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Everything posted by jwenting

  1. #1 alone is idiotic and unworkable, "multiple secret questions" solves nothing as idiots still give scammers their account details (name+password). If your account gets stolen, you're the one to blame for not keeping those details secure, don't try to blame LL for your own stupidity. Phone verfication? So you want to require people from across the world to place international phonecalls to LL to "verify" their account? Even more unworkable than the idiots demanding that LL require residents to send them copies of their passports and birth certificates by snailmail (which btw is not just unworkable but illegal). The rest are no better.
  2. it can be easy to detect if 2 avatars are the same person. Same tastes in clothes, AO, hairstyles. Similar speech patterns, distinctive grammatical errors and typos. Same opinions about things. It all adds up.
  3. Gadget Portal wrote: Don't get hung up on the details of my story. I don't even have all the details. The discussion has more to do with people that can't see mesh, and whether they should be able to effect the experience of everyone else. true, but it's about time the misconception that nudity in M rated sims is a TOS violation were well and truly put to rest. As a nudist (and there are many of us, either occasional or fulltime, partial or full nude) we get a lot of grief over it, threats of getting AR'd, etc. etc.. Many a sim owner puts in place restrictions that are completely unwarranted under the TOS not because they want to but because they don't want to have to deal with the flood of accusations and ARs about assumed TOS violations by people wanting to run other residents' lives for them and dictate to people what their morals should be (and there are other sim owners who really do think they have to ban nudists because allowing us would be in violation of the TOS and get their sim shut down, even on A rated land I've encountered that...). But to answer you: no, people who can't see mesh (or more likely refuse to) have no place on the grid, they're causing problems for everyone else by soaking up server resources and making false ARs against those of us wearing mesh clothes or attachments (and in RP sims may be able to see through walls because those walls never render for them).
  4. Dillon Levenque wrote: Marianne Little wrote: I agree that viewers that can't see mesh should not be able to log in. I completely disagree. There's no reason someone should be prevented from using Second Life just because they can't 'access' everything there is to see. I went quite a while on an old version of Phoenix that couldn't see mesh simply because I did not want to interrupt my already scarce time inworld learning my way around a new viewer. Others do that because they haven't upgraded their computers. There are very good reasons, and people screaming bloody murder and banning or filing ARs against others for being naked when they aren't is just a minor one among them. Viewers that are so old they can't handle mesh are requiring LL to spend a lot of money and other resources (including CPU power on the servers) to maintain backwards compatibility with the 10 year old codebase those dinosaurs use. Remove all that code and the grid becomes faster, more stable, and the time and money saved can be put to good use to provide new functionality for everyone rather than keeping things somewhat running while held together with rubber bands and strips of 3M tape for the minority who're too lazy to get used to the user interface V2 introduced now 5? years ago (which is the real reason those people refuse to use modern viewers).
  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: If the sim was a private estate the owner can ban them for any reason or no reason at all. A landowner can establish rules for their own land that are more restrictive than the rules for the particular rating of the sim. Many places prohibit any nudity and it is the responsibility to the person wearing mesh or sculpts to use alpha layers or underwear to ensure they are never showing naughty bits when they go there.. yes, you can ban. But an AR against someone for doing something in an M sim that you as a sim owner don't like yet is not a TOS voilation isn't going anywhere, and public nudity is NOT a TOS violation in M sims (neither full nor partial nudity). So there has to be more to this, much more.
  6. he's quite right when he tells you to mind your own business, and by that response I've got a feeling it's not the first time you've pestered him about wanting to dictate what he can do with his land. Filing an AR won't work, it's hard enough to get customer support to actually do something about TOS violations, and this isn't. It's "a conflict between citizens" and the official policy is they won't get involved in that.
  7. yes, I'm unique. Custom skin, custom shape, custom tattoo. And no, I'm not interested in being your centerfold.
