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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. Oh, sorry I can't read black on white without my glasses one (which currently being repaired) so I write in a colour I can see which happens to be purple; as white background really gives me bad headache so been using chrome thing temporarily till I read about it however I still find easier to write in purple.
  2. Drake Tiger, where the catnip for me? As you know I prefer catnip and other goodies
  3. I know periodically Candy Kitten looks for in world models but rare a store has in world models from what I seen.
  4. Now that was super sneaky but I will say this: THANK YOU!!!
  5. Please note all DJs and Hosts have to be 30 days or OLDER in SL and DJs must be able to use a mic too!!
  6. Well, be so boring if we all enjoyed same thing as for me that beauty of SL that we can be anyone and do most things!
  7. Seren recently in last few months hit 5 years old; I enjoy being a hostess for various venues I worked in that time period; I enjoy dabbling in photography and blogging for fun and designer I blog for. Recently got inducted into SL DJ & Host of Fame so I must be a pretty good hostess to get in there so that was accolade I was honoured and flattered to get. i love to play CaH with my friends and tiny empires with my fellow Hirilorn loonies as can be usually found curled up as neko does with my friends and eating a catnip cookie or two!
  8. Don't care if I show my SL age or not, like me or not I won't lose sleep over it as at end of day I am happy being just myself and those that know me accept me for me. For reference seren hit 5 years few months back and this not my first SL account either.
  9. Candy Kitten: the VIP group costs 400L$ to join however get 300L$ gift card every month exclusive for the VIP members, MM board for VIPs, plus regular group gifts and two lucky letter boards in store for VIPs though don't see many lucky chairs as once did.
  10. As fair skin, dark red hair in SL and life, I would go far right chocolate brown one (or as you called it; Rust but rust is more orangy than that) as it adds warmth to our fair skin as well as providing a pretty contrast to our dark red hair as black can be too harsh close to face (my school uniform was black, was very harsh on my skin) and nude colours can just make us look even more washed out however good second option is silver grey/gray (spelt both ways as not sure if your UK or USA as that reason I wrote both ways) so chocolate brown or the grey would work nice on our skin tones with our hair. You can see example of silver grey on seren in my picture on here; I will try to find something chocolate brown that seren owns; near my face later so you can see how it looks. Edit: the Rust looks more chocolate brown than rust personally and tan comes under aforementioned nudes. Rust: is more like this which can work but not always.
  11. Yes, I learned that one hard way as I once accidentally enabled before hosting and was 3 months old - was like like why can't I move and my friend worked it out and told me solution luckily!!
  12. Dead Dollz has few Chinese and Japanese style outfits in her world store, which are stunning as I own them!
  13. When not working at The River or Turtle Coast; I can be found randomly sim hopping or at home or shopping at event if one has opened I want to explore.
  14. This how my name is currently: ღ ѕeren ғυrвall ღ because I like hearts otherwise I think is simple and clear; plus I find easy to read and agreed some fancy fonts are too hard to read or are boxes so as host I have to either see if I can work out the name from their profile or their SL name. As for those who work as hosts or DJs; please make it easy to read so makes our job to easier to greet ya and if ya complain someone gets ya name wrong then honestly can only blame yourself for that and even regular uses as stated above it not easy to read!
  15. I blog for fun, my love of fashion, poses and sim exploration; recently in last month been blogging for a designer however only real rule said designer has is 3 outfits a month so I shouldn't hit 1000 just yet (I'm currently at 367) however I will go Pro for a year then it done for a year and will renew but shall wait till finances are bit more less empty so it in the short term plan. Long term plans; who knows but I'm still having fun when I feel inspired and if it stops being fun then I will stop.
  16. Sighs; I tried telling a friend the same, that what she was worried about was debunked but she wasn't listening to me and at least I know my sources of research were right!
  17. The colour was fine, fone style fine but size no however can't help with sound issue.
  18. So who forgot to feed the poor hamsters this time????? I nominate a better person to feed the poor lil hamsters!
  19. Now Drake, you know I love all of that and just say when js but I can't promise to behave, you know me better than that! Anyways is plenty sims out there that cater for your needs, but from how you are reacting to other posters, I don't think your attitude towards other helps so I wish ya good luck as me thinks ya will need it!!
  20. Same; but one of my best friends is a furry in life and is one most knowledge people I know about Furry lifestyle and she is Furry here in SL albeit she not been active in a long time however if people that close minded about me being neko or even hybrid with elf ears then byeee, not worth my time as really don't care about your views or judgement on MY SL as I shall continue to play my way.
  21. Just make sure the said hamsters are fed their proper food, as they been super fussy today!
  22. Here's the problem, the hamsters are knackered!
  23. I think I found the problem; the hamsters are knackered!!
  24. Surely someone can give the hamsters some decent food????
  25. I guess the hamsters didn't like what they were fed and rejected it!
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