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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. tail flicks side to side, butt wiggle prepared, ears are perked, eyes locked on the mousy hole, Nuuu, not to hunt him, I has chocolate mousy treats in paw
  2. Darn! Alcololohol Rule 34 strikes again. Not content with the popcorn vodka, Chocolate Brussels Sprouts filled with Gin.
  3. Them things from Brussels are sneaky! More then cucumbers even. And even tho the Hague is in like the netherlands, it's chockers with Brussels stuff.
  4. Yeah, that's what makes this rather weird. Maybe something for the 100 years for now thread... In 100 years, Zindra will still not be finished.... Sharp will still not be finished... Gaeta I will still not be finished...
  5. Best part is, it's a button too. I put mine right next to resync animations.
  6. Sorry to hear you were banned Prok. All you can hope, I guess, is that the Lab see what the FS team are doing by making it optional and grab that patch for themselves. Have you thought of attending an Developers Users Group and asking Oz? Maybe that will prod him to merge the change back upstream?
  7. Sansar Saving Project. It will raise working capital that Ebbe can plow into Sansar.
  8. Awesome, thanks KT! That will make my experience much easier for me and my alts, woohoo! Can't wait for grid wide, it will be much better. What the lab needs to do though, (to stop scaring ocd people) is make the permissions granted a little more granular, I often think "track the camera" one scares people the most.
  9. The Lab added the experience, they are the only ones who can remove it. So, the forums are not the place to ask, Lindens rarely come here, just residents. Search jira and see if there is a ticket there, if not create one.
  10. But if you ban the noob how will they ever have a nice starting experience!
  11. I think it might be this, not the bridge? At this time I dont see the problem. It's zero. Absolutely Zero. Jessica needs to write the script to utilise it. Nobody else in the firestorm team can create a script that uses it. Only Jessica, simple as that. It's a G rated experience, so it must abide by the G rated content rules no matter where it is. If she codes something devious into the script she will be banned from SL. Paranoia?
  12. Oh yeah baby! Nomod latex sweatpants with over done boner outline! Haute couture pour homme en SL
  13. I agree with most other people. It was full perm without terms and conditions. DMCA doesn't cover that sort of mistake.
  14. Some of them might sniff butts, but I wouldn't say many are bigots. All communities have nasty drama-filled people, humans too. In addition all people can have bad days. I know a lot of very sweet Furs who would go out of their way to help people.
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