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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. I'm still amazed that the question even needed to be asked especially from an escort.
  2. I'm sure there is a process to prove it wasn't an infringement but that probably takes some time. As far as removing said content from all users, I'd hope the 'innocent before proven guilty' would apply. It's understandable they wouldn't want them to continue profiting if the content was in violation but they also have to assume they're innocent of doing so. Just my interpretation of how it works. The content may eventually be removed if they were guilty. I guess we all wait and see.
  3. Hair designers who only have normal (smallish) and XXL large breast sizes. What about us poor girls in the middle?
  4. I totally agree although posting said picture would probably not be too good for business. You should also be prepared for the sh**storm this could create.
  5. I meant she can set her flickr pics so they can only be seen by people you set as friends or family then the general public can't see them unless you post in a public group. Then everyone in that group can see them also. Then any of those people can of course download.
  6. Then you need to set your privacy correctly and safety level.
  7. Then why would you even consider taking let alone posting a picture!?!?!
  8. No but discretion is. And as I'm not in "the business", I think I'm free to judge.
  9. Honestly? Most, and I know not all, people lose the braces before age 18 and adding the pigtails, shorter stature and slim build and I'd probably think teenager also. When it says child, it does include teenagers under 18 which quite a few people seem to be pushing the line on. If you're anywhere besides a sex sim, I couldn't care less but someone with that appearance near or engaging in sexual activity is asking for trouble.
  10. Also, isn't one of the major aspects of being a good sex worker, discretion? I'm not sure how much business you would get if the men thought you'd be posting/telling about the encounters. Save the erotic pics for friends and not Johns.
  11. Guy is a moron. Deserves what he gets, IMHO. I'm still not seeing the dilemma. This is the real question. Artistic aspect? I don't think so.
  12. I think you've answered your own question. If you knew it would hurt someone, you said you wouldn't post. No sl friend or family would be hurt by the image. What exactly IS the question then? And how would a picture of someone bumping uglies with you compromise their RL. Are you sure you aren't trolling for views and likes on your new flickr account? Or is that link in your next post?
  13. Since you mentioned the body came with body stretchers, it's not a body generally used by most people. Perhaps contact the creator as they've probably had this question before.
  14. One far away from me, please. You could try a full homestead.
  15. Well let us see please.
  16. If you are using unrigged eyes, you could just use one instead of both and maybe add a scar tattoo over the eyelid.
  17. Well, if they say it's a job with no pay, there are no false conditions and you are free to walk away. Why do you think there are 574658498374 DJs in SL? Because it's basically an unskilled HOBBY. I save the job for RL so I can pay for my SL hobbies.
  18. In the animations section of the HUD, turn off talking animations. Vocal section. If one is highlighted, touch it again until none are highlighted in that section. https://lelutkasl.com/evolution-line-head/
  19. Check here.. https://www.flickr.com/groups/14763251@N22/
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