rigged, parts of the mesh object follow other bones, such as with shirts, pants, etc.
  22. I know I asked you about this subject before on the Reddit (at least regarding what you already answered here).. but what do you think would be the solution for this problem? We have other platforms who use similar technology to SL (One I won't mention due to maturity, but the initialism is HS2) regarding rigging multiple objects to a single skeleton and they don't have the issues that SL does in environments where multiple characters who are using multiple rigged, be they fitted to the character or just plain old rigged - objects on the same skeleton. As for Alphas.. wasn't part of the point of BOM that we could retire the use of alpha cuts on avatars and go back to using the more optimized system of just having an Alpha Map? Or am I missing something?
  23. Was on another VW platform for a friend's birthday and a friend was giving them a.. well, happy dance, let's leave it at that - and they were playing this song.
  24. This used to be a relatively popular thread on a forum I used to frequent. Been listening to a lot of stuff lately, but if I had to pick one, it'd be Nekoshi Corp's Luxury's Fortune.
  25. Honestly at this point there's not much else to discuss unless another FAQ comes out. Pretty certain this thread is just going to keep getting derailed. We've pretty much covered every corner of the discussion. Also, while I'll apologize for contributing to the fires, I stand by what I said. What that was, Is up to those who come here now to figure out. 🤐
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