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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Clubs tend to be a lot less diverse than SL communities that are based on actual interests. The aviation community in SL have all sorts of people, and we're all there because of our shared passion in aviation - doesn't matter if your avi is system or mesh, or huge or tiny, or a human or a ferret or a pony, or if you're 18 or 98, or if your interest stems from being a retired RL pilot or because you really liked Talespin when growing up. We've got this very broad topic not only to discuss, but also have lots of stuff we can actually do together in SL, whether it's group flights or races or dogfights or SAR operations. If someone new shows up that share that interest that's just good for everyone, so of course most people try to be nice and helpful. But I'd advise you don't try to approach that, or really any established SL community, with a mindset of exclusion; you don't have to befriend men if you don't want to, but saying that you don't want men to even be around is going to be a red flag for a lot of people and might potentially create awkward situations for them - and if made to choose, which is an awful thing for a 'friend' to do in the first place, they may just find it easier to withdraw from you rather than risk missing out on the rest of the community. Besides, a lot of relationships begin with of introductions by mutual friends; I have a few friends that also happen to be lesbians, and a fair few gay men - obviously, our friendships aren't based on sexual or romantic interests, but as you make it clear that someone such as myself wouldn't even be welcome in your presence, I have absolutely no incentive to turn to any of them to ask if they know of any such venues or if they themselves might want to get to know you. Being vocally exclusionary may well burn bridges you haven't even seen; it isn't really conducive to making friends in SL.
  2. That's one solution. Another is to over-do the DoF for a higher resolution image. DoF and shadows both work the same way when taking snapshots, if you've got a 1920x1080 display and tinker with the DoF and shadow smoothness to look perfect, then a 1920x1080 snapshot should look the same - but if you do a high resolution snapshot, the settings are too weak and will be much subtler, as they scale. These two images all have the exact same settings, aside from that the first is higher resolution (3840 x 2160) Look at the keys to see the difference (focal point is on the lampshade).
  3. It's a little hard to tell from the pic, but it's probably a 'hairbase', which could either be a part of the hair itself (many hairs have them, some can turn them off), or a tattoo (if you're BoM) or an applier (if you're not).
  4. I think you may have watched a little too much Scooby Doo .. Hmm, of course, in a social deduction game the least suspicious are also the most suspicious. So. Whose alt are you then? 🚟(also why is there no 'suspicious' emoji, but one for 'suspension railway'?)
  5. I never 'steal' souls, though. I mean I may seduce or charm the living daylight out of my victims, but 'steal'? Nah.
  6. Yeah I befriended the gravedigger in the town I used to lived in (as one does), he mentioned that the corpses don't decompose as they should and that it's giving them scheduling problems (didn't quite catch how or why, I might have been half-way through a bottle of whisky). We don't even really do embalming here, but we've now decided human beings are now too toxic to do a number two in nature because it's bad for the environment - which I find quite charming!
  7. I only eat friends. Can't go around nibbling on strangers - you never know where they've been!
  8. VS was the truth, wasn't it? So sad to see it go!
  9. Don't diss 2009 stuff, much of it was leagues ahead of much of the junk released today!
  10. I mean, he does have the right forum profile pic. #FreeTheRealSid
  11. I do get peeved when people claim that 'eating healthy is expensive'. It really isn't. It is in fact a whole lot cheaper than the super-processed, pre-digested food-substitutes that a lot of people eat (>60% of the US' caloric intake, you guys are fricking scary sometimes). But hey, who cares about a few strokes or a bit of type-2 diabetes when there's pop-tarts and convenience.
  12. Just because a pair of boots and a pair of jeans both are rigged for a certain body doesn't mean they're compatible with each other. Heck, it doesn't even mean that it will 'fit' the body, but it will generally 'work' with the body assuming you alpha out the body beneath. Jake isn't in any way unique in this; if you put on a pair of thigh-highs with a Maitreya which has more clothes available to it than any other, you'll still find the majority of trousers, even when given in 'underboot' versions, won't work. A lot of times if you put on a pair of mesh trousers rigged for a certain body, if you turn off the alphas your butt will clip straight through. As Persephone mentioned though, a single creator that makes a pair of boots and trousers as a part of one outfit, those two items are designed to work with one another and generally do so well. But try any other trousers, even from that same creator, and you'll likely see clipping. It's also why a lot of people find it easier to display a bit of midriff rather than trying to build an outfit in which the top and bottom work together.