  8. Triple Peccable wrote: Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: I would interpret it as meaning that after land has reverted to Gov Linden as owner (after the 24 hours oopsie time) that LL will be looking at land to decide whether to set it for sale as is, or if it makes sense to subdivide, join parcels, clean up boundaries or shut down that sim. I interpret it to mean that all the yellow on the map makes SL look bad, like everyone is leaving, and Rodvik is on a quest to cover up all things that might make SL look bad. The closing of public viewing the JIRA is a good example of this. I suspect these forums are in his gun sights also (reference to gaming pun intended). yes, you and some like you who want to harm SL and LL always see everything as being some nefarious and brilliant conspiracy on the part of LL, unless you see it as being caused by sheer stupidity on the part of LL. The two are of course mutually exclusive but in your sheer hatred you fail to realise that.
  9. Czari Zenovka wrote: Jennifer Boyle wrote: One thing the others didn't mention is that you get access to chat support, which can be valuable. For example, you can get a region restarted when it needs it. Isn't the region restart only for people who own an estate sim? Yes and no. Estate owners get access to the estate tools so they can restart themselves, mainland owners can go to life support chat and ask a customer support person to come and do it for them.
  10. if you press home and have no home set nothing happens, or maybe you get an error message.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: kattatonia Wickentower wrote: Yes they do. I can't speak for all women but i have a couple of ideas about why that is the case. 1) Virtual Women do not have to fear that they will be raped no matter how scantily dressed they are. 2) Virtual Women can make their shapes look exactly as they want them to appear. I'm curious if you read the study. I'm also surprised that you would bring up what is the penultimate in the objectification of women here. We could bring up the whole issue of emotional abuse that can and does happen in SL. But I hope this thread does not side track to focus on just this issue. I guess I'd have to ask around all the women I know in SL to find out if it is really the freedom from this fear that is a or the primary reason they dress so scantily. I seriously doubt that is it though. For many it comes down to being able to do what RL doesn't allow them (men and women both). Here, both climate, law, and social customs (which are reflected in the law and vice versa, dictated centuries ago by the church) make being (nearly) naked next to impossible most of the year and in most places. Yet whenever possible people (men and women both) flock to where it is allowed. The few beaches are packed when the sun is out and it's above freezing, in good weather nude beaches are hard to reach because of the crowds trying to get there. Those people aren't there to swim or (mostly) show off, they're there to get away from the restriction of the dress codes that are enforced upon them by law, employers, church, and families who demand you're "decent" (meaning no more than a few inches of skin may show).
  12. Kid, get used to it: There are NO "alternate accounts", period. The term does not exist in the TOS. You are allowed a fixed number of accounts per household, there is NO RESTRICTION as to who in that household may operate those accounts. And anyway, who'd determine which of your accounts was your "main"? LL, based on activity or account age? You? Someone who thinks it "kewl" to grief you by clicking another of your accounts they know about as "main" every day, locking the one you wanted to use out from the areas you were planning to go to?
  13. Just becauise LL determined that somebody's claim that something amounts to sexual ageplay is invalid doesn't mean the TOS aren't enforced. And given the flood of false descriptions as to what constitutes "child avatars" I find in both the forums and in world, I can predict LL gets a lot of false complaints about ageplay... I've personally been accused of it by someone who concluded that me being naked halfway across an A rated sim from another avatar who was about 1.50m tall but fully adult in shape and behaviour, more than once. On other occasions I've been told that nudity in any form is illegal (not just a TOS violation, which it also is not) on M rated land unless that land is group locked to an invite only group (which is blatantly wrong, that only applies, and not even that strict, to sexual activity on M rated land). Maybe when that idiocy stops, LL can spend more time going after actual TOS violations rather than having to weed through thousands of false reports made only to grief people to find the very few actually valid complaints.
  14. Syo Emerald wrote: honerken wrote: Buying them with real money. In my opinion, SL jobs just don't give you enough. Why work for days when I can just make the same amount by uploading $10 or by having a premium account? Never thought about that some do it for fun? Or that some don't want to spend real money or that they just can't? If everybody would think like you we wouldn't have any escorts, clubs, djs, events or such a varity of stores in SL. OP wants ways to get money, the most efficient way (in L$ per hour earned) is to get a job RL and use that income to buy L$. A few minutes in an RL job gets you more L$ than several days in an SL job...
