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Quartz Mole

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Everything posted by Quartz Mole

  1. Don't forget you're getting to use all the parcel's LI for decorating -- if you bought a 512 or 1024 parcel on the mainland you'd still have the same LI to play with but you'd have use a large chunk of it to cover the LI of your house. On Bellisseria that comes out of LDPW's LI budget (along with all the roads, bushes, trees and so on).
  2. No, the automatic flagging system objected to something in your post, though heaven alone knows what. It does that sometimes for reasons no one understands. Anyway, I've unhidden it.
  3. Or you might annoy the demon who has possessed it.
  4. Thanks. We've had a few reports of that happening, though I've never been able to make it happen myself, and I can't think what's causing it to happen. The fix is, as it is with most issues, to do what you very sensibly did and simply rez a new house.
  5. What do you think we did before we joined LDPW?
  6. My alt has had problems with that! All you can do, I think, is rez things on a prim (or outside and drag them in).
  7. I'm sorry, but it doesn't. https://i.gyazo.com/2cd649dc88d54411904090749568dc9b.mp4
  8. The Coniston (1024) has two pairs of sliding doors at the back, one on each side of the house, but that's the only one.
  9. You've been talking to @Madelaine McMasters again, haven't you?
  10. Thanks. I'm just wondering if it ever was available to non-Linden experiences. If it was, it couldn't have been for long. Has anyone but me ever actually used it?
  11. I think llOpenFloater was always restricted to Linden-owned experiences, wasn't it?
  12. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property
  13. LH Newbrooke - Aldridge -1024 LH Newbrooke - Bradbury - 1024 LH Newbrooke - Coniston - 1024 LH Newbrooke - Heaton - 1024 LH Newbrooke - Denver - 512 LH Newbrooke - Ender - 512 LH Newbrooke - Faraday - 512 LH Newbrooke - Gatewood - 512
  14. Since LL has now made its position clear, and since tempers seem to be getting frayed, I think the time has now come to close this thread.
  15. Since the tool we use to populate the regions with houses tells the house controllers to ask the region's house rezzer for a random house from their menu, I'd imagine it's around half. It'll be interesting to see what the picture is like in a month or so's time, after people have had a chance to settle on their final choices.
  16. The public version is still there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Welcome Back Island/128/128/20
  17. For once, It probably was worth reviving an old thread, but that's not going to stop me from locking it, to prevent the otherwise inevitable outcome.
  18. Since this thread seems, as Sid says, to have served its purpose, I'm closing it now rather than later.
  19. Can we please try to avoid turning this thread into a discussion of geopolitics in general, since there are far more appropriate places for that sort of debate than this forum?
  20. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold?
  21. It's difficult to think of a good reason to reopen a thread after 9 years.
  22. I'm locking this thread because, to my mind, there's no need to necropost in threads from 2016 about land prices.
  23. Please, do not even think about uploading anything based on Disney's IP to Second Life. Disney has very aggressive lawyers who take a very proactive approach to protecting their client's IP.
  24. So what's it to be? Pot-au-feu? Deviled kidneys? Devil's food cake? Poulet diable?
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