  13. Nah, my mother is the type who'll scream at you for doing it wrong, do it herself, and then call you a moron and a lazy sod for making her do it. I was taught to cook and clean by my father. He could be a bit of a bastard himself, but at least he was a somewhat pedagogic bastard.
  14. I don't live with my partner, and yet I spend about half an hour to an hour every day cooking dinner, clean all the pots and pans and knives I used (before I sit down to eat, even - hate it when you've finished a meal and want to retire only to have a heap of chores to do!), and clean my dishes afterwards. If you're going to wash one dish you might as well do another one or three - washing plates, utensils, and glasses take seconds (unless of course they've been left standing around so things have dried up, in which case you just soak them and then wash them easily again). And I never leave the toilet seat up, as the only times I raise it in the first place is when cleaning the toilet, which the maid does regularly anyway so it's seldom necessary for me to do it as well. .. Maybe I'm one of those women who pretend to be a man in SL!?
  15. The peeve absolutely was aimed at how the forum software handles copy-pasted text, rather than the person who happened to do it the one time conveniently enough in the peeve thread that I could just snap it and peeve about it!
  16. A character creator wouldn't really change anything, though. We did get one, and just look at the avies coming out of that - makes the classic ginger starter avi look like a photo model in comparison. Expecting SL to magically look like a tech demo of what can be achieved with the latest Real Engine stuff because of 'avatar creator exists = true' is kind of silly. Neck seams are already a non-issue for anyone who knows how to turn on ALM to match their head and body materials, and buy a decent body and skin, with the caveat being that certain lighting conditions may still make things look off (but that's true in all cases, SL just has its own quirks with it). Even in suboptimal lighting conditions it's barely visible if you've done things right: Turning the light source into a projector, we can still see some weirdness happening with the 'wrong' shadow types enabled, like how the inner ear and the back of the collar on the opposite side of the head is lit up by a projector: And then we bump it up to Sun/Moon + Projectors, aaannd .. No more glow in the inner ear or collar! Just the weird shadows around the neck which are caused by the geometry of the neck - but a seam? Nah.
  17. So I was demoing some stuff, and hadn't paid attention to that one of the things was a demo of a full-perm on the marketplace. But they sent a notecard with the 'license' for the full product. Can't make it a store gift, can't give copies to friends, minimum price must be L$X, minimum price must be L$Y (the MP listing and notecard had two different values when I had a closer look), can't use their 'image' (unsure of whether they mean the advert or the textures though, or perhaps their style?), etc. I'm just curious whether any of it has any actual legal validity, especially since at no point do you actually sign anything. Isn't the whole thing with why so many 3D artists staying away from SL how LL technically take ownership of your item when uploading it to their grid, and if so can you still try to police how the item is being used when having released it to the market? Are we expected to read through the whole description and documentation of every purchase we make because people can sneak in 'licenses' into products (i.e a hair maker going 'you can't publish pictures with this hair unless your avi is really pretty, if you do we'll take legal actions for misrepresenting our brand' or such silliness)? Obviously some of the terms make sense, if someone released a full-perm for L$1000 and you immediately bought it and re-sold it full-perm for L$999 you'd be in direct competition with the maker, which if allowed would pretty much threaten to kill the whole full-perm market because people would just stop selling full-perm assets. But things like 'can't give it to a friend', well, if I sell it to them for L$X and then gift them L$X back that's basically circumventing that - same with handing out copies to alts; if I set up a vendor and sent the money for an alt to buy it from myself then I haven't really departed with any money for a copy of the product. And what about bloggers? If you have a brand and re-sell products you've bought full-perm and re-textured and have bloggers, would giving it to them to advertise with count as a gift? It's a bit like 'this door can only be re-sold as either copy OR transfer, and only as part of a build' - if I link it to a root prim to make me the apparent creator at a glance, did I make a 'build'? So, are these 'licenses' or 'terms of service' that pop up in product descriptions or notecards in any way binding? Do LL somehow enforce them? Do people get punished in any way for not adhering to them? And I guess, due to the nature of the topic, it may be worthwhile putting in a little disclaimer: I have no intention to breach any of these 'contracts', nor do I suggest others should. I'm merely curious about how things work.
  18. Yeah I hardly ever change skins or such. Unless I'm doing some fantasy getup or something. Even changing hair colour is a somewhat traumatic experience - Mina's blonde, Neph's black-haired (but having some white hair if it's well-textured works). Orwar started out ginger, then went more brown, and finally black. But that was a 10 year process!
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