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Jules Catlyn

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Everything posted by Jules Catlyn

  1. They are not asking you to contact them from the stolen account. They are asking you to provide a ticket with the EMAIL you used to create the stolen account.
  2. Thank you. I wasn't sure if double posting was permitted. It usually get people a bit testy.
  3. It is raining today and i am out of coffee. I think this is the end of Second Life.
  4. I kept mine quite plain and modern. I might change the deco a bit but this is it for now.
  5. I think it is a great move. It was fun to see people party in the ballroom last night.
  6. I guess i will be able to dine on our little island as well soon
  7. It is still very much a work in progress but here is an interior snapshot of my Windlass Houseboat
  8. I was a big Windows 7 fan as well and until August of last year was coming into SL on a far from powerful 2012 PC which i managed to keep going. I am not big in technical knowledge but i managed. I am also lower income so saving for a new PC was difficult but i managed to get quite a decent sum together to eventually buy a good machine. What really gets to me us that i hear many complain that they don't have the money to buy newer hardware. Yet a lot of them own a car less than 5 years old, a cell phone less than 2 years old, go on holidays or have other hobbies they sustain with their income. Second Life is my biggest hobby and i knew at one time my PC would die. So i saved little amounts here and there during the 7 years i had the other PC. My point is, hobbies cost money and even on a low income it is possible to save money here and there and that a mounts to quite the sum after 7 years. I am not really sympathetic to the claim that there are no funds to change hardware. From a user standpoint: I cant say i dislike Windows 10. It does the job well for me and it isnt much different from Windows 7 when it comes to user experience. So i don't see many reasons there to not switch from Windows 7 to 10.
  9. Very weird indeed. I am getting decent fps there but when i click my huds, all seem unresponsive. I hope they get that fixed soon. I don't have a home there by the way. I just teleported in because of curiosity.
  10. Sadly i can't help you but it is very pretty indeed!
  11. -Make people smile and not be a burden (i have my issues) both sl and rl. -Be a good help to my mother rl and make her enjoy her life.
  12. As i said in response to Scylla. I would differentiate between snapshots and photos. So i don't disagree with you.
  13. I totally agree with you on the quality but i wouldn't put most of the good ones in the "snapshot" category. I was more referring to the hastily taken pics to show context to a story rather then portray something beautiful. I look on Flickr a lot as well and some pictures there are absolutely amazing.
  14. Maybe playing a bit of a devils advocate here but i don't think LL is to sad to see less snapshots outside of SL because most of them are not too good in quality graphically and really are not a good advertisement. Just like a polaroid of the Eiffel tower is not really flattering. I think they rather see good quality pictures posted on the internet.
  15. I had the complete opposite experience. Nothing bad about the operating system but i found Iphones to be too delicate and they broke easily. For my every day use i would not call either iOS or Android superior to the other. Both have their advantages and drawbacks but the wide range of available mobile phones that run on Android make it much easier for me to find a phone that will survive every day use (abuse).
  16. That might very well be true, i can't find much data on that so i can't comment. What should be interesting though is a survey to see what the Second Life population uses as a mobile device of choice. I think that is a far more important factor than what they spend in RL. I still believe that, outside of a chatclient, mobile devices in general are not suited to use for Second Life. Regardless of what operating system they run.
  17. I am, in the North Americas iOS is indeed going strong but worldwide it is Android https://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/iphone/iphone-vs-android-market-share-3691861/
  18. Given the marketshare of Android vs iOS globally it would make more sense to develop for that first. I do think that Second Life is not suited to be used on any mobile phone. Even a tablet isn't really adequate enough.
  19. I have been around in Second Life for quite a while and have owned several venues. Ranging from clubs, shops, residential community etc. I have never had any issue that i ran out of space in my banlists. My venues were never overrun by lots of griefers or other unpleasant people. Yes, of course we had the occasional person griefing or misbehaving but never so many that it filled up the banlist. I do know that it is common practice for club owners to warn each other of potential griefers or otherwise people that misbehaved but in most cases it turns out it is usually people that didn't agree with their ego or there was some other reason they didn't like them. That usually was enough grounds to declare someone persona non grata and tell other venue owners to ban them. Don't buy into mass hysteria, run your own place and ban if you encounter issues. That is usually the best way to go.
  20. I know it helped and still helps with mine. As long as i take my meds
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