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Jules Catlyn

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Everything posted by Jules Catlyn

  1. I just had a nap and read that as quitting quilting. I could have used a comfy quilt
  2. That explains his expression and the faint cries for help
  3. You can change your email on your dashboard i believe. If that is not a possibility you will have to file a support ticket. They will ask you about your security questions and then help you. The new premium homes are all taken but more will be released soon.
  4. If the items are copy they will have the possibility to ask for a redelivery automatically on MP. It was added recently
  5. A little sidestep but this thread made me think back and reminisce about places like Forgottten City
  6. Yes i do believe that builds were more creative and elaborate in the pre-mesh era. It was easier for people to create, there was less pressure from events to crank out as much as possible and especially texturing was higher quality. I love mesh but there was more creativity pre-mesh. My personal opinion.
  7. I am both in bad health and on a low fixed income. Granted i live in the Netherlands and i can't judge other countries. I do have friends in the same situation in other countries but all situations differ. One thing stands out though and that is the fact that i don't hear them mention that they dislike LL and their policies. They all see SL as a necessity in their lives and it contributes greatly towards their mental health that this world exists. Does it come at a cost if you want to be premium? Yes it does. Is it worth it? That's for every person to consider for themselves. For me personally it is worth it. When it comes to the lifestyles of the people running Linden Lab, i do not get the impression that they lead glamorous lifestyles. Judging by what i saw recently on how they presented the company at a convention i also do not think they have massive budgets to run Linden Lab. I am always open to see information to the contrary and then maybe change my view but for now i don't see Linden Lab and it's employees being a lavish money grab operation.
  8. I don't mind people disagreeing with me at all. There is a difference though between people who are negative all the time and show a certain way of thinking in their posts (call it negativity) or people who vary in emotion in their posts such as yourself. In this case i really just though both people i mentioned did a good job in explaining what i meant.
  9. @KanryDrago and @Beth Macbain already did an excellent job at answering why my point is not flawed. No further explanation needed
  10. By that reasoning, the gas, electric, water companies, your internet provider and probably a host of other services should always offer extra perks when they raise the cost of the services they provide? In my country that doesn't happen. They just index the cost and you are just going to have to pay it if you want those services to continue. They base it on inflation, tax changes or whatever cost increase they encounter. Yet here in Sl, people EXPECT something in return when LL just adjusts their prices to compensate for costs going up. And even when they are trying to cope with costs going up they still offer the option to play SL for free. So you can have your cake and eat it!!
  11. If RL gets involved, all they can do is appeal to rl authorities. Again, that is why it is vital to be very careful in SL with what info you provide to anyone.
  12. As far as i know she is not protected from conversations being posted on social media/websites outside of Second Life. In fact, it is what certain websites thrive on. That's why it is always very important to be very cautious in what you do or say.
  13. Just sitting at my desk, staring at my avatar on my work platform. While feeling sick and coughing up stuff that looks like it could be some kind of alien species.
  14. Jules Catlyn


    It is actually Doux Marilyn and it is available at the mainstore
  15. If LL blocked you, the website or the viewer would display a message that your account has been put on hold or something.
  16. I run SL on a cheaper machine that i bought in 2012. It runs Windows 7, Intel onboard graphics with an I3 processor. I open it up at least once every 3 months to do a clean and check the fan and i monitor the temperatures. It still hasn't failed me. So it can't be the game that's ruining your computer.
  17. Sansar will never replace SL for various reasons and i also don't see a heavy decline in users online in-world. Otherwise i think enough threads have been started on this subject and it is kicking a dead horse by now.
  18. I am a premium member and have been for a while now. In my personal opinion it is worth it but not just because of the benefits i get but i also like to support the company that has given me a lot of benefits that can not be put on a list of perks. These perks include: Helped me get through a very rough time in life, meeting people from all over the world, being able to express my creativity in a big number of ways. Such as performing and creating. Helping me enhance my language skills and in general bringing a lot of joy to my life. Yes, all these things can be done without being premium but i like to support a company that put in effort to make my life a whole lot better. In this day and age it is all about "what do i get for my money and i am owed this or that if i pay". I look at it from the perspective of sustaining a service that brings joy to me on a daily basis. I pay them and they provide me with a big part of my life. That makes it worth being premium to me. If they get a good base line turnover, they keep SL running and that is all i expect them to do. So go ahead and tell me 1000 times that premium doesn't give you your money's worth, i will tell you that there are loads more than me who feel the same way about SL and gladly pay the fee.
  19. If it were on a rented plot of land, it has probably been returned to you and it is on your Lost and Found folder. As a coalesced item (looks like a jenga thingy)
  20. Springtime!! Getting those milkshake cravings!
  21. Because for that you need to have a premium account and some don't want to invest in that for whatever reason they have.
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