  15. Syo Emerald wrote: In addition to the questions the others asked: Your 18+ signs mean nothing. Everybody who is under 18 can't go to mature sims. Mature sims are already content for adult, BUT you are not allowed to use it for stuff that is rated as Adult. Basicly anything that has to do with sex. . wrong. No need for age verification to enter M rated sims. You're thinking of the few under-16s allowed on restricted accounts who can only go to specially vetted PG sims (and that's far from all PG sims).
  16. IP address tracking is a TOS violation, period. As is any way of tracking people using other means than those provided by LL themselves. It's also as said futile and silly. It won't "detect" griefers or alts (the attempted detection of which is another TOS violation as under the TOS they are allowed, and pretty much anyone has them), it WILL lead to many false positives as many people have shared IP addresses with many others (university dorms, some cable providers, DHCP connected users may have new IP address on every login, etc. etc.).
  17. group description already serves as such. Just update it once in a while (and don't like some store groups I've seen, keep dead landmarks in there to store locations that maybe used to exist a few years ago).
  18. DQ Darwin wrote: Best is if you can identify them as copybotters then accept nothing from them. problem is that most of those things have been handed down so many times the person you get it from doesn't even know it's copybotted. (s)he got it from a friend who get it from a friend etc.etc. until the original copybotter is impossible for anyone except LL themselves to determine.
  19. There's models in their store, but AFAIK they're not bots and there's only 2-3 of them at any one time. It does at times get busy with people camping the lucky boards, especially when they're having the 2 skin boards active.
  20. It's for PREMIUM members ONLY. We pay premium for that. It keeps (most of) the griefers away because they're too cheap to pay premium knowing they'll be banned within a few hours anyway. With your hairbrained scheme it'd be very easy. Create one "good guy" premium account, have that one friend a dozen griefer alts, and away you go griefing premium only zones. Or even if not griefing, why would I want to have non-premium people have free access to what I pay for? A Linden Home is one thing, that's your private land to do with as you please (as long as it stays in theme), public land is something else entirely. Visit those friends in their regular sandboxes instead.
  21. Did you get a contract stating how many and who would see your ad how many times? No? Thought so. So you asked 3-4 people who each looked 3-4 times over a period of a few hours and they didn't see your ad, which is supposed to show up for random viewers, of which there are millions, over the course of a week. Chances of those few people in that short timespan seeing that ad are miniscule.
  22. that would be Zindra, not Zinga. I doubt its creation had anything to do with any possible drop in logins (see my prior post about what probably caused that). It will have had its effect on land prices of course, especially on the mainland where there's now in the M rated zones a surplus, which has killed predatory land pricing anywhere except on Zindra (where land prices are still often rather high, with a single company having all but a monopoly on land sales).
  23. indeed. Or trying to get people away from there and donating to a real cause in order to possibly gain more donations for his own scam? Not saying that's the case, but seen it done in the past...
  24. As said, I'd avoid it. That said, some skin stores in PG sims have more than lifesize nude images of their products on display, yet don't allow their customers to get naked and try the demos of those same products (which would be a violation of the TOS). Rather silly, put your store on M rated land instead please (which would also gain you customers among the growing number of fulltime nudists in SL. What's also silly is the overly prudish idea that causes the ban on nudity in PG sims. It's not as if 16 year olds (which is the lowest age allowed there, or indeed anywhere) don't see more explicit nudity regularly on prime time television, even on childrens' TV like Disney. But LL is a US company, the country that brought us all "nipplegate", and years of lawsuits terminating at the supreme court over a possibly inadvertent display on television of a single nipple at some distance for a few seconds, when magazines like Playboy and Hustler are on open sale everywhere and kids can see them easily in stores.
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