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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. We'll need a bit more information. Is Alex a store?
  2. It was 75 here today, cloudy and windy. I had the windows open. This afternoon/evening it rained so now it's just warm and humid breeze coming in so I shut the windows and turned on the AC. Peeve...it's too damn early for AC!
  3. Sorry, I know it's your peeve but it's also kind of hilarious. So many questions. Did they get themselves locked in? Did they not read the rlv manual? Do they do this to other store owner? Is this how they find people to play with them?
  4. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/w2z1t95v6h73
  5. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/w2z1t95v6h73
  6. I was able to do curvy fairly well with Maitreya. I really should fiddle around more with the LaraX since it seems to do it even better. One of these days... This was my shape with Maitreya. I think it comes pretty close to a few of the pictures you posted...
  7. You did see my post in the Peeve section, right?
  8. That makes a huge difference as well. I'm 5'9" which is well above average globally. I've fluctuated between 135 lbs. ( still says that on my driver's license 😁) and my current of 170 lbs. which is just over optimal. Hey, it's been hard exercising with a bad hip! My mother, who is 5'2" definitely would look chubbier if she carried the same weight.
  9. IP Infringement Policy | Linden Lab
  10. Prim allowance is tied to parcel size. Plus is 512/175prims...Premium is 1024/351prims...Premium Plus is 2048/703prims. With Premium and Premium Plus, you also have the option of a Linden Home. The homes on those do NOT count against your prim allowance as any home you would place on regular mainland.
  11. I love when events have benches scattered around. I like to park myself, start in the furthest Northern area and work my way clock-wise, checking occasionally where my cam is on the minimap. All that walking in heels is just tiring!
  12. Since the "average" female height worldwide is around 5'3", and everyone wants to be RL height, they need to consider the average female weight also. That is 170lbs. Seems to me, the larger behind would be more natural or at least, more in keeping with RL statistics. Amirite?
  13. I've always thought it was rude to log in someplace like that anyway. Logging in where you log out, if it's a busy place, is just rude. Even if I crash for some odd reason, I'll relog back at home and return to where I was. Besides, unless a club or store owner has been living under a rock lately, they should know it's a bug.
  14. Gettin' a little tired of hearing things like this.
  15. All the more reason to not log in at stores or clubs until they fix the bug.
  16. I have a couple of those from Apple Fall and the set from Broken Arrow. I'll probably grab a few more, though! I always imagine my SL home smelling of lemons. It's just such a uplifting smell to me. When I was young, my mom always used Jean Nate in the summertime so maybe it's a nostalgia thing for me. Yeah, the youngins might not get that reference.
  17. @Ayashe Ninetails Thanks! Gonna have to grab this one...
  18. Yes, I realize it's a bug and should be fixed but what does it actually hurt? If you haven't rezzed yet, seems as if it would matter even less whether you were hovering or on the ground. I don't even have to move at all. Even before the scene has rezzed, I simply tap the screen somewhere and I've landed.
  19. Yes, your post was completely on topic. We suggest to people all the time to create an alt to distance themselves from unpleasantness inworld. Maybe the forum alt part just struck a nerve?
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