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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. Snarky Sunday Seren or I just love what the top says! If you can't read my top; it says: "Maybe she born with it; Maybe it's none of your business."
  2. I can honestly say that is Kate for you as Kate and myself are in group together and she always been pleasant to me in there and PM; we not even officially on friend list but I will say she is a friend!
  3. If you are looking to be host too; most venues require you to be 30 days or older in Second Life too as warning.
  4. Thanks! I love doing bold eyes with nude lipstick; I know not exact blue in my top but I think it works still!
  5. I can send you link to the thread in IM if any one wants; just hit me up in world as online anytime from 6am to 7-7.30pm SLT; if I don't respond right away then I'm likely being RL caregiver.
  6. This what I got in my NC, from the group regarding the gifts as still in notices but I post what it says in NC in a quote as I'm quoting so think we both were right and wrong in different ways.
  7. I know the forum thread Tor is referring, it's really bad and I notecarded some of the designers I recognise from here with link to said thread so they can take action their side,
  8. https://katniptimes.blogspot.com/2019/05/inside-mind-of-machine.html
  9. Truth has changed how gifts done recently so that information is inaccurate, can't remember how but maybe fellow member can remember and share that info.
  10. From what I seen on that, that actually lies at the designers at last few main Gacha events I been too; I see the designers separating the body types which makes for easier pulls as you can choose your specific body type so no it not the re-seller of the gacha.
  11. http://katniptimes.blogspot.com/2019/05/shh-do-not-disturb.html
  12. I adore Lumae personally but that just my opinion, and beauty of opinions we can all differ however up to you what you choose ultimately!
  13. Thing with mesh heads; you may find some with some same make and type of mesh head but we will all style differently so no one will look like everyone else by default. Sorry; just had to say that.
  14. This top just made me think instant Harley; so I did my twist on Harley!
  15. At moment till the the 25th May (I believe) is a Cyberpunk Fair on going (https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flair for Events/120/130/40/) and is mix of punk and Cyberpunk but worth check out; shop wise I am not sure but will watch the thread with interest.
  16. I just adore these socks, my newest fave purchase!
  17. I totally agree, I'm old style host, I love having fun with the VIPs and my DJ if they have fun then I know I done my job right and then that makes me happy!
  18. Interesting how each venue differs in what requires to be promoted during a set; example one I'm current host; I have to mention DJ, venue - naturally plus currently RFL related donations, any RFL related events we may be hosting or any club related events like concerts, what is on sim and any shops we have and where as another venue I used to work at we had set times tor use the gestures for set things.
  19. I'm 35, mentally who knows as honestly depends on my mood that day or what we talking about as sometimes I can be playful and feel younger then other days you can talk to me I can be serious. If I'm not hosting, I can be either found quietly relaxing at home either playing one of the two Tiny Empire games or both at same time; or working/planning a blog entry or randomly being creative and make a profile picture for myself in future use. I admit I do love to shop because I love studying fashion and fashions (considering I don't see myself as girly girl I find quite amusing.) but I don't just shop for clothes, i love buying decor, poses and even houses! I do enjoy my music but not big on clubs when not working, I do try to play Greedy but not very good at it though I have a laugh with my friends when I do try and I'm terrible gigglesnorter when I play CaH (Cards Against Humanity for those who don't know) however that what I enjoy trying to spend time with my friends and have a laugh!
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