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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Um, no. See, you're trying to equate two situations that are of such a different order of magnitude, it's honestly just crazy talk. Do I understand what it's like to live in Utah? Actually, I don't, LOL (ill-chosen example to react to, my bad), but I can certainly emphasize with someone being 'ostracized by the community,' for whatever social reasons. Thing just is, we're talking pixel homes here (and even then only about getting one a bit later). That does not compare to 'teen suicide' as a result of years of mental torture, or to depression, on any level. And that's why I called for perspective. You know, when I first came to this Linden Homes forum, I was a mite disappointed too; and, in all honesty, a bit annoyed as well, as I wasn't able to get a home myself. But then, inside of like 10 minutes, Patch Linden posted, saying they're diligently working on making more. That kinda took the sting out of it, for me. I mean, it's really hard to stay upset when you just heard others are genuinely working very hard to accommodate your needs too. At least, for me.
  2. No. The amount of items in your inventory makes no difference whatsoever! Only what's rezzed 'on the field', so to speak; and even then only what's within draw distance of your viewer's camera. As to what would happen if you rez an object with an acual corrupted texture, frankly, I don't know. My guess is: nothing (as the texture simply won't show properly). But with LL viewer, you never know. πŸ€ͺ You can do a small test yourself, of course. First make sure no textures in your home are blurred; then rez an object with a 'corrupted' texture on it, and see if the problem starts to re-occur. Even if it does, as long as you keep the object in inventory, it will never affect anythng. Also, before I forget, in Firestorm you can pess Ctrl-Shift-3 (iirc), and it will show you how much of your assigned texture-memory is in use. Very useful function, IMHO, as it will almost immediately tell you whether you have a problem with running out of texture-memory. Anyway, goodnight for now! 😴
  3. Crazier things have happened. πŸ˜›And remember, folks, if it turns out to be true, you heard it ^^ first.
  4. Clearing cache (at least in Firestorm) is not something that usually needs to be done any more (almost never, really; I mean, when do textures really corrupt?!). But if it solved your issue, all the better for you! P.S. The cynic in me can't help but wonder whether maybe the problem will re-occur when the cache fills up again; but let's stay positive. If it does happen again, I'd say give the Firestorm viewer a whirl: best one out there!
  5. Yeah, honestly; when someone equates 'teen suicide' to not immediately getting their pixel home, then it's very hard for me to take them seriously sorry. Perspective, ppl; perspective. And seems my 'Drama much?!' was entirely Γ  propos.
  6. Agreed; "ostracized by society" was way over the top.
  7. Speak for yourself, please. I'm a Premium member as well, and don't have a new Bellessaria home either, and I, for one, find the 'sarcastic attitude' quite appropriate. 😁 Seriously, the entitlement is too strong in these forums. As a Premium member, you are promised a Linden home. It's available to you, right now, at Meadowbrook et al. And sometimes they make newer stuff; and then some ppl immediately complain they didn't get in on the first wave. People need to relax a bit, honesty, You all know they're working round the clock to make more; and they're coming soon (tm).
  8. 'Ostracized by society'?! Drama much!? 😜 And LOL. At worst, you have to wait a few days more for your new home, that's all. There's just too much entitlement in this world.
  9. Someone said somthing to the effect of 'Nobody does something major on a Monday.' Could be that's true. So, maybe Tuesday then, when rerolling restarts are happening as it is. But I'll take Monday.
  10. Che cosa?! LOL. I'm pretty sure I didn't say all those things in Italian. But seriously, too bad those tips didn't work. As for your 4G cards, one of the great mysteries life still holds for me, is why both LL and FS viewer simply don't grab as much texture memory as they can get (11G, in my case of a GTX 1080 Ti; yes, I know, already obsolete, ack!). At least the Firestorm viewer gives you a max of 2G. In fact, a year ago or so, I was actually close to leaving SL, when the limit was still 1G, as I kept running out of texture memory on my sim. And with the advent of materials, texture-needs potentially tripled, so me needing more wasn't all that odd, IMHO. As a last resort, you can try lowering your bandwidth a bit (advice a certain viewer's support team tends to give, which always feels a bit disingenuous to me, as I don't pay to 'play fair' and leave more bandwith for others), but it it helps, it helps, right?
