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Everything posted by Rathgrith027

  1. To be honest, I'm not really convinced the new platform will work all that well.
  2. There is also the Avatar 2.0 and Kemono bodies for Utilizator, but those are more for users seeking an anime or furry avatar repectively. That and the features of each are somewhat sparse compared to ones such as the Maitreya Lara and Belleza bodies. I for one have been using a hybrid body consisting of SInterest Venus Breasts, Utilizator's M3, and, BANNED booty and a set of slink hands and feet., which is starting to fail for me due to the fact that the BANNED creator was hacked or something like that. I can't precisely remember, but ever since hearing about it, I can't create more banned appliers for my clothing, which is the reason i've been lusting after the Maitreya Lara, which my friend Lori uses. It's really nice according to a review, and like Bobbie said, is Omega and Slink standard compliant, so I don't have useless clothing cluttering up my already "filled to the proverbial brim" inventory. So In my opinion, I'd suggest you do your research and see what mesh body fits you.
  3. Yes. Could a moderator please move this topic to the appropriate forum?
  4. Tegg, this is not just about convienence. Most of us have put our hard earned money into SL, and refuse to just drop everything and start again on a new platform, "I put hundreds and/or thousands of dollars into my avatar and other things, and I suppose I'll just drop it all~!" SAID NO PERSON EVER. For me, I want to be able to transfer my funds, and my inventory and avatar, and to also have better performance. My friends complain about being able to play BF3/4 Decently, with SL running like a dog after having it's legs chopped off, even at decent settings. The graphical capabilities of Second Life do not justify the terrible frame rates under decent conditions. SL2 needs to implement a complete overhaul of how it handles things, or at least a thrurough optimization. Hell, I'd welcome LL providing a Direct3D version of the viewer if it's possible, since Windows from what I heard, uses DirectX better than OpenGL.
  5. I cannot move up or down, jump or even walk down stairs without moving with 1/100000th of the gravity of earth. I can barely jump, And when i'm falling it takes years to get onto the ground. My ping with the simulator is usually just fine. the problem is also regardless of computer as well. Be it my ASUS K55N or my CybertronPC EVOKE with a GT 740, It's slow as heck to fall down. EDIT ONE: My Simulator Ping is usually in the 80s to 130s on small sims. Hate to sound like a you know what, but that's not it. also, I never reach 100% cpu usage in SL. That and I have made an exception in Avast. It still does this.
  6. Okay, That's fine. Until then i'll Hold out at NCI Kuula. It's been my standby for a few days now, So why not wait a little longer. Thanks for the help. Also, is M rated Clothing Permitted in a G Region as long as it's not violating the Rules for such a region? Also, what do I put the Support ticket under? I didn't see anything like Account Issues on there.
  7. I have just turned 18 Today, and when i was on last night, the marketplace was unlocked for me, I could access M and A Material, but however, SL likes to get in my way appearently, as Agni begs to differ on my age, When I go to my viewer, I Cannot change my Rating Limits and enable unrestricted access. I have tried installing Kokua to see if it was a Viewer problem, but to no avail. I don't want to contact LL over the phone as I'm a bit shy, but I will if it is nessacary to fix this. Please reply as soon as possible, please. Thank you.
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