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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Actually, it's ere the other way around: you are coming off as very defensive over... pretty much nothing: basically just me wondering (out-loud) whether it might be easier if everyone were using the Linden orb, is all.
  2. Writing off is perhaps too much. But as a platform that SL users can easily transition to, I honestly see too many obstacles for that to happen. I did visit it a couple of times, and there were some professional scenes on display that looked very nice; but there aren't nearly as much builders in there (if any non-professional, at that) to ever have it take the place of SL, IMHO.
  3. Been reading these security threads, and read about ppl chasing misbehaving orbs, and sending out notecards to their owners and such. So, clearly not everyone's got it right. Looking at it that way, wouldn't it then just be easier if peeps just used the Linden orb? Would save everyone a lot of hassle.
  4. I was never talking about 'removing the freedom of choice for others.' All I said was, 'Would probably be best if everyone just used the official Linden orb.' Just easier, is all.
  5. I's probably just easier to use the Linden one, was my idea. I mean, it can't operate between 500-2,000m, needs a 15 secs delay, cannot TP you home, etc. The Linden one just automagically conforms to the Covenant.
  6. That explains the failure of Sansar. Any platform that requires me to wear a $400 costing, 5 kilogram VR helmet** (which will be obsoleted again in the next 6 months) is fail from the get-go, far as I'm concerned. ** Yes, you can do Sansar without VR, but then you might as well just stick to SL, is the point.
  7. Would probably be best if everyone just used the official Linden orb, I think. I will.
  8. Where I'm coming from with this, is that I simply don't want to see you self-limit your joyful Bellisseria experience (even when out of the goodness of your own heart); especially not when there's no real need for doing so, really. Akin to why it rubs me the wrong way when ppl are given the dirty eye for claiming a Premium home for their alts (that they paid for). Just be happy on your parcel: you're not doing anything wrong (even if you were sitting on your toilet the entire day, LOL: the effect of which would be absolutely negligible). If ever the need arises for more hardware to keep a sim running, then LL should provide -- not you. As for 'too much physics', don't worry about that either: chances of you owning/using objects like that are slim. Those are the kind that come with Gravity and such, and object-collision (not the same as avatar collision, btw).
  9. So very, very well done! O, and you'll probably win the prize for 'Best Bellisseria location, ever!'
  10. If only more ppl were as considerate as you! 🤗 In all honesty, though, I would just keep your furniture scripts, and not worry about it: they are rarely, if ever, an issue (as furniture scripts typically don't operate on a '100% of the time active' basis). Script lag is notoriously -- and predominantly -- caused by avi's (hair, shoes, etc). That is why Homesteads, for instance, don't have a script limit, but a 20-avi's-only max. Barring some misbehaving objects that really can cause lag (ill-sctripted carousels, things with too much physics, etc), I say you're really good with your shiny furniture. Full Regions (like on mainland) are simply almost always laggy.
  11. Also, I'd like to point out the simple practicality of things. Which is to say, if all new style Premium homes needed to be immediately available to all 60,000 Premium members (which is an absolute impossibility), the upshot of it all would de facto be, that no one would be allowed to get one. Surely that can not be what ppl want.
  12. As I argued earlier (I feel we're going in circles), 'subject to availability' is simply an implicit given. Besides, their wording is entirely accurate 'as is,' as you can always 'get a Linden home when you sign up for a Premium account.' Always. In my entire life in SL, I have never experienced a shortage of them to the degree that none were available. Also -- not just addressed to you -- but I feel this pseudo-legalese isn't getting us anywhere. Just wait it out a bit, like everyone else.
  13. Yeah, see, where your reasoning falls apart, is where nowhere you are promised "The absolute latest edition of our Premium homes!" You are entitled to a Premium home, that's all. It literally says 'You can get a Linden home when you sign up for a Premium account.' No more, no less.
  14. Nah, it really isn't. In the unprecedented act of quoting myself from an earllier comment: "Yes, 'subject to availability', of course. Kinda like your local bakery sells loafs of bread 'subject to availability' -- without actually putting that little caveat on his door. I mean, 'subject to availability' is simply implied for most all goods you buy, really (scarcity is a beatch, but a rather fundamental economic principle nonetheless)" I get that Pixels Sideways is a bit bummed out by missing out. Heck, so am I. But honesty, this whole 'false advertising' spiel isn't really going anywhere, far as I'm concerned. EDIT: Sometimes you just have to make like Frozen, and 'Let it go!' 😊
  15. Indeed, please, let it be your 'last time.' In the apt words of LittleMe Jewell: "If you still don't understand, possibly you are being intentionally obtuse." I rest her case.
  16. Hmm, I don't think these homes are mod.
  17. The controller for my own rezzing system consists of 28 distinct objects (mainly just hidden/invisi, complex-shape prims inside, that can hold 'parcel media' data on them, good for a near 256Kb storage device), with just a single outer mesh container set as root. All set to have a physics shape of 'None' (except the outer hull), the entire controller is only 6 LI. I suspect a similar thing can be done for almost all complex controllers. I mean, all those buttons, they don't really need collision (yes, LOL, I get the irony of that statement). All that's often required is that you just won't be able to walk right thru your controller. Physics shape is your friend.
  18. I had already abandoned my old Premium home, so I could pick up a new one from the website. That worked out, well, not so well. Getting a Tahoe home would just be temporary measure, to take some measurements/photos, to see what to emulate when I build one on my own sim. With my luck, just when I do, you'll see new ones will be released right then, LOL.
  19. You're free to post whatever you want, naturally, but I'm honestly not entirely sure why you're still on about this. Yes, 'subject to availability', of course. Kinda like your local bakery sells loafs of bread 'subject to availability' -- without actually putting that little caveat on his door. I mean, 'subject to availability' is simply implied for most all goods you buy, really (scarcity is a beatch, but a rather fundamental economic principle nonetheless). I heard it say, that for the first Premium homes ever made, ppl had to wait in line too. I wouldn't know, as I only got mine much later; but it stands to reason, that, as with anything good, and which requires time making, scarcity will play a part. Really rather equitable, if you look at it that way.
  20. Immediately had to think of Carly Rae Jepsen. 😜
  21. Thx. Maybe I should just take a Tahoe home, for now, and start taking measurements.
  22. All y'all need to stop making such beautiful homes! Cuz it's going to be progressively harder for me to come close to any of this -- let alone, top it. LOL.
  23. I think someone mentioned a texture pack you get these days for your premium home. Is that were you got these (Aspen?) Tahoe textures too? Cuz they look very close to the original. If not, then good job on recreating them!
  24. That mini-mesh avi of yours is supercute! I have a few of those too, but it's hard shopping for clothes for them.
  25. Awww, too bad they were already named. As for calling yourself supreme leader Willow, you have my blessing! 😜
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