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Everything posted by jwenting

  1. Happens to me once in a while in Firestorm only, and only on once computer of the 2 I use. Relogging fixes it. Now that I think of it though, it's been a few weeks since I noticed it happening.
  2. heard about people using "flashmob" tactics for griefing, trying to crash sims by overloading them so quickly the officers can't eject them quickly enough, but hadn't heard about it happening in linden home regions.
  3. spampires are and should be treated as griefers. And the bloodlines creators IMO should have had their product barred from the grid for the pyramid scam it is when it first appeared, but by now it's gone too far and LL would upset too many if they barred it now. Sims I police, it's simple: any bite request by anyone, whether you're 1 day old or 10 years, gets you a permanent ban and an AR.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Is this another Survey? Sometimes we are hard on the surveyors. If there is one thing I'd expect from a student at an institution of higher learning it will be good spelling and good grammar. I do understand that College is the place to get drunk and to get laid, but they should sober up enough to at least run spell check. you should also have learned that "anonymous online surveys" are utterly unreliable. There's zero verifiability of your data, zero protection against bias in your data, zero chance to randomly select a representative set of respondents. End result, your data is guaranteed bogus and therefore useless. Were I a teacher and some pupil were to hand in a "study" based on an "online survey" like that he'd instantly get the lowest grade possible.
  5. if you're that secretive about being associated with the sim by other members of the sim (the only ones who'll ever know), maybe it's time to reevaluate your association with said sim.
  6. Tex Monday wrote: jwenting wrote: submitted a dozen responses, all with totally fake and randomly selected data. Best way to get rid of these idiots, show them how utterly unreliable their "surveys" are. I prefer to not answer them at all rather than mess up their data. They worked hard on this...and even if it's the wrong way to go about getting information, it's better not to answer it at all. Having no data is better than having false data IMHO any data they get will by definition be false. It will be utterly unverifiable, which means it's useless. So best they get told that in advance, and maybe someday, somewhere, someone will get the message that "online surveys" are rubbish.
  7. wow, it is "survey" season. How many more fools from "universities" do we need to educate about the uselessness of "online surveys" before they get the message that the results are utterly unreliable?
  8. actually, you do both as prim count depends on area and can on top of that be increased by the estate owner if he's renting out parcels by using some of the fallow land as a source of bonus prims for the other parcels. You also pay per prim because full regions (sims) are more expensive per square meter than are homesteads, in large part because of the higher prim allowance (bigger slice of CPU cycles also comes into play of course, allowing for more simultaneous visitors). So yes, you pay per prim.
  9. why would you want that anyway? What's so secret about the fact that it's you donating the tier that the other group members aren't allowed to know?
  10. submitted a dozen responses, all with totally fake and randomly selected data. Best way to get rid of these idiots, show them how utterly unreliable their "surveys" are.
  11. you weren't griefed, you just had bad luck. Had the same sunday in an almost empty sim. Crashed out several times in quick succession and all my scripts ended up "inactive", not turned off (the "running" checkbox was checked on them still). Can recover from the "build menu".
  12. why would you want to anyway, yet keep the parcel open to the public?
  13. RLV outfit handling I guess would have to change, maybe use the outfits folder rather than #rlv folder (or use them in consort). Have been wondering why RLV hasn't been doing that for some time in fact, right now there's effectively double work to get outfits set up
  14. Alicia Sautereau wrote: Indeed, they have an inbuilt prim counter and give a warning, from what i recall, when the limit is passed It still demands daily checking to make sure every one pays for what they use tho could program it to send an email in case they go over, but that's about it, yes.
  15. happened to me several times yesterday. Turned out I had 2 internet connections running at the same time (wifi and wired). I GUESS for whatever reason my viewer tried to switch connections every few minutes, causing it to disconnect (both connections were constantly internet enabled, but of course had separate internal IP addresses). Turned off wifi and rock steady since.
