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Jules Catlyn

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Everything posted by Jules Catlyn

  1. There is a Babymetal tribute band in SL even.
  2. Go get another coffee while remembering that things are never as good as they appear at first sight.
  3. I know Caspervend offers the giftbox option for no trans items. They just deliver a box that the buyer can hand to their friend as a gift and then the giftbox delivers the item to that friend. Per their wiki https://wiki.casperdns.com/index.php/CasperVend_2/Gifts_%26_Giftboxes
  4. Sad to see an institute like that go. I have mixed feelings about the venue and the news of it closing but i know it has been a place that many loved.
  5. I had one in the past week and that is nothing unusual. So i have to agree with Minuet
  6. We are looking for a full perm status online indicator. We want to have a way to show people which staff is online. It will be put in a frame which changes color depending on online/offline status of the staff member. requirements: -Change the avatar it indicates for by avatar key. -Color change when avatar is online/offline -Preferably works in a linkset while it is not the main prim I have tried looking on MP but it is a jungle. Thanks in advance!
  7. Curious to see how he calculates the buying price of a profitable business.
  8. I love shopping inworld. More fun than the Marketplace and often better deals
  9. I just went for a testdrive on Route 8 on the mainland. I should do more of them it is really fun. I didn't strip my avatar so my complexity is around 70k. I used a vehicle with ACS scripts. I went from the Rezz zone in Tweddy to a sim called Namgyal. I am in Europe. I can't say that the simcrossings have gotten worse for drivers. I didn't loose anything but did experience a few times that i had to wait with the input of controls so the car and me could get sorted. In a few cases this took a few seconds. All in all not a bad or unpleasant drive and from that experience i can't say sim crossing have gotten worse. They performed as i am used to from the past. Maybe even a bit better now that i am on a newer pc.
  10. I don't even want to know how much i spent in SL in all my years here. Probably enough for a nice car!
  11. We all need a little help sometimes. Yes, it is not the players responsibility to research an issue but helping LL along a bit with data never harmed anyone.
  12. If you want to know if it is Firestorm or SL in general just download the official viewer and start testing. Maybe if you make a more pinpointed case of issues and file a Jira.
  13. We talked about that!! Fondling the coconuts is fine but NOT the avocados!
  14. So you want someone to devote hours of their time making your club successful for 40 cents a shift and rely on tips to make up the difference? I do wish you good luck with that but i would be a little more generous if i was looking for good staff.
  15. As many variants as cheese! More yucky bacteria in cheese and you probably don't like all cheese either!! DROP RULEZ!!
  16. No urine involved and it comes in a larger number of varieties. DON'T DISS THE DROP!! 🤬
  17. Mmm salted caramel and licorice (Dutch drop)!
  18. I just did some research and 20 chicken nuggets is too many.
  19. When my dad got angry he used my full name (including Catholic birth names). Which was long enough for me to consider my options.
  20. Just give your friends the URL of any media/content you want to watch, count down and start it at the same time. Voila you are watching together. Have the windows side by side and you can still chat inworld.
  21. Ask a decent question with more relevant info and you will get a proper answer probably.
  22. I was having a chat earlier in a group . One of the things that popped up was whether it would be a good idea that owners/managers have a function that would make a notice "stick" and not delete itself after 2 weeks. For general info and such. Nowadays you have to refresh a notice by reposting if you want it to be available to your groupmembers. So would that be a helpful functionality? I say yes but love to hear opinions!
  23. I can say the same. I have had one in the past few years that got a bit stuck and lasted a bit longer but usually it is a little under 2 days.
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