  11. For the record, I don't feel that you, or anyone else, owes me (or anyone else) an explanation for why you have multiple Premium accounts. In fact, Kudos on you for supporting SL to the tune that you do! If there be too few Premium 'premium' homes, then the onus is on LL to provide more (if this is something they want to do); but it's certainly not on you to forego on perks you simply paid for. That would be silly. And no, I don't have a Bellessaria home yet either, but I sure as heck won't begrudge you yours (as I hope ppl won't be jelly when I finally get mine).
  12. I just had to see what LittleMe Jewell was reacting to; and what can I say, but LOL?! Seriously, telling someone that you're "pretty sure that the little knowledge I do possess about coding far exceeds your knowledge of coding," when you admit to not know any coding at all, and the person you're addressing is an IT Database Engineer and Administrator, ... pure gold! πŸ˜„
  13. Yeah, my earlier comment (in case it wasn't clear) was just in gest, of course: no one needs to leave anything. A new batch is a-coming, so it's all good.
  14. If peeps are indeed planning to reroll anyway, hoping for a boathouse, then they might as well just abdanon their claimed homes already, and let me have one of those 'stunningly GOOD plots'. 😁
  15. Personally, I don't have a problem with 5 LI. Thing is, if your prims-left situation comes down to 5 LI or less, then I'd say it's time to start optimizing elsewhere first.
  16. My, that first sentence, that's an above-average condescending statement, especially when it appears glaringly obvious that you, yourself, have grossly misunderstood the whole process (or never ever visited Bellessaria, cuz if you had, the words 'copy & paste' would have never left your mouth). As for 'more than double' the old prims, that's one of those gripes that, prima facie, sounds half-way reasonable, but really isn't upon closer examination. Because, if you think about it, what would you have them do?! They can't just take like a Meadowbrook area, and double the prim allowance for everyone there, as the amount of homes there already essentially fills the sim to capacity (built to assume everyone will potentially use up all their full 175 allotment). But didn't they do so when going from 117 to 175? In a way, yes, but that was because all prim limits were raised, everywhere, on regions, homesteads, etc., simply because they had now more capable hardware (compared to, say, 10 years ago), so they had calculated that 15,000 prims didn't need to be the upper limit for an entire region any more. That's like a once-in-a-decade occurance, though. So, for now, the only truly equitable thing to do, is to simply wait a bit and let them finish making shiny new homes for us (please, don't force me to create an "I don't understand the whole shortage of patience" thread).
  17. Blurring textures is invariably a local issue: aka, shortage of texture memory in your (TPV) viewer. In Firestorm you can set this to a max of 2G (tried to locate the corresponding setting in LL viewer, but couldn't find it). However, on a full sim, like Bellessaria, the most immediate cause and solution is to limit your draw distance. If you have set it to like 512m, things will start to blur, as simply too much needs to be (re)loaded all the time. Try setting it to 128m maybe, or 64m, if need be. But be sure to find your texture memory setting too (as there's no point lowering dd when you wouldn't have to yet).
  18. Sadly, I don't know what you mean, as I didn't get a new home yet. *pout* But yes, Moles can't change LI; but if Linden Lab itself decided that some objects will just have 1 LI, they could of course do so.
  19. Those old trees was kind of a while back, like years, cuz they're, you know, old. And some of those were reasonably complex too, and couldn't possibly have been truly 1 prim only (they didn't even have LI at the time). They had some other 'weird' properties too (like root that could go underneath your land surface).** Point just is, if Linden wants to put an object into a 'special cases' class, database-wise, they can easily do so, of course: their world, their rules. ** I'll see if I can still dig up one of those old trees (if I still have them), and examine them further.
  20. O, I agree. And I don't meant to say they could change LI on the spot (with the edit button); but, like with the trees, I'm sure that's a database overide somewhere for 'special cases'. And maybe they could add the controller to that group?
  21. They're Lindens, they're gods (in their own universe, and some of them possibly outside of it too *g*). Point is, they can give it any LI they want, like they did for some of the old Linden trees I still have in inventory, that were no-mesh (long before mesh existed even), and were all still only 1 LI. Not upset about 5 LI, really; just sayin' they can set its LI to anythig they want, as they're not bound by the same rules we are.
  22. Sadly, I think you're right. To paraphase Lincoln: "You can please all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot please all the people all the time."
  23. Thanks for putting in that link. She's such a sweey lady! And it afforded me the opportunity to give her a 'Like'. So, looks like you did something good with your thread, after all, other than give me a good laugh.
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