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Everything posted by Rathgrith027

  1. Ah, as in allowing a region/estate owner to select which RL region their sim is located. Yeah, That would be good.
  2. That amounts to instancing, which goes against SL's core design principles.
  3. I've said it before, I'll say it again - Anyone who sings praises about anything relating to "Agile" or "The Blockchain" are telling porkies.
  4. Honestly, I hold the opinion that the 'affiliated organization' section should be expanded to *all* minors. Those that are underage (as reported) are isolated to G-rated sims, restricting them from quite a lot of the non-adult content in SL because it's present on M-rated or A-rated sims. This turns most people away from accessing SL in its' full glory. I know if I was underage I'd have lost interest in SL by 1 year in at the most because of lack of stuff to do. That or well, I think those who've visited porn sites at ages under 18 before probably know the rest of that song and dance. (Hey, some of us have done it at one point or another.) And from what I know, minors make up a extreme minority of SL residents, probably smaller than that of actual transwomen in SL (like myself). Why are we leaving a loophole in for what amounts to a extreme minority? I understand that, and honestly I'd be open to the idea of bringing back Teen SL for those from 13-18 if it can be done so in a fashion that is profitable and not a piggy bank burner like Sansar was. But minors don't really belong here in an environment where they could potentially be taken advantage of if they're one of the (probably many who falsify their age.
  5. Not sure on the former, but I believe they're referring the land baron problem. While I don't have a problem with say, Luxory or the Chungs, I will say that companies like LIFE properties are a plague on SL.
  6. Please, put a prim in it, we don't need infighting.
  7. I swear you know the right time to come in for everything, Brett. Also, I posited this to Ebbe on Twitter, but wanted to bring it up here - would it possible to have a 'meet the investors' Q&A thing of sorts on Youtube or something to learn more about the acquisition and other questions people might have? Would really help calm the tides as it were. Edit: You literally answered the question I asked. I need to read through a thread before responding - I'm looking forward to meeting them, then!
  8. It probably has to do with Havok's licensing. Havok as far as I am aware does not provide support for Linux.
  9. Regarding the Wine ban, it's very odd that it's acting that way. I've used Black Dragon on WINE and was able to log into Second Life without a Hardware Ban notice. What version of WINE are you running with Firestorm? Are you using Wine Stable or Staging? Also, I'd recommend upgrading to a later LTS version if able, as 16.04 is pretty old by this date.
  10. I've used the AW Client for years, I'm pretty certain I know how the blasted thing works.
  11. As someone who uses Discord, Linden Lab should really consider changes to the group chat system, How? As far as I'm aware Discord isn't one of those companies. By that logic, why are you here? Linden Lab is in a similar boat.
  12. There *was* such a thing with one of SL's predecessors in Virtual Worlds, ActiveWorlds. You could log in, walk around a bit, and if you had no internet connection and just wanted to screw around with stuff, it'd essentially use your cache data to provide you access to worlds in AW. As a long time user of SL, and a history with AW, that's a snowball's chance in hell. If my recollections are valid, AWI doesn't have a good opinion of the Lindens, as it got to the point that SL was driving people away from Activeworlds that a Customs bot would ban you on the spot if you even mentioned Second Life or SL in passing. I doubt that over time Rick Noll (E N Z O) has let SL's hype bring AW into a death knell slide.
  13. But the name I desire does sound like a real surname. It's not *MY* real surname, but one associated with my avatar. Also, it doesn't defeat it's initial intent of being used for business ventures, and even if it was, I'd sooner spit on a linden than be charged one month's SSDI payments upfront for a goddamn name change, and I wouldn't tolerate this 40 dollar wannabe comedy skit on greed either.
  14. I recently learned that SL's aviation community has a lot more high detail aircraft than I thought they did. Same with cars and boats. Makes me wish my Stipend could get here faster so I could buy a few. 😀
  15. The king can demand my head cut off, but it doesn't make it right, Jewell. Or more aptly - the king can tax me out the hoo-ha for simply decorating my house, but it doesn't make it right.
  16. You know, I'm getting very sick and tired of people saying this when you look at the fine print and realize that's not actually a thing. And since people fail to understand that, I'm going to be blunt as all get out and tell you WHY. Pursuant to SL's Custom Name Policy: Upon creation of a custom surname, the account designated as owner will be billed a US$500 setup fee plus the first annual US$500 fee. On each anniversary date, the owner will be billed US$500 to retain custom surname ownership. Last names must clearly be an organizational or corporate name, and distinguished from personal last names (surnames). For example, "Smith" is not acceptable, but "SmithCorp," "SmithInc," "SmithProducts" or "SmithConstruction" are. Linden Lab will consider names that are clearly made up or composite (for example, "SecondLife" or "Agilent"). This is not for consumers. This is for corporations, and if you took one second to look at the fine print of it, you would see that.
  17. There's a answer to that problem - it's called a blacklist. Linden, L1nd3n, and any possible variation thereof.
  18. By that logic we should be forced to use specific usernames.
  19. Wake me when the Lindens let us use custom last names. Until then, I'm not touching this 'feature' with a bargepole the size of the Bingo Strait.
  20. I know many are worried and scared - but as long as you're not high risk (over 65 or immunocompromised or suffer from serious pre-existing conditions) you'll be fine. Just practice social distancing and keep yourself safe. Don't watch the news - as Pussycat Catnip said - they're opportunists wanting the public in high alert. They should follow the eerily sweet way of US politicians right now and try to focus on mitigating panic and keeping everyone calm, and not thinking it's going to be the end of the world when it's not. If what I've heard is to be believed, higher temperatures will kill off Coronavirus, and if not, Vaccines are in the works and at best we'll have them ready by later this year - and if you do find yourself catching it - rest assured you'll be better prepared for it if it comes back around - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, y'know?
  21. As a transgender woman who before coming out was cross-gender in SL, as well as having close friends who do so - I find it absurd why people are so closeminded about the idea or point of adopting a virtual identity in-world that is not 1:1 to their own IRL. To paraphrase Orthopox-13 from Destroy All Humans - The name of the game is Second Life - not "Dance to some stupid record and not be creative'. I make my gender identity clearly known in SL, and honestly no one makes an issue out of it and I'm upfront about who I am. All that I expect of you, and anyone should really - is to be honest and open. To quote the late, great Garry's Mod content creator Colin "Kitty0706" Wyckoff: "It's your s**t, man, do whatever the F*** you want!" Can recommend the Astereas. My personal favorites from them.
  22. And that's fine. Until I see, from a Linden, not some 'Advisor', not some run of the mill user - that changing the system is some Sisyphean-level impossible task, I will hold the opinion that it is feasible, and you can hold the opinion that it's impossible. All I have seen is conjecture. To your chagrin, I plan to stay here until the doors close.
  23. And this is infeasible to change, why? We're shifting from using names as identifiers to fully using UUIDs, last time I checked. Changing the implementation we have may be pricy to do so, but by god are we just going to sit here and tolerate this outdated system? Not everything is set in stone.
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