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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. As I mentioned, there are systems that can track IF you allow it. SIN tracker has been around for years as had VGS . if some game also uses this type of tracking, it's still something you opt into. They both also have privacy modes you can turn on to hide.
  2. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ASW-The-Distant-Storm-Curtains-Morning/15653021
  3. Opale out now at Fameshed...
  4. Yes, I'd imagine at the places you mentioned, those type of people would be more brutal toward female avatars. In general, the places I go and the people I see and talk to are pleasant and I've only used voice a handful of times in 14 years. Men might ask, I decline, they move on.
  5. You can accept that they are different but if that difference is something that bothers you, you are allowed to avoid them. You know I do.
  6. Il existe des AO gratuites sur le marché. Vous pouvez les rez-de-chaussée, les éditer puis accéder au contenu et faire glisser les animations dans le dossier Animations de votre inventaire. Construisez votre Firestorm AO à partir de ceux-ci. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Basic-male-AO/8845753 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nihil-The-Guy-Free-AO-Free-Animation-Overrider/22830323
  7. Zenith had a couple fringed bags in gachas.
  8. How would the counselor even know if the person was in character or if 1/2 of a couple thought all of SL was RP? As far as the OP is concerned and considering his.previous topics, I'm not even sure if he knows if he's playing SL as a character or as himself. The last inquiry about the baby daddy thing is a prime example. Lots going on there.
  9. Isn't that one of those 4chan hangouts? You can deal.with those.types on a.male avatar but are.annoyed when your female avatar gets hit on? I'd think anything from the first group would be more annoying than just about anything anyone said anywhere.
  10. From.what others have said in the past on the forums, that is just not possible unless the one being followed is wearing some scripted object given to them. I know that one kidnap RP system might be like.that but it's something you must allow.
  11. The place Gopi mentioned ARE places where older players look for noobs to pick up, Social Island 10, Ahern, and London City. They're also often full of just plain griefer types, too. It's the same reason they used to be full of bloodlines players looking for easy targets.
  12. Always makes me think, "I'm not a real therapist but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night."
  13. Log out and then back into the Forums specifically and see if that helps
  14. It's happened to me a time or two in the past. Clearing browser cache usually clears it up for me. It seems to only happen with that section, too.
  15. Apparently, some people haven't been to "vanilla" clubs before or simply shopped at an event. I stopped couple's dancing, which I really love btw, with people I've just met since most turned into groping sessions.
  16. Was a huge fan but not in the past few years with the lack of updating. Updating simply to get someone to buy the same thing twice (skip the new textures,.thanks) at your weekend sale rubbed me the wrong way.
  17. https://feedback.secondlife.com/server-bugs/p/hover-at-log-in
  18. I still.love her older flexi clothes. Beautiful dresses. I left her a message on her Flickr about Reborn sizing for her newer items. There are a couple of pant outfits I'd love to have.
  19. I was raised that way, too so it took awhile after joining SL to realize I don't have to answer IMs just as I don't have to answer telephone calls from people I don't know. Of course, what works for some doesn't mean it'll be the answer for everyone. Just an option.
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