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  1. Thank you to those of you who completed it, really does help. When researching into Second Life, it may be interesting reading what others have written about it in books and reading a page of statistics, but hearing first hand from those who really take part in the game day in day out is just as useful! Thanks again
  2. Hi there, I am a student at Bournemouth University currently studying Interactive Media Production. I am conducting research into identity online, with specific focus on games such as Second Life, and the role identity has in virtual worlds. If you could posiblily spend 5 minutes filling out my short questionnaire, it would be greatly apprectated. It is 100% anoynmous and the answers are mainly multiple choice, with the option of explaining your answers further if you desire. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them! This is not spam, and 100% genuine, I hope you can help me out. Link to questionnaire - http://tinyurl.com/berxnoo Thanks again
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