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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. Been having this issue for awhile now. Something to do with unsupported font blah blah blah. That's what happens when people try to be 'unique' and use the different fonts. I take it as a sign it was probably not worth my time reading anyway.
  2. Seems to be. I guess I missed that memo.
  3. Is she asking about the raw terrain textures or just the land texture. 2 different things.
  4. They still have an item at The Mens Dept. Maybe try messaging the owner.
  5. But your edited post says you're 19.
  6. Maybe Kunglers https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/35657
  7. You could but that's costly. Find a nice skybox you all like and start there. Search marketplace or look around in world at other sims. I'd suggest renting a parcel on a commercial sim. 1\4 sim should be good to begin. Smaller would work, too. If you're looking at it as a money making idea, don't. A place for friends to hang out is usually what they end up being. It's more times than not, a money pit.
  8. Girl, how did you do all that walking in those shoes?
  9. But you were providing the link to the app in RL. So what they were actually receiving was that link and nothing else. Nothing tangible (as tangible as anything can be in SL but you get the point) aside from the actual notecard. This might be where you'll get hung up. Perhaps just having the information in your profile with the link and for them to inquire directly to you and skip the MP.
  10. or intended to be delivered in the real world...that's the part that got it removed. The coupon is for an app? Delivered to RL phone? It's the ORs that get ya. All separate things not this AND that.
  11. Can't you just walk out your door and meet English people? I had a friend from Sweden ages ago and I asked her why she didn't go to Swedish sims. She said pretty much the same thing, "I can meet all the Swedes I want if I go outside" She enjoyed the opportunity to meet people from all over.
  12. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/273-türkçe-forum/ They might be better equipped to answer your question.
  13. I think she missed the humor of your original statement and just went off on a tangent.
  14. Perhaps the international forum section would be helpful.
  15. you're correct about fps but seems she was probably having the issue before taking the video or why would she take the video. I still say readjust your graphics settings first.
  16. If you look closely, you'll see her fps is in the single digits so I'm going to agree...slow internet connection. She could try reducing her graphics settings which normally helps me.
  17. Dancing and hiccuping were all my son ever did. Of course, once he DID learn to talk, he never quit. I miss those days.
  18. Having been pregnant myself in rl, my son never once spoke to me in utero.
  19. And exactly why we have laws and mandates. For people like you who think they have the right to do as they please regardless of how it effects another person. My pet peeve? People exactly like you who think that if they spout enough bs, someone might believe what they say.
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