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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. I can't see why you wouldn't be allowed to continue using alpha layers as.long as the skin has the modesty panel or you're wearing BoM undies. If not, what exactly do they expect people to wear? Auto alpha is also still a thing. Sometimes, I really wonder how much they know about the way people dress in SL.
  2. All one needs to do is add a BoM skin layer over the modesty skin layer. Either way, they're breaking the rule.
  3. It does work. I tried it today on my alts Linden home. Got booted until I activated the land's group tag. Maybe a support ticket?
  4. If they want to come in to tidy up my inventory, they have an open invitation. I'll even bake cookies!
  5. No one is banning sex but we could all do just fine with fewer permanoob sex accounts. They rarely, if ever, own or rent land. They don't have premium accounts. They often never make a purchase as noted by their Freebie Galaxy attire. The one thing they do seem to purchase is a peen. Usually not edited to fit properly or colored correctly. YMMV. This isn't entirely male avatars either. The females played by men in RL are pretty much the same minus (or not) the peen. 😁
  6. If you're on a private estate in local.chat, that is a restricted audience and that communication is not accessible to anyone other than those on the estate. I'd assume that is what a company would do.
  7. I've never seen you out in the wild. Since the concern is mostly about appearing too small for adult situations, I don't image that's a concern for you either. I'm mostly IN adult regions and just don't see it. There are a few men who are extremely tall who do use a height deformer. They seem to be the except and not the rule. As far as females? Less than a handful on any given day.
  8. Anyone who has been out and about in the past 5 years will notice all this has been changing. Sure, if you're in a build made in 2009, it's oversized. Most things made more recently are scaled down considerably. Not necessarily to exact RL proportions but close enough to make avatars based on RL height appear normal. Hasn't anyone seen the drastic change in average avatar height? These 7' tall people everyone claims are everywhere? Where? I don't see them. I'm my RL height of 5'9" and rarely have anyone towering over me to that extent.
  9. Yes, those permanoobs who just log in for a quickie do tend to run taller. 😂
  10. But you're not claiming to be an adult either doing adult things. If I were doing adult things, and even though I'm quite fond of my avatar, if someone at LL said I was too short to be considered adult, I'd just change if I wanted to stay. It's their circus.
  11. Yeah, not sure why everyone seems so surprised that LL has access to your IMs. I assumed everyone knew that.
  12. Not sure anyone said they HAD to but wouldn't it be nice if Maitreya chose to adjust their current body in such a way to comply with the rule of no defined genitals so under 18 users could continue to wear all.of.their content? Is it a big ask? Might be but if it's not that difficult, fusing the first BoM layer to the current body and smoothing the genital area, why not?
  13. That's exactly what it means. Privacy from.other residents not from LL. They cover your right to privacy FROM them in their Privacy policy. That's referring to personal RL information. Not sure why anyone would think LL hasn't had access to your IMs and any pictures in your inventory which I could assume would be things used to prove an AR. I've thought that as long as I've been here.
  14. We're speaking to those who use adult bodies who want to be compliant with the new rules which won't allow a body to have any definition of genitals. I can easily do that from the HUD so if the body had a version with that area permanently smoothed and wore a compliant skin, I could still wear all my clothing. The body creator would be able to sell the ToS compliant body as well as the regular version. I don't know if you've ever tried Reborn but I showed pics of the difference between BoM switched on and off from the HUD. Maitreya doesn't do that without adding separate attachments.
  15. Right now, with Reborn, I can do everything you do with Maitreya with out having to add yet more attachments. I can tint any BOM clothing, add BoM layers, all of it. I can also smooth the genital area from the HUD if needed. Why Maitreya still has all those layers is beyond silly to me.
  16. That's what I went on to say. That layer permanently attached to the base Maitreya with the smoothing ON. With Reborn, simply a body without the HUD option to turn it off. No reworking the underlying mesh of either body needed.
  17. Maitreya requires the use of one of the onion layers, if I remember correctly, to smooth out that area. I wonder if a locked version of something like that would be easier for Maitreya if they choose to be concerned about it. With Reborn, it's entirely handled by the HUD. Although not many people would probably be using that one for an under 18 avatar, it's possible. Again, a version with those parts permanently enabled might be easier than reworking the entire mesh. It can break some content in those areas but not as much as having to start from scratch with a brand new ToS compliant body with NO content. As an example...my Reborn Without the smoothing enabled...https://gyazo.com/34f8130d2e551297332154baaad047db And With smoothing enabled...https://gyazo.com/aa726c5ad31821f36cd0500357c59d77 Would this be sufficient? I admit, I don't know the technical side of it but if currently used bodies had the smoothing option build in, as in not able to be turned OFF and the under 18 avatar wore a compliant skin, that would seem to be acceptable. I'd like to know if body creators could do this easily and if so, would they?
  18. I mentioned it way way back in one of those other threads. Velour is one of the most used body skins AFAIK. If they were to add a ToS compliant option to their current skin lines as a system skin (not tattoo layer), they could probably make a killing. Making one for the 13-17 crowd, with a bit less definition overall? If I were Velour, I'd be getting one out ASAP
  19. I'm sad because those shoes do not go with those pants at all.
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