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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. A more concise explanation is needed. It does sound like a.display name issue, though.
  2. A HUD for a specific thing such as combat or just a basic AO hud? If it's just the basic ao, then Akeyo sells one that is web based which I personally didn't like but also a cheap basic ao. I removed the animation preinstalled and put my own in. It's a basic drag and drop with no notecard editing involved. It sorts the animations into categories such as stand, walk, dance, etc. It may ask now and the which category but overall, it's easy as pie.
  3. Because people see it's YOUR thread and don't even bother. As I said to begin with, people avoid attention seeking threads.
  4. The body applies are generally a separate purchase at the store. All the face skins I've purchased had matching body skins nearby. Usually in all the skin tones and for various body types so be sure to purchase the appropriate one to match.
  5. That's just a shape. Do you own a mesh body.and if so, which one?
  6. If you have any skills, you should list them. There is also a section here to let you know who is hiring and for what positions.
  7. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_cache_clear You need to clear your cache and you should be fine. Happens to me exactly as it did to you.
  8. Hence the use of the word subforum You should be more clear. This is in a subforum. sub-forum (noun) a section of an online forum dedicated to a specific topic, typically one relating to that of the main forum So this is actually a sub subforum.
  9. Same here since the 'update'. or was it a downgrade? so hard to tell
  10. They updated the heads to include BOM button so you don't need a relay to use BOM as you did when it first came out. Just grab a redelivery of your head and body if you need and they should be updated.
  11. The only body not updated to BOM as far as I'm aware is Belleza. The Relays for the others are not necessary if you go get a redelivery of your Maitreya and Catwa if it's 4.0 or lower. All catwa heads 4.5 are bom ready.
  12. That's only going to work if her body isn't updated to the newest BOM version and definitely not with an applier versus a system skin. Since it's a pregnant belly add on that's bom ready, and the newest maitreya is also bom ready, the relay really isn't necessary as that one you keep linking is for the Maitreya body.
  13. Try an eye alpha and see if that helps.
  14. Nope, not blind. Just pointing out that you are wrong about zero posts. Seems you are the one with the ego problem. But do have a love!y day.
  15. Zero posts? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about so I'll just leave you to your delusions. Looks like lots of posts. Just not on your threads. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/318-your-avatar/
  16. So as I'm understanding it, it's not possible to keep linden "water" out of an underwater home. Adjust lighting and settings as Conifer mentioned but unless everyone who comes by uses those same setting, they will be underwater. Oh and shut off any auto swimming animation in your AO.
  17. Handful of posts per day, if at all? Just because people choose not to respond to your threads doesn't mean the forums are dead. I've noticed people do tend to avoid obvious attention seeking threads.
  18. Agreed but the items you mentioned also don't give the add option so you couldn't actually add even if you wanted. I can't recall having to choose another attach point for something. I have chosen another spot, usually for necklaces that might work better attached to another point.
  19. Always always always add add add everything instead of wear.
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