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Everything posted by jwenting

  1. Amie Kaestner wrote: Sometimes people like to rez naked in welcome areas with enormous flexi dicks attached to them. There's a few comments initally and then people stop giving a toss. as an admin in an A rated welcome area, we comment on them and people tend to take notice and detach the things. Those that don't are usually griefers who quickly meet the banhammer because of other (mostly unrelated) behaviour.
  2. Jadeclaw Denfu wrote: Does a nudity detector even exist? If you do your changing in a closed room, I see no problem. Linden Lab sees only, what gets reported. first: nudity detector can't exist as nothing can detect what you're wearing in clothes layers and attachments (at least without rlv, with rlv there's limited capability). second: technically you'd be in violation of the TOS, in reality indeed nobody'd care. ---- As to the idiocy of the entire rule: There's skin stores in PG regions that show more than lifesize images of their products, but by the TOS they can't allow customers to try product demos. And of course, the 16 year old who's not seen more realistic nudity than even the best SL avatars hasn't been born yet. Prime time television and Disney Channel are more explicit
  3. Jessa Alberti wrote: Considering bite spammers are against the Bloodlines "rules" too I say more power to him. That info hub had gotten horrible for that so glad someone doing something. Much rather see that than see someone run around with their freenis hanging out lol if spampires are against the bloodlines "rules", why are the majority of bloodlines vampires I ever see spampires?
  4. and another "student" wants to "study" second life through an "anonymous online survey". Didn't your teachers tell you anything about being a) original, b) ensuring reliable results? a) you're certainly not. There's hundreds of you every year b) you're also not as online surveys are never reliable, the selection process is way too biassed.
  5. GothGirl Demonia wrote: You will never get rid of gambling and honestly my opinion games of Skill Like Zyngo, and All these other slots are Gambling reguardless of game of skill. Zyngo is not a game of skill, it's pure chance masquearing as skill. I'd not be surprised if it's also rigged to ensure loss (like those crane type "games" in rl fairs where the grasper is rigged to let whatever it holds slip just before reaching the chute 99% of the time). LL for whatever reason doesn't however act against it, probably because they make a nice income renting out the land hosting the casinos and selling the L$ to the victims/customers/addicts.
  6. Live chat is available to all premium members, not just owners of sull sims and up. However, they are not available 24/7, I think the times are from 5AM to 8PM (and maybe less in weekends). Go to https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ to talk to support.
  7. Ansariel Hiller wrote: Of course nobody can do anything about it if you post whatever conversation outside SL, for instance on your own blog. TOS and CS end at the doors of LL. and there's the loophole. Post it on some blog, then copy the content of the blog back into SL (which you're free to do of course as you're the IP owner of the blog's content).
  8. OP is either suicidal or a griefer. My guess is he's the second and would get a kick out of killing off random avatars in large numbers. Typical ganker as seen in online games like WoW and UWO, OP, there's games like that out there, most of them Korean MMOs. Suggest you try those instead. Of course there you'd quickly and regularly become the victim of the others like yourself who flock to those things, and are there already waiting for newbies who're easy prey for them, so you'd never get out of the starter areas for more than 5 minutes.
  9. indeed. Are you so ashamed of what you've built there that you don't want others to know about it? Or have super secret stuff going on maybe? Or are you in violation of the TOS and afraid to get banned from SL if people find out? In all 3 cases, why don't you restrict access to your land so nobody else except those you yourself invite can visit?
  10. gathering evidence on your gambling emporium maybe?
  11. on M rated land you can be nude anywhere. The only restriction is public sex and the display of nude photographs and movies (including of course pornographic content, I guess LL consider a study shot of a nude for an artists' class to be pornographic in this context). If you set the parcel to group access (or otherwise restricted) and set avatars to not be visible from neighbouring parcels, there's no restrictions at all as it's all private
  12. {T&T} Designs have very nice skins in all colours from pale caucasian to dark brown to blue to green, purple, and charcoal grey. Some of them have freckles
  13. upload fees are counted in L$ which were first sold by LL so don't count
  14. oh, but don't you know? Companies making their products better is the best sign you can have that they're desperate to keep customers but know it doesn't matter anyway and will shut down any day now... Why else has LL been doing it for the last decade, Blizzard ditto, Microsoft for 30 years, IBM for a century. They're all just investing for the heck of it when really they're dead.
  15. there is no way to detect what viewer people are using. This was introduced after there were a lot of complaints about people getting harassed for using V2 and V3 compatible viewers like Firestorm by especially people addicted to Phoenix and Singularity (and other V1 viewers). While this went both ways no doubt, that was the main concern.
