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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. kiramanell


    Sl time runs faster. 😜
  2. Estimated time frame of releasing the new Linden Homes?! In ca. 12 minutes, and counting.
  3. Ooo, I love that cute little UFO! ❤️
  4. I understand the concept of frustration (heck, I sometimes even think I invented it, LOL). However, withdrawing one's Premium membership feels a bit, I dunno, too punitative maybe? I rather encourage Linden to make shiny stuff, and even shinier things thereafter, by continuing to stay Premium. I live on a private island; so, granted, I can afford the luxury of not needing a new Premium home per se; but I chose to support this great virtual world I'm living in nonetheless, lest I wake up one day, and find there are no homes anymore, anywhere, ever.
  5. I have a nagging suspicion they'll all be gone within the first 5 minutes, LOL. @Patch Linden was recorded saying ca. as of 7 AM SLT, which would be about 16:00 hours (4 PM) my time (Netherlands). That would be a pretty decent time for us Europeans.
  6. Well, that 'holodeck' idea is pretty much what the STEAM VR system tries to do; but, honestly, who has en entire empty room dedicated for VR? (Probably some do, but not enough ppl for mainstream). And yeah, like I said, it keeps all feeling too much like a 'first generation' product, like a proof-of-concept thingy. O, and even with a 2080 Ti, our hardware is simply still too slow to do it properly (at sufficiently high enough resolution). I, for one, am not going to touch VR with a ten-foot pole for the next decennium or so. I'll just wait for that neural interface.
  7. That's precisely right! The whole VR thingy is a bit of a bust, as it is. Too heavy/uncomfortable to wear, and still always this 'first generation' feel about it: you know that 6 months down the line, they're gonna come with a new model, obsoleting your current one. Also, the concept of a VR helmet is fundamentally flawed even. The way our brains work, is that we get 'car sick' when there's too much of a decrepancy between our visual inputs and our actual movements. That is pretty much unsolvable (unless with heavy medication) or like the STEAM VR system, which requires an entire empty room to make the physical movements in (bulky solution, but one that actually does not make you nauseous). So, VR is simply a gimmick. One of those 80'ties 'this is what the future will look like' B-movie sci-fi concepts, that, superficially, looks modern, but is just a bad idea.
  8. In all seriousness, I don't know. Personally, at first I thought 'soon' would mean like a week later. Now it's nearly a month. Not getting impatient or anything, but I'm more and more beginning to adjust my thinking towards them maybe only doing this a couple of times a year. If more frequent, then great! But looks like 'soon' may not be as fast as I'd hoped (and if I just jinxed it, by saying that, and they're gonna release a new batch as a result today, LOL, then even better!).
  9. ^^ They say one should never say "This is the best I've ever seen!"... but this is the best I've ever seen! Nothing short of pure genius!! ❤️
  10. No, no. I was merely commenting on the person who did!
  11. Thanks. Guess I missed out on that one too. I really need to start paying more attention.
  12. Is it still possible to get a spot there? I must have missed those.
  13. Yep. xNormal (Photoshop plugin) is your friend.
  14. That Sand Garden is nothing short of absolutely amazing!!
  15. Actually, in the above situation, there's no need to use the smaller parts in a later pass; you can simply select all faces required, and then do 'em all in one fell swoop. (Objects need to be of the same type, though: prim + mesh surface, for instance, won't work).
  16. In Windoze, F5 is like a 'soft refresh', whereas CtrL-F5 a 'hard refresh' (the latter including redownloading all textures on the page).
  17. ^^ Yep, you're catching on pretty fast! Those images really help to illustrate the process.
  18. And you assumed correctly, of course. As I saw you write the above, I was wondering: is a mod-texture even useful? We don't have like an built-in Paint or something to edit those; so probably only 'copy' and 'transfer' are really relevant; but I digress.
  19. Yes, planar texturing makes life so much easier. Not inword right now, but I believe you're holding Shift, and then a click on each face you want affected; then you play with the planar repeats, and press the 'Align planar faces' when it's all to your liking. There are actually third-party tools that pretty much do the same thing; but why pay for those when the ability is built right into your own viewer, right? Before I knew how to do this, I did it the blonde way, LOL; as in, just using a calculator to scale the repeats to proportions (which is a beatch, really, trust me).
  20. Even if the texture is no-mod/no-copy/no-transfer/whatever, LOL, as long as the object it's on is mod, then you will always be able to change repeats (after all, repeats are not a property of the texture, but of the prim it's on -- and can be set even without a texture).
  21. That's where planar texturing comes in, dear. Simply switch to planar texturing mode, drop the textures onto the various surfaces, and then, one by one, select all those faces that need to done, and press 'Align planar faces.' And now you have a beautiful pattern across those different walls.
  22. Either that, or the new continent is sinking. 😜 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJh6EQ5gv7g
  23. Thanks. That's exactly where I was coming from. Reading the various issues ppl appeared to have encounted with misbehaving orbs, I simply figured it might be easiest if ppl just used the offical Linden orb. Like I said, so will I. Even though scripting my own security system is something I could easily do, why bother? I mean, I'm just gonna slap that Linden thing on the wall, and be done with it. Easy-peasy.
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