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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Short answer: poorly designed tattoo. It's hard to tell exactly how the tattoo was made, but assuming the creator made a pattern (or nicked one off Google) and then tried to cut and paste it together onto the avatar UV maps (the 'quick and dirty' way to make tattoos, just slapping stuff on the UVs in Photoshop/Gimp), there are a few factors at play; the torso uses the 'top' channel whilst the neck is on the 'head' channel, both are the same texture size but since the head is a lot smaller, the tattoo has been stretched on the torso (i.e the torso appears to have a lower resolution since the texture scaling is different). The shoulders with the shoulder seam (which is likewise very apparent here) has a more complex geometry than the neck (which is essentially just a slightly bumpy cylinder) which causes further stretching of the texture; stretching a texture causes it to lose sharpness (or 'go blurry'). .. Or they did make it on a model in Blender and just capitally failed somehow. Shrugs. Seams are hard, creating patterns or detailed images crossing them is generally not a good idea unless you really know how to do it.
  2. I couldn't care less about what other people do with their cast iron cookware, but if someone were to abduct mine for a round in a dishwasher ..
  3. More clothes like that. For Gianni and LaraX.
  4. Peeve: 'metal colours in FP HUD'. Yeeah I'm not coughing up L$2K to change some buckles - I will, however, take note of the store's name to stay well clear of it in future.
  5. Maybe if they revamped the MP first, as far as web stores go it's pretty chaotic. Feels like it would go hand in hand with the mobile viewer too.
  6. Seems it got sniped. I can't promise that I'll be able to support or even tolerate this, buuut .. Feel free to give me a nudge sometime if you want to give it a go.
  7. Well, there you go! .. Still can't understand why anyone would ever want to put their body into alpha blend mode (unless you're making a semi-transparent ghost avi, I guess?), but ..
  8. Bakes on Mesh was a feature introduced a while ago which allows us to bake system layers on mesh attachments; a mesh body(/head/other stuffs) using BoM will use the skin/tattoo/clothing layers as well as alpha layers on itself (and thus, a BoM-enabled body doesn't require a 'full body alpha' to hide the system body; the system body is hidden automatically if a worn mesh object uses the system channels). So yes; BoM uses all of the system layers, and the order goes (from bottom to top) skin -> tattoo -> underwear (& socks, I think?) -> shirt & trousers -> jacket -> alpha (the alpha hides the mesh, or parts thereof, and thus any layers on it). Since the baking process merges all your layers into one texture (in accordance to their order), wearing BoM underwear ensures that at no point should just your skin show without it; an avatar that has not been baked yet (or suffers a bake fail) won't be rendered at all (other than as the aforementioned cloud).
  9. No. The way those layers works is they're compiled into a single texture (for each channel, i.e head/top/bottom), which is then what people (yourself and others) load when baking your avi. BoM layers are bulletproof.
  10. Did you ever try playing something like The Sims 3 with all the DLC and tons of custom content? Two things: It lags balls every time you open CAS. It takes ages to find stuff. Loading textures already is slow enough as it is when live-rendering the world around you, adding individual textures for thousands of inventory assets on top of that would probably give the region a stroke. The current inventory system is fine, IMO, it's just like folders on a computer and I'm pretty sure the young ones know how to navigate it - the issue is that people don't sort their inventories and make a mess and then expect LL to throw a solution in their face. 'Hold (or toggle) <insert button here> to preview textures (i.e product advert) from inventory without opening them as a separate window' could be a solution, but galleries of everything feels like it could easily turn ridiculous on several levels all at once.
  11. BoM undies. You won't even show as a system avi before your avatar is 'baked' (you'll be a red/white cloud, depending on the viewer). Doesn't matter which layer it's on, as long as it's BoM (an applier, comparatively, goes on an 'onion skin' which is just more mesh which can both be slow to load, and be manually derendered by pervs even after you're fully loaded).
  12. I don't think that SL needs to really change anything to accommodate a new generation, at least not in any way LL appear to be capable of doing successfully (not to be a nay-sayer, but Senra? C'mon). What I do think is going to matter is the onboarding experience and how the community welcomes them; I don't know how it's looking these days with the prevalence of build classes or such, but for those who want to create stuff they'll probably need some help finding their way - annd with so many other SL things, you'll mainly have to go with 'user created content', which has no quality assurances at all. Going to YouTube and typing in 'how to mesh for SL' will give you extremely varied results of videos, many of which are outdated or outright misleading, and watching more than a few different videos with widely different approaches just makes the whole thing feel insurmountable. Which is a shame, because there's a huge meshing community out there with tons of knowledge to share, but sifting through what can and can't be done in SL is a chore. I think it'd be a waste of LL to try making their own 3D modelling program, but if they made a video series collaboration with some people who actually know what they're talking about and have an ounce of pedagogy in them (unless there's someone 'in-house' who could do it well), I think that would both work as a resource for those seeking it, and with some luck a few people might just trip over them and go 'oh, SL? I gotta check that out!'. But then, not everyone likes SL because it's virtual Lego, some just want the Barbie experience, or even just use it to socialise. For them I can't really think of anything LL 'should' do, that feels more like a community thing where those of us who've been around just keep being friendly and helpful when we see people stuck - which, in large, I think we're collectively quite good at. I certainly would have given up when I first started if it weren't for the people I met that helped me find the right way up.