  16. I have just the script you want I think, made it with a friend a few months ago. list settings=["sim 1", "group 1","sim 2", "group 2"];integer msgchan=614523;integer locked=0;string unlockedgroup="default group"; string nogroup="none";integer groupwait=0;float scan_range = 50.0;float scan_interval = 10.0;string scanner_target_avatar = "MyBestFriend Resident";string group_on_scanner = "His Favourite Group";restoregroup(){ llOwnerSay("@setgroup=y,setgroup:"+nogroup+"=force");}setgroup(string g){ setlock(1); llOwnerSay("@setgroup=y,setgroup:"+g+"=force");}cleargroup(){ setlock(0); llOwnerSay("@setgroup=y,setgroup:"+unlockedgroup+"=force"); llOwnerSay("You are free to change your group now. (use \"/1 lockgroup\" to lock-in the group for this sim)");}unlockgroup(){ setlock(2); llOwnerSay("@setgroup=y");}setlock(integer i){ if (locked==i) return; if (i==1) { groupwait=1; llOwnerSay("@getgroup="+(string)msgchan); } locked=i;}update(){ string region=llGetRegionName(); integer i; for (i=0; i<llGetListLength(settings); i+=2) { if (region==llList2String(settings, i)) { llOwnerSay("setting group " + llList2String(settings, i+1) + " for region " + region); setgroup(llList2String(settings, i+1)); return; } } if (locked) cleargroup();} default{ state_entry() { update(); llListen(msgchan, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llListen(1, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, scan_range, PI, scan_interval); } on_rez(integer i) { update(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key sender, string msg) { if (channel==1) { if (msg=="lockgroup" && !locked) { locked=1; llOwnerSay("Group fixed for "+llGetRegionName()+"!"); groupwait=2; llOwnerSay("@getgroup="+(string)msgchan); }else if (msg=="list") { string str="\nlist settings=[\n"; string endcap=,\n"; integer i; for (i=0; i<llGetListLength(settings); i+=2) { if (i==llGetListLength(settings)-2) endcap="\n"; str+="\""+llList2String(settings, i)+"\", \""+ llList2String(settings, i+1)+"\""+endcap; } str+=];"; llOwnerSay(str); } else if (msg == "unlockgroup") { cleargroup(); } else if (llSubStringIndex(msg, "setdefault") >= 0) { unlockedgroup = llGetSubString(msg, llSubStringIndex(msg, " ")+1, llStringLength(msg)-1); cleargroup(); update(); } } else if (groupwait) { if (groupwait==2) { settings+=[llGetRegionName(), msg]; } groupwait=0; } } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } if (change & CHANGED_REGION) { update(); } } sensor(integer num_detected) { integer i = -1; while (num_detected > ++i) { if (llToLower(llDetectedName(i)) == llToLower(scanner_target_avatar)) { setgroup(group_on_scanner); return; } } } } Caveat: due to a bug in @setgroup() this will not work if the group name contains a comma (confirmed by Marine Kelley) and probably several other characters like equals sign, colon, etc. that have special meaning in RLV commands. Marine is looking at ways to solve that without breaking existing code. Caveat: requires group names. UUIDs are not supported because of LSL security issues.
  17. Jennifer Boyle wrote: The land is entirely vacant, except for a sign advertising it for sale. no skyboxes overhead? Maybe some big mall in a box, or rental apartments?
  18. yes, there are no more classes. It's now just a marketing sham to get people to pay more for your overpriced rental units than they otherwise would. There are no doubt slower and faster pieces of hardware in the racks at the serverfarms, but there's no official classification and you're not paying LL more or less depending on whether your region runs on a supernew top of the line piece of metal or some 3 year old one that's a few percent slower (and that's the difference).
  19. 7. NUDITY / SEX IN PUBLIC: This is an Adult sim and as such nudity/sex may occur but please be tasteful and respectful of those around you. Please be respectful and mature to anyone in this lack of attire. Keep sex quiet (they make gags for this) unless you want a slave trader audience and if do then at all times keep a weapon handy!!! You have been warned. So again, it's rated so that it can happen, but they really make you think about whether or not you want it to. It makes me very curious, actually, about what percentage of places that are rated adult could in fact be rated moderate, if the sim owners didn't go for "maximum freedom under TOS" and that's the real reason for Adult rated sims: respect and tolerance. A lot of people I know refuse to go to any G rated sim because of the extremely narrowminded attitude of many of the people that hang out there, the constant harassment of anyone who's the slightest bit different from "mainstream" as defined by the average person that hangs out there. Not all G rated sims, but a large enough percentage it leaves a definite impression (just like many people seem to think A rated means sex and nothing else). That's not to say it doesn't happen in A rated regions, but it happens a lot less and the sim owners/peacekeepers mostly don't take too kindly to it rather than actively engaging in it. As to not allowing nudity in M or A rated sims, that's imo idiotic unless there's a specific theme to the sim that would make it problematic. And even then there's usually in sims I've visited a clause like "no nudity unless you can explain it" (iow, unless it makes sense for your avatar to be naked in that situation).
  20. Miserlie wrote: Ehh.. Not to seem rude, but it is their club if the tail was mesh and running a script it could cause land impact to rise. I just wish they would have gave you more time. But if you want to keep your tail on go to another club thats all down with it. :matte-motes-asleep-2: it's nothing to do with land impact, it's to do with maintaining the theme of the place. There's plenty of sims that require tails because they're exclusively for furries and/or nekos.
  21. places with no rules are havens for griefers, spammers, scammers, only thing you're likely to get there is abuse and harassment. That's why succcessful sims have rules and actively enforce them. And of course,a lot of people seek people with similar interests to associate with. Looks to me like OP was actively looking to cause trouble and get kicked out before he was able to pull it off, and that's what he's angry about.
  22. sim on a stick works well Handy for prototyping the layout of a sim before you mess up the terraforming there already.
  23. seeing a lot like that. People not really wanting to sell but thinking "well, if a sucker wants to pay that much I'm game".
  24. I'm sure there's a hall of shame somewhere and people traveling the grid looking for such ugly places :smileytongue: There is a way, and that's building your home in a skybox with very thick walls (so people can't cam through them) and putting it in a private (non mainland) sim with flying disabled, locking the sim to public access, AND having a security orb set to several hundred meters around the skybox that ejects with 0 warning time. Of course anyone you invite over can still make snapshots, but if you're such an antisocial person that you don't want people to have a memento of their visit to you you're not the kind of people who has friends to invite over in the first place so all you have to worry about is random people passing by and those will be stopped by this.
  25. Randall Ahren wrote: zaylene wrote: I am looking for a place to live, for people who can't afford a high price ( free place or costs a little for me) I don't mind if there are other people, because money does not grow on trees. Actually, money does grow on trees in SL. if you're less than 30 days old, and someone's been good enough to feed the tree with money first Money trees survive only because sim owners and/or other residents put money in them that they can then pay out to other residents.
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