  16. Jadeclaw Denfu wrote: A lot of ARs would be unnecessary, if landowners would do something simple: Activate Autoreturn! Most junk would be gone in a matter of a few hours or minutes. nope. Most rubbish that ends up in parcels and causes grief there or in other parcels is pushed there from public land with no autoreturn because object entry is enabled (which is in itself a good thing as it makes the use of vehicles possible) and those items seem to inherit the rights they have on the parcel they were first rezzed on. So having autoreturn set on your land, or even having no-rez set on your land, is no guarantee you're not going to get prim litter. And of course particle poofers used by griefers have a range of hundreds of meters, could be rezzed the next sim over or even further away and if the wind is favourable (for the griefer) you're still getting your sim filled with junk.
  17. Tari Landar wrote: Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. There doesn't always seem to be rhyme or reason behind either. I am sure there is, I just don't know what it is LL has never been consistant on any large scale. They've also never been fully inconsistant on any large scale. Clear as mud, ain't it? I say report what you feel is worthy of reporting, do whatever you can to fix whatever problems you can, without making them worse of course, and hope for the best. That's what I do. Not always successfully, but I try. probably depends greatly on which Linden gets to see it first, and whether his coffee was strong enough when he got out of bed. Same as with anything else requiring human intervention in fact. I've had ARs acted on in hours, after several previous ARs against the exact same item went unnoticed for weeks. Go figure.
  18. Marigold Devin wrote: WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: Do Abuse Reports work? We get an automatic acknowledgement, which tells us that we will never be told of any action taken. The TOS is the same. I've seen one incident I reporting--replicating prims spewing particles, and dragging down sim/physics frame rates--carrying on for over 24 hours. Is it worth bothering making a report? All the evidence I have is that it's not worth the trouble. Nothing happens. And this is pretty clear evidence of nothing. Out here in my real life, there were problems with youths causing a nuisance in the neighbourhood. My neighbours talked about it with me, complaining that the police never did anything about the problem, but when I asked the same neighbours if they had actually reported the problems to the police it turned out that they had not. How, therefore, could the police know there was a problem.? Same applies in Second Life. Anything that is wrong is worth reporting. If it doesn't get acted on straightaway, it's probably because there are bigger problems going on elsewhere and/or the abuse report office is not manned 24/7 by a team of people, or even the right people (speculation). I'd say report it if you feel it's worth reporting. It's better than not reporting and LL not being aware of the problem, wouldn't you say? decent analogy. However I've filed over the last year at least 6 reports about vandalism and destruction of property with the police here in town and was literally told to "just ignore it, it's children having fun" (and that was a report about $20k in property damage).
  19. well said Peggy. Way too many freeloaders in SL who then go out and complain when there's ads. Same crowd that complains about sim owners asking for donations, then complain when in lue of donations those sim owners put up some shops, and THEN complain when those sim owners have the guts to close their sims when that too doesn't bring income because the visitors never buy anything from those shops. Sadly the "gimme, gimme, I AM ENTITLED" generation is here and it seems they're here to stay.
  20. if you have it made in Blender as multiple objects, you can select each separate and on the export page/dialog there's a checkbox to "export only selected". If you made it as a single object, you're going to have to rebuild it in several pieces.
  21. Sephina Frostbite wrote: I am premium and I have set it to private still has done nothing. People still randomly tp. I just want a nice modern skybody or home. if you had it set correctly people wouldn't be able to tp in and out They'd bounce off the shields.
  22. go premium and set your Linden Home to private access Cheap, nice house, nice neighbourhood.
  23. well said all. I'm sick and tired of the idiot "child avatar detectors" that kick or even ban anyone who's shorter than some random height (usually 6 feet/1.80 meters). Or the idiot sim owner that kicked me out for being "a child avatar" because I don't have an FFF size set of boobs.
  24. mikka Luik wrote: Don't know about 13 yr olds in the forums but certainly seems like they can set up questionnaires =^^= now to the OP - spot my responses.... you need to be 16 to make an SL account, afaik there's no forum account with an SL account...
  25. Six Igaly wrote: All the drama I see is the one you are making here! Thanks for the laugh though, needed that. as so often. Attention whore turned forum troll. Next stage: forum troll turns griefer (may already have happened), after which there's the banhammer.
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