  13. So it turns out that Jake has options for different alpha modes, which could also be a potential offender; you may want to try your way through them to see if that helps any: Also, it may be worth hitting the 'BoM' button just to make sure you haven't accidentally put an applier on.
  14. Even if a body and head skin are by the same creator, or made to match, there's no guarantee whatsoever that the textures will actually align (how dare we expect such a thing? Don't you know that takes effort?!). If the fault is in the texture, you'll want to use a BOM neckblender. The neckblender needs to be above both skins in the layer order to function properly (Izzie's got them). If the fault is in the materials, there are a few things to check: Neck type - not all bodies have these, but when the universal neck was introduced some creators insisted on keeping both their old and the new, and so put neck type options in their HUD; I don't know about Jake as I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot p-- I don't use it. But check that, and if the options are there, simply try them through to see which one works for you. Material intensities - the more common and more easily fixed cause is when you have different material settings for the head and body. Just put the sliders in both the head and body to a point where the materials look good to you and blend with each other. Lighting - you can do everything right, and yet still there will be seams, shadows, and light passing through mesh (lighting in SL isn't exactly 'realistic', and complex mesh shapes tend to leak light a lot - heads being such a thing).
  15. Rendering distance, LOD, and shadows are probably the primary 'non-avatar related' things (draw distance does of course reduce the number of avies you see if they're spread out, but in a club where everyone's in one big pile it usually isn't very helpful). For avatars you can set the maximum complexity (although personally I feel as if the framerate goes up if I render them fully, those jelly dolls are laggy for some reason!) and Max. # of non-impostor avatars; this is probably the most effective way to throttle the avatar lag in a club, just as with draw distance you will fully render the avatars closest to the camera, whilst all other avies within view will turn sort of pixelated. Not great for taking venue shots, perhaps, but 9/10 times I'm at a club I'm either just watching myself and my dance partner spinning around or camming around to peek at each avi individually (usually followed by a giggle before I cam along).
  16. Making an item no-mod to protect it from copybotters is a bit like putting DRM in your video game - it doesn't work even a little to protect it from even a slightly competent pirate, and it just makes the product a worse experience for your customers. Besides, using it as an argument when your fat-pack is modifiable? Yeah, no, it's just either greed or a very blatant declaration that you think your customers are so stupid that they'll give you a bad rep when others see them wearing your products tinted wrong. But if you throw me a wad of cash you can be as much as an idiot as you like with it!
  17. The amount of avatars is just one factor, the requirements to load each individual avatar varies, and even empty venues can lag if they're stuffed of poorly designed assets or the region's script memory usage is high (like how you can fly through 100 regions across open sea and not have a single slow crossing, but if the airfield you're going in for has a buttload of vehicles standing around and other stuffs your region load time may be so slow that you overshoot the crossing and end up in the next region before you've regained control of your vehicle, unless of course your descent was sharp enough that you whacked into the tarp - even if the region in question hasn't got a single avi in it). Lag comes in many forms, for different reasons.
  18. When you see someone who've managed to turn up the environmental shine of a Lelutka head to 11, do you think 'wow, Lelutka really make trash heads'? That some people are too stupid to realise that a user has screwed up a product doesn't feel like an argument for gatekeeping everyone else from 'being who they want to be'. 98.7% of my wardrobe (give or take) is black, and yet I find myself having to colour match stuff because 3 different creators will have 5 different ideas of what 'black' is; if I could just tint the brighter pieces a nudge darker so they all worked together it'd be awesome, but no - instead I have to swap around clothing articles until I find some that do match. And then there's the whole thing about how many creators, even big brands, seem to know about as much about materials as chimpanzees do rocket science. It is, of course, entirely the prerogative of a creator to decide that their products shan't be modified (although it often feels as if the only reason is so that they can force you to purchase individual colours or a fatpack, rather than fear of user error - especially since a fair few FPs now are modifiable). But it is likewise mine as a consumer to say 'this garment looks great, the mesh is really nice, the rigging is perfect, but the materials aren't, and therefor I won't but it'. If it was modifiable I would.
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